
Game Developer
Jul 20, 2020
Thanks again to everyone! I'm working on the improvements and should be able to post a version later today with a fix for the slap issue as well as text advancing. It should also include a couple of fixes that may help the memory leak a bit, but it probably won't fix it entirely. Still more testing to do.

I got the fight to continue after the first slap. If you have a peripheral plugged in like a controller, it will lock up after the first slap. If you unplug it before you start the game then it should not lock up. Hope this helps you figure out where the issue is.
Thanks! It absolutely did! That seems to be the issue, or at least one of them.

Graphics options don't do anything and don't save after you exit the options screen.

INI file in the game directory is blank too. How can we set options/resolution in that file? Runs like a slideshow right now.
Thanks, adding this to my "fix asap" list!


New Member
Jan 2, 2020
There's obvious a lot of work needed on the game besides content. I couldn't finish the game due to memory leak, it always crashed during/after the sex scene. You have a great foundation for something cool tho.

It's very interesting, I like the premise and while the characters have this scary look to them (especially the eyes) I actually like it.

Signed up for the 3 bucks Patreon so hope you keep us updated on your work!
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New Member
Oct 31, 2017
I loved it. All 5 - 10 FPS even on low graphics settings. I would say it is primed to be a perfect rival for Breeders of The Nephelym in the least. (More than beating it in graphics detail/variation you have here so bravo sir.) Keep up the good work; just remember, most potatoes Farmer hands round' these parts using are still mid - high end Cards from 3 - 5 years ago (Or more!)

All in all Promising as can be in current form! Looking forward to what becomes of these lovely Cat - ish folk! haha!
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Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
How come every time this game gets an update they change the name and reset the devlog back to 0.1?


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
I didn't struggle as much as others, but this definitely made my poor GPU cry a bit (on my 1080 Ti running at 1440p I averaged 50fps in the first area and 35-45fps near the farmhouse). :p

As far as gameplay critiques are concerned (that aren't related to the dialogue text speed, anyway), it would be fantastic if we could select dialogue options with the keyboard, especially since it looks like you're going for a pretty dialogue-heavy experience.

As far as uncanny appearance goes, I think the issue lies with their eyes. Too much of the iris is showing, so it makes everyone look a bit crazed (Mass Effect: Andromeda had a similar issue). Try lowering the upper eyelid so that it's covering about 30-50% of the upper half of the iris and that should make everyone look a bit more natural/relaxed. The rest of the model looks fine to me.

As far as the technical aspects go: I'm not sure how experienced you are at Unity and programming in general, but I would highly recommend taking a good look at to help with the performance issues. That'll let you take a deep dive into the code and see which functions are taking up the most CPU time, and give you a better idea of what the GPU is spending most of its time on.

The memory leak is definitely occurring during the sex scene. The game stays at around 3GB used (which already feels kind of high, though the starting area does seem pretty asset-heavy) and right when that scene kicks in it quickly shoots up to around 22-24GB before the GC begins to thrash.

I ran the assembly through dotPeek to check out the script. I'm not experienced enough with Unity to know exactly how much this will impact the performance/memory usage, but I noticed that you're using GetComponent in the mouse handlers in your Thruster class. This causes Unity to have to enumerate a variable number of objects in the scene with every call (as many as a few times per frame in this case since this logic is being driven by Update) which can lead to high CPU usage. I did notice that the game appeared to switch from being GPU bound in previous scenes to CPU bound in this one (that is, my framerate started jumping wildly between 70-100fps—at least until the GC started thrashing—with GPU usage dropping from 100% to 60%), so I'm guessing that might have been the cause of it.

Your best bet for Thruster would be to create class members for the components you're fetching with GetComponent once during the script setup and use those prepopulated objects in the event handlers. That should alleviate some of the CPU stress and it might help with the memory weirdness as well. I don't think memory is technically leaking since the GC is able to keep the game from crashing outright, but the number of orphaned objects just builds up to the point that the GC is forced to purge them to keep the program running. To me, GetComponent seems like something that might cause a condition like this to occur.

Hope this helps!


Game Developer
Jul 20, 2020
Here's a which hopefully helps some of the issues: (It's a bit rushed since everyone has been having issues, so hopefully I didn't break more than I fixed :) )
  • You can now click to fast-forward and to advance the conversation.
  • There's an option to skip most of the initial conversation that should help, at least until saving is in.
  • The stuck-melee bug is fixed (or at least one cause of it is fixed, please let me know if it still happens to you).
  • There are a also a few optimization tweaks and fixes. I kind of doubt this fixes those of you with the massive memory leak issue, but hopefully it helps.

while the characters have this scary look to them (especially the eyes) I actually like it.
Thanks! I'll take scare-roused! lol I should start planning Haloween content :)

It's great to see more non-renpy content and I can't imagine it's easy.
Every time I break something and have to fix it, it should get easier though right? At least that's what I keep telling myself :)

How come every time this game gets an update they change the name and reset the devlog back to 0.1?
This has never been released before under any name, but I did start a thread in the dev forum a while back for it though.

Keep up the good work; just remember, most potatoes Farmer hands round' these parts using are still mid - high end Cards from 3 - 5 years ago (Or more!)
Thanks! I think there's still a ton of ways to improve performance. I just need to sink some more time into testing learning all the optimization ins and outs of Unity. I've just been focused on getting things to function up to this point.


Game Developer
Jul 20, 2020
it would be fantastic if we could select dialogue options with the keyboard, especially since it looks like you're going for a pretty dialogue-heavy experience.

As far as uncanny appearance goes, I think the issue lies with their eyes. Too much of the iris is showing, so it makes everyone look a bit crazed (Mass Effect: Andromeda had a similar issue). Try lowering the upper eyelid so that it's covering about 30-50% of the upper half of the iris and that should make everyone look a bit more natural/relaxed. The rest of the model looks fine to me.

As far as the technical aspects go: I'm not sure how experienced you are at Unity and programming in general, but I would highly recommend taking a good look at to help with the performance issues. That'll let you take a deep dive into the code and see which functions are taking up the most CPU time, and give you a better idea of what the GPU is spending most of its time on.

The memory leak is definitely occurring during the sex scene. The game stays at around 3GB used (which already feels kind of high, though the starting area does seem pretty asset-heavy) and right when that scene kicks in it quickly shoots up to around 22-24GB before the GC begins to thrash.

I ran the assembly through dotPeek to check out the script. I'm not experienced enough with Unity to know exactly how much this will impact the performance/memory usage, but I noticed that you're using GetComponent in the mouse handlers in your Thruster class. This causes Unity to have to enumerate a variable number of objects in the scene with every call (as many as a few times per frame in this case since this logic is being driven by Update) which can lead to high CPU usage. I did notice that the game appeared to switch from being GPU bound in previous scenes to CPU bound in this one (that is, my framerate started jumping wildly between 70-100fps—at least until the GC started thrashing—with GPU usage dropping from 100% to 60%), so I'm guessing that might have been the cause of it.

Your best bet for Thruster would be to create class members for the components you're fetching with GetComponent once during the script setup and use those prepopulated objects in the event handlers. That should alleviate some of the CPU stress and it might help with the memory weirdness as well. I don't think memory is technically leaking since the GC is able to keep the game from crashing outright, but the number of orphaned objects just builds up to the point that the GC is forced to purge them to keep the program running. To me, GetComponent seems like something that might cause a condition like this to occur.

Hope this helps!
Thanks so much for the in-depth feedback! Better keyboard controls are definitely on the soon list, hopefully gamepad too, but maybe not as soon.

I'm not very good at using them yet, but I've been using the profiler and memory profiler today to try and find some of the problems. I think I made some progress and improvements, but I definitely need to get better at using them. It's a bit tough though since I'm not seeing the dramatic memory increase that a lot of you are finding. I need to set up some alternate test environments.

And thanks for the GetComponents tip, I should definitely go through that class and make some major improvements. The whole class is ugly lol. I'm still mostly at the "throw it down the stairs over and over until it somehow stops being broken" level :)
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Feb 19, 2018
Very nice! I like where this is going, Keep up the good work, Im keeping a close watch on this one, my suggestions,
1. keep the game open world, let the gamer explore, never go full VN.
2. Dont ever let patreon supporters have any say in game development, I have watched other titles like BOTN goto rubbish due to the dev "Listening" to the loud minority of morons.
3. Ask for talented help, Never go it alone, decent development pace will always attract more patreons,

Looking forward to the next update
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Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
I'm not very good at using them yet, but I've been using the profiler and memory profiler today to try and find some of the problems. I think I made some progress and improvements, but I definitely need to get better at using them. It's a bit tough though since I'm not seeing the dramatic memory increase that a lot of you are finding. I need to set up some alternate test environments.
Unity handles certain things different depending on whether you're testing from the editor or running it from a standalone build. If you're not seeing the memory spiking in your testing I suspect this might be one of those cases. Fun, huh? :p

Thankfully, they do provide a way to attach the profiler to a standalone build for circumstances like that. There's a few extra steps involved, but at least they don't completely leave you hanging.

And thanks for the GetComponents tip, I should definitely go through that class and make some major improvements. The whole class is ugly lol. I'm still mostly at the "throw it down the stairs over and over until it somehow stops being broken" level :)
There's no better way to learn, honestly! Just try not to get too discouraged if things go south. Don't be afraid to look for help whenever you need it. There are a lot of little intricacies and pitfalls with both Unity and .NET, but thanks to their popularity there's also a lot of lifelines. Sometimes even walking away from it for a few hours and coming back with a clear head can help you push past an issue.

Also, if you haven't already, I highly, highly recommend using a revision control system like to manage your project. One of the main benefits is that it'll allow you to track revisions of your code, set up multiple feature branches, and tag releases. If you ever run into a situation where you do accidentally paint yourself into a corner or make a mess (happens to all of us!) it gives you the ability to roll back to a previous revision. Similarly, if you want to work on an experimental feature without impacting the main code branch, you can roll it off into a separate branch. If the experiment doesn't work, just delete or abandon the branch. If it does, you can merge it into the main code branch.

Git can be daunting to use from the command line, but there are a variety of graphical interfaces available. In addition to the plugin, which integrates Git functionality directly into Unity, there are also standalone utilities like that make it far more palatable.
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[Industry News] Weird behavior (c)
Game Developer
Dec 16, 2019
I didn't think it's all about furry or kinks... it's purely about LSD. :)


New Member
Sep 9, 2019
the last fix you made helped a bit, but theres a problem i can see. every time i load the game and move to the first sex scene with pounce, it immediately slows down, freezes, and crashes, i hope this can be remedied so i can play the rest of your game, its great!
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Apr 22, 2019
my pc died in suffer trying launch dat piece of code
optimization suck even for demo


Mar 5, 2020
Game is ok for a demo, just need to make it better in performance, i have a good PC and it was slow as all hell, not complaining mind you but it could be better, maybe try corresponding with the dev of Breeders of the Nephelym, they would have several ideas as at the first time i dowloaded that game, it ran slow and later it was better to run. Overall, CONGRATS, yours is one of the few breeding games that looks very promising, so keep it up!!
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