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Is this a bug or something? Because all the animated scenes are windowed like this
It did not occur to me when I up scaled the game to 1920 X 1080 that the old animations rendered at the previous resolution would get fucked. I gotta brain storm a solution to that. I have to see if Fecal has those files and re-render them, or cut them for the time being. Decision pending. But thanks for flagging it mate.
Hmm ok then, i'll wait for it to be patched so i can play with full experience, thanks for the info
I'm going to let them game circulate for a few more days and collect the bug fixes into what I hope is just a single update. If you want, ping me in a couple of days and I'll let you know where we're at with that mate.
If you need a tester for any Android builds, I'm happy to help with that.
I may take you up on that. First I have to get a successful build to finish. At the moment I'm getting an error at the end of the build and I haven't had a chance a chance to review the details. I'll keep you posted.
Qleaf is really good with walkthroughs, maybe you two could get together and discuss a possible walkthrough?
I'm going to sound like a dick and I don't mean to, but if someone wants to build a walkthrough, they're welcome to. They can even shoot me a DM with story arc specific questions and I"ll be happy to answer them. But right now I don't have time to track down someone who wants to do that job. I'm just two swamped with other tasks at the moment. (Like getting Amanda ready for her "big scene").
Hell yeah, an update! That is a monstrous changelog, I look forward to going through this and seeing how all the changes shake out.
I look forward to hearing what you think! Good or bad. I wanna know what's right and I wanna know what's wrong.
Is this game out for Android in any way?
Not yet. I'm going to work on the Android build Monday. Having issues, hoping to get them worked out.
Not this time around. We will see more of Lola, but I gotta give some other girls a bit of screen time first.
OK, does anyone understand the "Friend Zone" stat? It's pretty much on all purple choices. My understanding previously was that the purple stats didn't really help or hurt you; they were neutral options, more like conversations to better flesh out characters or whatever. Now, though, every purple answer results in a "Friend Zone +X" update in the top left.
Is this meant to be the same thing as getting friend-zoned (so lowering your chances of seduction / being a lover later on), or is it a stat to indicate an increase in general friendship level (i.e., you're a lover but also a good friend)? I don't want to be reducing the MC's chances with specific characters, if that's the case.
The purple choice increases red and blue by the same amount. So they go up, but in tandem. However, thanks to your post I realize there is an error in the code and when you pick purple, the red and blue stats do both go up, but the notification in the corner erroneously reports it upped the friend zone stat (which it didn't).
I just went in and fixed the notification to properly display the increase in neutral status. Big apologies for the confusion!
Only the Black Choices will increase "friend zone" status. This is basically the MC shutting down the sexual advances for that character in the story. You will still have scenes and interactions, but they will be more "friendly" and less sexual by nature. So those people who want to help Jane or Amanda without fucking them now have that option in the story.
I assume that is the option that will eventually close romance routes with the girls, thats what being "friend zoned" is. Although it appears that MC is the one doing the friend-zoning.
also, when you get to this point
View attachment 434605
You can do Naomi (chapter 2) before you do the rest (chapter 1), seems like that could cause issues later on.
Thanks for flagging the "McNae" bug. I've fixed it and added it to the bug patch.
As for Nanami Chapter 2, you have the option to dive right in because none of the other character stories directly impact what happens in that scene. There are cases where a scene might remain locked until another character's scene is completed because of overlapping stories or impactful decisions, this just isn't the case with Nanami Chapter 2, so it unlocks right away.
As I write, I'm trying not to enforce a strict timeline or sequence of play, but occasional will as the story requires.
Does the game have an android version?
Not yet, hopefully Monday if I can get it to compile without error.
I think there is a bug or a mistake.
1st scene with Emily in the tub has "Join in the tub" option that adds "friend zone +2" (i imagine this should be neutral/purple aka no change to blue or red points) yet when you check the stats "hate" is marked.
Also animation are not in fullscreen even tho the game is in fullscreen and yeah custom name and surname is not working sometime... i see im not the only one that has this.
Just scroll up a bit in this post and you'll find a response to both of your observations. Let me know if you need more elaboration. Cheers mate!