View attachment 434838
... if i pick a choice not to fall for the jane dare and jump into the pool... i get this at the end of the 1st pool event with 3 girls.
p.s. for now i only found custom names not working with emily once (surname) and jane 2-3 times.
Thanks for flagging this. I'll get it corrected as part of the bug fix.
I've been getting a lot of instances popping up where the name is still hard coded. It may take few passes to fix them all, but we'll get it there.
hee roman there is no purple option at that moment i only had bleu and red choice there whas no purple option and i started the game al over becausse saves doesnt work however i dont think whe need saves becausse the story aint that long for now
i know there is more to come however its still at the same lengt it whas almost a year ago and though i like the game i whant to see really new stuf in the story line not just game updates only i know you have to do it on yourown alone now but still.
It's been a rough year with a lot of change. A big part of this update was me inheriting the code and taking ownership of it. Making some of these changes was a good opportunity for me to dig in and see what all is happening behind the scenes and familiarize myself with the way the game had previously been set up. With the exception of one or two additional features I'm looking to add, all work going forward should be dedicated to new material.
For once, I get to release the game, and immediately start work on the next character's chapter without any other side work that needs done. So that's a start in the right direction.
When using jump this is what I get. The text plays while image stays as doctor. Does it for all characters regardless of how far I am in game.
Try as I might, I have been unsuccessful at replicating this bug. Has anyone else here run into this issue?
Just started this game, and my only thing so far is that Nanami keeps calling the MC Roger, even though I chose another name:
View attachment 434918
Here's an example. At least the next two times she refers to the MC, she uses Roger as well.
Thanks for pointing those out. I re-scrubbed that file and came across several instances. Hopefully that's all of them. The corrections will be included in the bug patch.
This game seems pretty great, but at the same time, it could be a lot better. There are a few obvious bugs, like animations not being sized right, and a missing image here or there. I'll look past all that, not a problem that can't be fixed, and I have faith it will get fixed soon enough. The menu font is a little to fancy to be easily read as well. No major issues really. The renders are good, the menus are nice, got a good story, and all that jazz.
There is one thing though above all these minor bugs that could easily be fixed that kills this game. Too many pursuable female characters at this point in time. I tried this game about 6 months ago. There has not been any new content with a number of the girls I found interesting since then. Played through a couple times just now once all blue, once all red, then opened up the cheat menu to look it all over as a bigger picture.
The game was first released about 23 months ago. However, I'm sure with development time and previews how about we just round it out and say it's 2 years old. There are 7 Female Characters listed in lovers. Contacts have an additional 17 characters, some of which we fuck such as Lola.
Nanomi: Chapter 1 & 2
Lupita: Chapter 1
Amanda: Chapter 1
Jane: Chapter 1A & 1B
Emily: Chapter 1
Cassie: Chapter 1, Chapter 2 A & B
Monica: Chapter 1
11 chapters cut between 7 females over a 2-year development window... That's not good. 11 / 7 = 1.57 chapters per girl. (2 or 3 chapters have other females included in the chapter, but if you are just a minor character in a chapter you shouldn't be counted. Cassie Chapter 1 is well rounded including both Jane, and Amanda, but it's not their chapter it's Cassies chapter and could have had more cassie content, but they ate her time so just considering it all cassie content since she is supposed to be main character. So an argument could be made for a 13/7 divide, but no other chapter has multiple girls like this so we are just gonna call it a Cassie chapter. So 1.57 Chapters per girl... or 14.64 months per update per girl. If we use the more liberal 13/7 divide it becomes 1.85 chapters per girl, and if we use a more conservative 23-month window it is still 12.4 month or still over a year per update per girl. Each girl only gets one update per year...
And this isn't to say that these are bad characters by any means. They are pretty much all interesting characters. However content is limited. It feels more like 7 demos strung together than 1 game.
Imagine It's as if you go to the fridge and you eat lets say... 1 chicken nugget, 1 bite of a hamburger, 1 spoon full of ice cream, 1 bite of spaghetti, 1 bite of a taco, 1 spoon full of mashed potatoes, and 1 bite of apple pie. All foods I love, but I don't eat like that. Nobody does. That's not a good meal to mix all that up on my plate and call that a meal. If a person were given an opportunity to have a full serving of each, one after another over time it would be much prefered...
Imagine it is a construction crew building homes. They could have 7 homes 10-15% built or 1 home 100% built. What sounds better?
Imagine it's watching movies. You can watch 20 minutes of 7 movies or 140 minutes of 1 movie?
Each girl ONLY gets one update per year... Does that mean that the game is doomed? No of course not... No it doesn't. There is a solution to solve this issue, and it's not that complicated of a solution.
Focus on 1 or 2 girls for a long time. Perhaps do a vote.... "Which girl do you want to get 4 chapters in 2020?" And THAT girl for sure gets 4 chapters (if not more). There are about 6 chapters completed per year so she would get most the total 2020 content. This divided content makes the game feel like it's in limbo though.
What sounds better to you guys to have in January 2021? One of the girls upto chapter 7 or 8, or all of the girls on chapter 2 or 3? I think it's better to have 1 or 2 characters stride forward powerfully than to have many waddle forward like penguins wearing butt plugs.
Never let it be said you don't know how to belabor a point! All jokes aside, the development of this game up to this point has been haunted by constant change. In our first year we suffered a graphics card meltdown. In the subsequent year we lost the whole team leaving myself alone these last couple of months to work on the game alone.
Those who've been around the forum here will tell you that I've often myself lamented how many primary love interests we have and how long it's now going to take to get through them. But through patron discussions and talks here, it's unfair to cut cast at this point simply because each of the seven models has a bit of a fan base.
In any case, I remain dedicated to completing this game no matter how long it takes. I'll keep doing the most I can in the time I can. I'm only a part time developer with a few precious hours in the evening to work on the project. I'll make the most of that time, but at the end of the day, I can't promise a faster development time than I can deliver. I know it sucks, but it is what it is.
Appreciate you playing though and taking the time to offer up your feedback. Cheers mate!
I'm looking through all the devs replies here and there seems to be no mention of a possible bug after the scene where you bang Nanami on the car/in the alley. The game goes back to the Therapist selection screen but all girls are greyed out and there's no way to advance.
I was so inundated with changes that implementing an "end of content" message never really crossed my mind. I'll see what I can come up with.
Ok... im gona need an incest patch. Neighbor's daughter is the default???! Not even step daughter? heh. I don't think neighbor's daughter makes any sense whatsoever.
It does if you think he's lying to his therapist. Not saying he is. Saying that would violate my Patreon T's and C's. But one might draw that conclusion on their own.
I have this exact problem/fear with many games that already have kinda slow progress and yet keep introducing new girls with each update. Not going to name specific games, but as you said many of them have the plan of having each update focusing on a specific girl so for picky people like me the wait can become incredibly long.
Some developers even have some high patreon tiers that let people get their own designed girl into the game and personally i don't like that. And yeah i know this sounds kinda entitled or selfish but i cant be the only one who feels this way, sorry for the rant.
For what it's worth, I am trying to figure out a schedule to systematically work on multiple girls at once, but I have to work out the balance of it all.