RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
I don't, for example. What I want to see are all the problems the girls being pregnant would create for MC. Imagine Cassie's explaining her mom she is pregnant? Or Jane deciding whether telling her parents will annoy them? Or Lola's requiring a raise to take care of MC's child or threatening to tell the wife. Nanami's furiously slapping MC for cumming inside (every time Nanami gets angry I got horny XD)
Gotta make sure Roger get that promotion. Will need a bigger house for Jane, Lola, Nanami...etcetera. :p

Seriously i don't expect pregnant renders until way late in the game. Since that will mean more work rendering the same scene twice. Maybe even more if Roman make different combinations of polyamory relationships.


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
I know I'm real behind on keeping up with you fine folks. Things are just crazy around the homestead right now. Kids are home. Covid has everyone trapped indoors, and my opportunities to work on the game and keep up with you all has been strained. I'm done writing for the night and figure I need to take a moment and respond to some of your inquiries.

I'm playing catch up on my public relations, so if I failed to respond to you, please feel free to shoot me another message or send me an email and I'll make sure I get back to you.

Here's a tangentially related question (in that it is about creating software to ease the burden on the individual): Could you or someone create a distributed system for rendering that allowed the "Idle" PC's of various people to render and upload to a single computer? Similar to how SETI had many computers going through the information they'd accumulated. And would that be something that would help the development of games?
I may or may not have replied to this already. But in short, such a thing is beyond my capabilities. I'm sure it could be done, but I don't know if the time and cost of developing it would outweigh the benefits or see a payoff in the near future.

Plus there are all kinds of security issues and potential for abuse, it might be a hard sell. Right now people can rent servers to handle the renders, but I'm not really there yet.

i'll be patiently waiting for the next update .. really cool storyline and renders so far (y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
Thanks for the feedback! For what it's worth, I'm incredibly excited to bring you the next installments of the story! I have a lot of great shit planned up!

What did you search for, specifically? Asking for a friend! :p
"Consensual Incest" and "Consensual Incest Stories".

Which is strange because there is no incest in my game...how random is that?!

I completely agree with what you wrote, I mean sure I like getting to sex scenes quickly and especially incest ones but also having the characters build up to working out they want to bang is also really hot when they finally do it.
I really enjoy games that have a good plot and really drag you into the world.
The branching paths for Dr Amana is a really cool idea,even if I'm always going blue for cassie and jane (got to corrupt them slowly).
I'm working on establishing a bit more build up without slowing down the pace. It's a balancing act but I'm confident enough in what I've written that I think people will be happy. This next Cassie chapter will have full on intercourse, but there will be some pretty substantial build up happening at the same time.

Ooo sounds pretty interesting; it's probably unlikely, but you got any ones you'd recommend (either links or by name/details)? ;)

Yeah I hadn't even thought of porn haha! I'm so used to it being subpar in terms of story that I didn't even consider that it could possibly be a good source. Which seems weird when I think about it. I mean porn has actors, directors, scripts and typically some sort of story it spends some of its run time boring the audience with, yet it's almost always lacklustre. Although I see my least favourite trope from this type of porn, where they want to make it super clear how all the people involved are related so they're constantly calling each other "brother", "sister" etc., pop up in a lot of adult games as well. And it always suuuucks.

Hahaha wet spot is a great term, I'm totally stealing that!
Also definitely looking forward to seeing Cass and her daddy complex unravel. She keeps it *so* normal and above-board that it totally makes sense from Roger's perspective to be second-guessing everything. I mean, people sunbathe at home nude all the time, totally normal. Young women wear their skimpy bikinis around their own home, totally normal. So surely it can't mean anything...right? :unsure: And yet there's just enough there to justify the suspicion. You definitely deserve kudos for how well their dynamic (hell loads of the dynamics) have been written!

Yeah see this is why I'm pretty hyped for when the next chapter drops. From everything I've seen and heard, it should be pretty damn dope! Maybe the next chapter will finally kick my lazy ass into gear and I'll figure how to make one of them fancy sigs that you see around here; it's a damn crime that I don't have Cass in mine atm. But soon. Soon.

A very noble goal indeed (gods it feels weird to talk about nobility here, in this den of smut and degeneracy :devilish:)! Time will indeed tell how well it all goes but at least from my perspective, and from what I've seen from the perspective of many of the commenters on here too, you've really shoot out of the gate running with how well the game is written so far!
My goal is to make a game that is porn, but that isn't porn. Having played several games before I started to write one I noticed how many of them follow the same tropes. Suspension of disbelief is required in a lot of storytelling. My goal is to minimize the distance you have to travel through disbelief so that it borders on being believable. I want players to feel so immersed in the characters and relationships that people don't need to declare their social connections mid-coitus. =D

Really, if you want to depict consensual incest in a sincerely loving and mutually beneficial manner . . . the MC needs to accidentally get his arms broken.
I wanted to do something a little different, so I decided to have Nanami break Roger's knees. This opens the door to the more classical inc....I mean, wait, fuck. Nevermind. There's no incest!

Developer to developer, is it unprofessional for me to flirt with you publicly in the forums? Cause I have dozens of jokes about making you blush, but I don't want to cross an professional boundaries? =D


Wait, we still do that right?
Sure, you can call dibs!

Don't worry. I'm sure i'll break something and annoy you later about it.
It's kinda my superpower.
I look forward to bringing you something to break!

Raena Larson: Hmm...normally I'm not very fond of chicks with short and/or odd hair colors, but you managed to catch my attention with her. She looks really good, and sounds like a very interesting character. Question: So, if you make her your enemy, is some dirty, nasty, belligerent, hate fucking on the menu? I just find the prospect of banging an adversary to be very alluring.
I'm a big fan of hate fucking. I think it's perfectly reasonable for two people to hate each other and still get off together.
I do make a conscious effort to make sure that each character is substantial different in design and personality from the others. I realized that Nanami being the most prominent woman in the company and the only one the MC could fuck was kind of limiting. A little more rivalry seemed fitting, hence Raena arrived.

Yes and some flat chested
I love all types. Big small, young, old, slutty and demure. I'm trying to hit all the marks!


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
I get it now. Although i am unlikely to use it first (prefer to play through the content) but it is nice to have the choice available.

Look forward to the new character. Wonder if Nanami will get jealous or angry too. She was kinda when Roger spend time with Lola and later send her away to talk with the wannabe mob boss. :LOL:
Nanami will definitely be all up in Roger's business if he chooses to step off the reservation.

For the NTR scenes (with the wife i suppose) i must choose red or blue?
When the time comes, it will be a red path event.

RomanHume is really spoiling us... :)
I'm doing my best! I just gotta get you some more content.

Problem is that I can write three lines of Cassie's chapter without having to stop and sound one off.

Just because I plan to sleep with: my Daughter and her friends, Lola, Nanami and Lupita plus whoever else. Doesn't mean I can't also be nice to the wife :p
Except...you know. There's no daughter.

This only much more simple.
Everyone that can become preganant, will become pregnant.

It's a simple goal that's sure to backfire on me, but god damn it if im not gonna enjoy the ride while it last.
And this is why we don't trust you with nuclear buttons. =D

Jane got pregnant in my main playthrough. So long Roger doesn't los his job i am sure i can pay for anything she wants and need, plus Lola too. :p :p
Guess Roger needs to get Arthur's ass out the way and get a raise!

Repeat after me: no fertile womb will be left behind!!

I can't wait for some daddy/daughter time with Cassie.
...daughter?! What daughter?!

There was a way through which you could increase the chance of girls getting pregnant (by changing something from 0.6 to 1) anyone remembers what it was?
When I get this next release drop you can just turn on the cheat menu and click "Pregnant". Otherwise, you'll have to manipulate the code. Which I'll be happy to tell you how to do once I compile the release and have the code finalized.

And so they shall!

Gotta make sure Roger get that promotion. Will need a bigger house for Jane, Lola, Nanami...etcetera. :p

Seriously i don't expect pregnant renders until way late in the game. Since that will mean more work rendering the same scene twice. Maybe even more if Roman make different combinations of polyamory relationships.
Pregnant renders should roll out about mid way through the game. I want the pregnancy to be part of the story, not just an end scene.


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Just keep repeating cumming inside over and over (say 5/6 times with ctrl key to speed up) and they will get pregnant. The way it is coded, everytime you cum inside probability of each orgasm making the girl pregnant goes up. It is not just that your chances are higher by more random raws, but the probability of each draw goes up. Just to be sure, before hitting the botton to continue the story save, so that if she is not pregnant after that, reload and cum inside her a few more times. Eventually she will be pregnant.

The only one this does not work is wife and in her sex scene you can only cum inside once.
I'm working on updating Emily's sex scene so that it works with the new menu system. It's on the update list, but right now Cassie's next chapter is the priority, so I'll be spending some time after the next release updating Emily's old material to work with the new interface.

I am picky. Just want Jane, Lola and Nanami. Besides wanting to many may end up backfiring and leaving Roger with none. :cool: :love:
I don't know about none. After all, some women are more forgiving and understanding that others.

See, that is the most unrealistic thing in this game. In real life, if given the power to come back in time prior to the moment of the orgasm, most would choose NOT to cum inside this time..
I have to take some creative liberties here and there. I figured if there is one place I'll break immersion and realism, it'll be while people are too busy jacking to notice. =D

Do you suppose to choose one color of options if you want to unlock new scenes ? Everyone talking about impregnating stuff while I got almost no action other than the brothel/bar scene. Most of the time I'm going 50-50 not choosing red or blue, is that the problem ?
I played this game after so long but almost no new scenes after the bar. I know amanda scene has less action for blue route which is my choice but people talking about Jane and Cassie and I got zero stuff unlocked with them. Is it because I'm not choosing only red or only blue route with their dialogues?
My goal is to balance Blue and Red path so that you get ample rewards on both paths. I want players to be free to pick the choices they want without worrying about whether they are making the "right" choice. I need to work a little better on balancing the two so that the "wait" on the blue path isn't so long, but things are in the works to even out the two paths.

When is the next release cant wait
For what little it's worth, I can't wait to release it to you. But I've some systematic overhauling recently and now that it's done I'm working strictly on content creation.

I don't live to give estimates because I always fail to hit them and disappointment ensues. So when I'm doing the final compile on the release, I'll let everyone know. Life is just too unpredictable right now for me to commit to a release schedule.

No news on that yet. However: View attachment 718324
possibly means he's now finished with the backend coding stuff.
Yes. All the backend stuff was done two or three weeks ago. I've been working on content only these last few weeks but Covid and family at home have impacted my hours per week on development. But there is free time on the horizon that I'll be spending on the game.

I love the story and the character creation. I had fun playing this game. I love the feet scene with emily and femdom content with nanami. Will there be more content like this in future update?
As i was saying i really love sweet dominant foot scenes:love:.. can i expect these scenes with other characters ?
I'm going to try to work in a variety of content by default, then patrons can request additional fetishes added that will then be available to all.

Really interesting start. I got Jane pregnant the first time round; is that normal?

Can't wait for the next update and the chance to get everybody else pregnant!
Pregnancy is randomized, so it can certainly happen.


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Any news on an Update for this?? Nothing since February
In progress and that's about all I can say at the moment. When I get close though, I'll trumpet it from the towers of heaven!

Why you not join to dev game,,
I uh....what?

because the dev doesn't want me to join? :WaitWhat:
I don't know what else to say.
Well because....um....who're we talking about?

There's a cosmetic bug in eh0101.rpy, line 1252 (after scene transition to emily01_098):
emily '-laugh- "Oh I\'d pay to see that. [eh.mcName] Harrington casting off his dignity and strutting the beach in a thong."'
Should be this instead (per the original text where she says the MC's full name):
emily '-laugh- "Oh I\'d pay to see that. [mc.fName] [mc.lName] casting off his dignity and strutting the beach in a thong."'
I appreciate that. I'll add this to the fix list! Cheers mate!

my only problem is if i had a sexual therapist like Amanda .. i would get charged with assault :love:
You bad, bad person!

Well, per my post's point . . . in this topic, we're concerned about you getting enough "alone time" for scene work :)
Oh no worries mate. I wasn't singling anyone out. It's just a hot button topic that seems to explode rapidly these days.

I kind of confused.

Cause I though Nanami was on the pilled and just by repeatedly cumming inside I can always get her to be pregnant. And no, I don't mean the fact of the limit to infinity of a binomial random variable. What I mean is that, given the times I came inside (say around ten times), statistically speaking there would very little chance that she became pregnant with only 0.01 chance.
Or was it really just a huge coincidence?

RomanHume On another topic, I just opened my current version of the game and I am still getting messed up audio. Is that normal? I had the feeling it was fixed.
I'm not saying my pregnancy system is perfect. I may rework the equation at a later date, but at the moment the pill simply reduces the probability, but it's pretty straightforward math. My goal with the current calculation was just to create some randomness while still leaving a chance for people to manipulate their chances.

Now that I have a cheat system that lets people just turn it on and off, I may rework it so that pregnancy check only occurs once at the end of a sex scene. But that's a thought experiment for later. Right now I have to focus on getting Cassie fucked...or loved, or...whatever your choices lead to.

Nice catch! I went back and double checked and you're right, I assumed there was a return statement in the negative case of the self.on_pill check. So the only effect of being on the pill is a 0.09 decreased baseline probability of impregnation, but the 0.05 increase per self.came_in still applies. The pill basically just makes it take two additional "cum insides" to reach the same probability as not being on the pill is to begin with.
It's not a perfect system and I may update it later down the line in light of recent coding changes, but for now it's just dice roll.

Well thank you very much. It was my curious mind that caught it, trying to understand the code. It was definitely not like I was a horny pervert that just wanted to defile Nanami even more by getting her pregnant in an alley like a mindless animal..
View attachment 729318
I mean, I'm a renegade pervert and I own it. =D

Can someone help me? I downloaded this game today but I don't know what blue or red options I should choose for each character
The game is designed so that you can choose whichever choices you want. What changes is the way the story unfolds, but both paths will have ample amounts of sex.

Game is abandoned or no?

You forgot World Domination.

View attachment 731877
Hey motherfucker! You signed a non-disclosure agreement! That means you can't be talking about my world domination plans outside of the circle of trust...

Yup. That's usually what I do. But I found out about this game on another website just today
You should only get this game from my patron or this website. I'm not saying that as a smart ass, but those are the only two sites that I, as the developer, participate in. As a result, you can always expect direct responses from me here or through patreon, and I will always guarantee and validate the downloads from here and from patreon.

My site and F95Zone are the only sites I endorse, so when it comes to Doctor Amana, those are the two places you can receive some assurance of quality control and customer service.

All the same, glad you found us mate and I hope you'll continue to hang with us here! Salute.

NEED HELP .FOR android .sex scene with lita shows error >the error is could not find font u'sexsmith.tff'
Unfortunately I don't have an official android port yet and I'm not entirely sure how to fix this for you. It's possible though some one here can help. We got a lot of knowledgeable folks around here.

put in game folder
Case in point! Thanks for the assist mate!


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
1. So the Naomi dominate,submissiveness points. Is it her dominating MC,or MC dominating her.

2. Can we bang the good Dr yet?
Blue is Nanami dominating you, Red is you dominating her.

Thanks. And that's disappointing because her model is fire. I wonder what the Dr. Amana points are for.
Amana is more of an end game bonus. I had originally planned for more interaction with her, but as I wrote those scenes with her, there was a tremendous amount of redundancy as you talk to her about what happened in the scenes. I still want to work on incorporating her more in the story, I just have to decide how I want to approach it while avoiding repeating portions of the story.

What type of female dominance can I expect in this game? Do choices influence how some of the girls treat you or is it just a one time thing with one character, thanks :)
With Nanami, there will evolve some BDSM, and if you have the option on some NTR, but for fem/dom type stuff, Nanami is the only character with some real hard kink planned. I may work out some other stuff for the other characters, but it'll be a secondary thing if it does come.

I thing not yet scene pregnancy??? Wait realease scene pregnancy
Just keep checking back here. I know there are a lot of people that will hold a large celebration when it comes.

That may turn out to be the case, but it's likely that early ramifications may impact storylines far earlier than when physical signs become evident ... and that could lead to all sorts of interesting twists on character subplots. The variety of pregnancies - co-worker, just-legal roommate, just-legal friends of roommate, etc. - with a married MC at the center of it all could throw a wrench into so many things.
Oh you can count on the social complications to roll out. And god help you if you get Cassie, Jane and Amanda all pregnant. Shit is gonna be crazy.

As a writer, it's drama that makes the story. And when someone mentioned pregnancy, a bomb went off in my brain and I started to see all kinds of possibilities for the story. There will the physical signs of pregnancy, but there will also be the social implications as well.

Oh, no doubt about it, the effects of the pregnancy will affect the story, far before the kinky sex scenes will be possible. Though, generally, when people ask about pregnancy, they want to see bellies, they want pregnant sex, lactation, etc.
And we'll do it all!

I don't, for example. What I want to see are all the problems the girls being pregnant would create for MC. Imagine Cassie's explaining her mom she is pregnant? Or Jane deciding whether telling her parents will annoy them? Or Lola's requiring a raise to take care of MC's child or threatening to tell the wife. Nanami's furiously slapping MC for cumming inside (every time Nanami gets angry I got horny XD)
Now let's be clear, despite rumors I"ve read elsewhere, Lola will NOT be having any ass-babies. --CONFIRMED--

Yes, there were examples of this - to a lesser extent than otherwise possible - in Parental Love, where coordinated manipulation of stories between the MC, his now-pregnant oldest daughter and his sister was required to eventually break the news of her pregnancy to his wife during a time when she could accept it. Even then, the MC had to convince staff at an OB/GYN to lie about the daughter's likely conception date in order to hide the truth of his affair with the daughter long before his wife approved (i.e., it became a harem arrangement).

In Dr. Amana, imagine the juggling acts and coordination amongst all the potentially pregnant women from his business, his wife, the parents of his neighbor's friends, etc. The Dev is already intense about process and technology when it comes to working this game, but now we're talking parallel and competing plot areas that will bring their own level of challenges ... in addition to the housekeeper's life, friend from the gym's life, strip-club related politics and so forth.
My hope is that improvement of all the processes and tech will have freed me up to do some more expanding on the branches. But as always, I want to keep those branches short and returning back to a central narrative. Small deviations in side plot that quickly rejoin the main story. This will help me avoid an exponentially expanding series of branches that will quickly tank my creative and organizational abilities.

I'm going to continue with the few characters I have, and as things hit a solid stride and I feel like I can add characters and paths without undue delays, I'll slowly begin working them in. But trust that for now I'm sticking close to the main characters. Myself and players have already invested in them, I need to see the further along before side stepping.

Well to be fair everything in Parental Love for me felt like a joke, so I never got the feeling MC was in real trouble. I really don't have a nice opinion of it. It was a ridiculous fuck fest for me. I did super love the younger daughter's friend (I think her name was sophie?). But beyond that, it's like in that novel he could not fuck his life, no matter what he did, everybody was happy he was fucking everybody no consequences whatsoever.

I am hoping that is not the case here. I really want the full on chaos extramarital, teenage and incestuous pregnancy could bring.
And if all goes well, you shall have it!


Respected User
Former Staff
Nov 11, 2017
Well to be fair everything in Parental Love for me felt like a joke, so I never got the feeling MC was in real trouble. I really don't have a nice opinion of it. It was a ridiculous fuck fest for me. I did super love the younger daughter's friend (I think her name was sophie?). But beyond that, it's like in that novel he could not fuck his life, no matter what he did, everybody was happy he was fucking everybody no consequences whatsoever.

I am hoping that is not the case here. I really want the full on chaos extramarital, teenage and incestuous pregnancy could bring.
Joke or not (and most of PL was half-serious/off-kilter on purpose, with highly driven storylines but some subtleties at specific points - e.g., how Sophie was handled), my point was about a highly specific situation where management of a pregnancy that could have compromised the MC's marriage had to be highly coordinated and well-timed.

So, I was only using that simple example to offer that with multiple pregnancies to keep on the down-low in Dr. Amana, the Dev is going to need a spreadsheet/flowchart the size of a virtual wall to maintain some sort of order amongst them all.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Now let's be clear, despite rumors I"ve read elsewhere, Lola will NOT be having any ass-babies. --CONFIRMED--
No Butt-Babies?!?! That isn't what I saw on the news! Channel 7 said that was a very real thing, and we should all be scared! ...But then, they also say Thea is dead.
Joke or not (and most of PL was half-serious/off-kilter on purpose, with highly driven storylines but some subtleties at specific points - e.g., how Sophie was handled), my point was about a highly specific situation where management of a pregnancy that could have compromised the MC's marriage had to be highly coordinated and well-timed.

So, I was only using that simple example to offer that with multiple pregnancies to keep on the down-low in Dr. Amana, the Dev is going to need a spreadsheet/flowchart the size of a virtual wall to maintain some sort of order amongst them all.
Just noticed, so 'grats on the promotion.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Joke or not (and most of PL was half-serious/off-kilter on purpose, with highly driven storylines but some subtleties at specific points - e.g., how Sophie was handled), my point was about a highly specific situation where management of a pregnancy that could have compromised the MC's marriage had to be highly coordinated and well-timed.

So, I was only using that simple example to offer that with multiple pregnancies to keep on the down-low in Dr. Amana, the Dev is going to need a spreadsheet/flowchart the size of a virtual wall to maintain some sort of order amongst them all.
Oh no I get you what you mean. What I meant is that no matter how big the threat was in PL, as the whole genre of the novel game the feeling that you could do whatever and it was just fine, it is hard to create that feeling of "well we're fucked". It is like "I knew that all was going to be fine no matter what" without any effort whatsoever.

How to say it, it's like trying to put something serious in Deadpool 2. It is very hard thing to do. Almost all deaths after jumping the plane were hilarious, for example. I just could not feel any drama or conflict from them. If you want, Sophie was like deadpool's girlfriend dying, that was more serious..

I'm not saying my pregnancy system is perfect. I may rework the equation at a later date, but at the moment the pill simply reduces the probability, but it's pretty straightforward math. My goal with the current calculation was just to create some randomness while still leaving a chance for people to manipulate their chances.
I like the system. Leaves space for randomization but also to force a result without going to the cheat console. I mean, it is still cheating, most men would die after cumming 15 times in a row. But hey, sometimes we can bend the rules a little.

Now let's be clear, despite rumors I"ve read elsewhere, Lola will NOT be having any ass-babies. --CONFIRMED--
Hahahaha my god. I confused their names. I meant the maid, Lita, not Lola. Dude that was hilarious XD. The only Lola I will never confuse is Connected's Lola. She is amazing. Totally number one girl in my heart, also MC's best girl (she is his dog).

It is hard to keep track of all girls' names. It is easier to group them in nicknames: cutie (young looking), sweetie (potentially related), babe (hot babes that are not in relationship), my love (for established relationships) and bitch (self explanatory)

EDIT: seems like I haven't still got it right. After going a check it out Lupita is the one I meant. Damn it!! :ROFLMAO:
Last edited:


Nov 27, 2019
With Nanami, there will evolve some BDSM, and if you have the option on some NTR, but for fem/dom type stuff, Nanami is the only character with some real hard kink planned. I may work out some other stuff for the other characters, but it'll be a secondary thing if it does come.
Would love to see more femdom. I just wait for the next Nanami update in that case, I guess. ;)


Apr 16, 2020
RomanHume So i dont want to sound like an asshole and you already said, that you are not telling us your schedule but reading your post on Patreon one could estimate that the earliest release will be sometime 09/2020. Can you at least somehow tell us, how big the update more or less will be i game time? Playing 1 hour or so only to wait half a year again would be pretty terrible. :/
Thx in advance!
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Lesser-Known Mesmer
Apr 2, 2019
RomanHume So i dont want to sound like an asshole and you already said, that you are not telling us your schedule but reading your post on Patreon one could estimate that the earliest release will be sometime 09/2020. Can you at least somehow tell us, how big the update more or less will be i game time? Playing 1 hour or so only to wait half a year again would be pretty terrible. :/
Thx in advance!
They're investing time into the technical side so that in the future they can spend it all on content creation instead of the code around it. And while I do realize that neither management nor investors are thrilled when presented with opportunity costs, the expected returns are just to good to pass up on in this case. What I'm getting at is that if it all works out as planned, updates will drop with much increased frequency. And month-long waits will be a thing of the past.
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Most of us *cough*hyperbole*cough* are passing the wait with some nice fan renders courtesy of Atherin. Thanks again!


Apr 16, 2020
They're investing time into the technical side so that in the future they can spend it all on content creation instead of the code around it. And while I do realize that neither management nor investors are thrilled when presented with opportunity costs, the expected returns are just to good to pass up on in this case. What I'm getting at is that if it all works out as planned, updates will drop with much increased frequency. And month-long waits will be a thing of the past.
Most of us *cough*hyperbole*cough* are passing the wait with some nice fan renders courtesy of Atherin. Thanks again!
Yeah i know. He explained a while ago but non the less, if the next update is to short, even waiting (only) another 2 or so months would be extreme - at least i feel like this.
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Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2019
Yeah i know. He explained a while ago but non the less, if the next update is to short, even waiting (only) another 2 or so months would be extreme - at least i feel like this.
What would it matter if you've had to wait another 2 months for a short update ?
That said short update would still be better than not having one at all.
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4.40 star(s) 78 Votes