
Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Unless you want Cassie as your daughter, but some of the text still comes up as neighbor's daughter. Having her as your daughter makes more sense though as an explanation for having your neighbor's daughter in your house often, having sleepovers there, etc. isn't in the game. But I love this game so far-the scenes and story is so riveting. I enjoy all the scenes so far in Chapter 1-loved the scene in the Club talking to Dan. Especially enjoy the scenes with the MC choosing the advice he give the girls /ladies
I also like to remind people that the story is told in the context of a man to his therapist, and that there may be some details the teller of the story is omitting or changing in relaying the events of the past. (Not implying there is a daughter..........never!) But I'm glad you\'re enjoying it so far! Appreciate you playing and appreciate hearing your feedback. Cheers mate!

That always seemed wierd to me in these games, rather than your wife why not just make your partner your girlfriend. then her daughter becomes your girlfriend's daughter. I think that makes whatever happens legally if not morally fine :).
Girlfriend seems more realistic that tenant or neightbours friend. But maybe I am just missing something.
And as long as you don’t say how long you have been together people can make there own minds up on how your related to your girlfriends daughter.
Uh, so the wife should have been a girl friend...hrm. That actually is a lot better. :D

This is the first time I think I've heard that suggestion. I'm only now realizing, (thanks to your observation), that without realizing it, I fell into a poorly written trope used by many developers to avoid the implications of another type of relationship. I just rode the train everyone else was on and didn\'t really dedicate much time seek out a better solution within the context of the story.

I always intended to go back and do some "adjusting" to the text once the story was done and I moved on to the next to avoid any problems with Patreon. I think at this point it'd be too much work to adjust now and might cause some confusion, but I have to say, your solution is better than any I had come across and I regret now not giving it more thought before putting it in writing.

Lesson learned!

Cheers mate and thanks for the feedback!

I don't see the Purple outline for the therapist/ can't talk to her between sessions. Is this a Bug or am I doing something wrong? And if you're scrapping this idea, take that line out of the Tutorial so people don't try looking for it and end up writing a post here like this. I imagine it would save you a lot of time and aggravation not to have that question asked a million times if you don't actually have it ingame
So that mechanic was eventually scrapped because the conversations with the therapists started to feel redundant. This is only the second time in history of the current release the question came up, and it's the first time I realized that the disabled "tutorial" was still accessible from the game menu.

Well, in any case, that tutorial was completely reworked for the next version of the game and no longer mentions the purple outline or the therapist menu. So going forward there should be no confusion. But for now, I apologize for the confusion it has caused.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention.


Feb 14, 2020
Uh, so the wife should have been a girl friend...hrm. That actually is a lot better. :D

This is the first time I think I've heard that suggestion. I'm only now realizing, (thanks to your observation), that without realizing it, I fell into a poorly written trope used by many developers to avoid the implications of another type of relationship. I just rode the train everyone else was on and didn\'t really dedicate much time seek out a better solution within the context of the story.
Actually I was expecting you to give me a reason I had not considered as to why no one ever uses Girlfriend. :) With so many games using Tenant, childhood friend, Neighbour or even more convoluted relationship I just assumed the far easier Girlfriend couldn't be used for some reason.
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Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Actually I was expecting you to give me a reason I had not considered as to why no one ever uses Girlfriend. :) With so many games using Tenant, childhood friend, Neighbour or even more convoluted relationship I just assumed the far easier Girlfriend couldn't be used for some reason.

Give me 24 hours and I can probably conjure up some bullshit reason why no one ever uses Girlfriend. :D

But I think it'll be easier on my brain if I just admit it was a case of me doing what everyone else was without giving it the thought it probably deserved.


Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Live Stream - Post Production and Misc

UPDATE: Live Stream Ended 14:45 EST

I'll be working on the game for the next couple of hours and figured what the hell, why not turn the stream on.
I'm not doing Daz work today but I am cleaning up images, doing some post work tidying up the last few bits to get this play test out.
I'm running behind because of sound issues but I think I got those mostly worked out.
So if you're interested in any of the non-Daz stuff, this might be worth checking out.
Otherwise, feel free to just hang with me.
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Jul 20, 2020
Just played through this once and am starting again with a diff. playthrough but I have a few questions:
In regards to the stat/point system of each character, there's blue and then red. I saw it mentioned that blue is akin to paragon points and red is more renegade. In the tutorial, it mentions love/hate.

Emily has the love/hate stats, Cassie has Love then something else, etc..

In my first playthrough, I went nearly full red with the first woman, Nanami, and screwed her in the office. For the wife segment I told her I had the affair, she got quiet, then got up and left. The scene ended and throughout the entire playthrough I never saw anything from her again (I had infidelity off) other than one small snippet during another characters chapter where she was at the pool (wife's stats were all +love btw). So does that option, even though it's a +love item cut off that story for her later on?

Cassie I went full red, but I have no idea what each of the stats for each character will do. For instance, Cassie, if I went full red, she opens up about sexuality and all that, but is that toward the MC? Or does she become basically a slut later on? It's hard to determine which stat actually does what in the game as each character is "unique".

In any case, I enjoyed what is there, the renders are great, the writing is solid and the concept of the character chapters is interesting. I'm just not clear on what the choices actually do per character.
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Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Live Stream 2020-10-20
UPDATE: Stream Ended 15:00 EST
Getting ready to live stream shortly.
Today's agenda, finishing up the post work on the scene 06 images, finalizing the sound effects and then hopefully start in on some new Daz work.
If we get all that done I should be able to start loading up the play test for Scenes 01 thru 06 tonight.
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Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Live Stream 2020-10-21
UPDATE: Live Stream Ended 15:20 EST
Bout to fire up the stream. Got some more house keeping needs done so I can release the play test, and then we'll get back to work on those Cassie shower scenes.
Should be a long productive day, so let's make the most of it.
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Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
red ch0302 11 emily silent.jpg

2020-10-22 News

Ok, so I'm obviously behind in delivering this play test version of chapters 1 thru 6. But that isn't to say we haven't made the most of the week.

With an approximate total of 442 images and around 8,000 words, there were bound to be bugs. Like, lots of bugs. Let's go through some of the more fun ones to nail down!

-Error coding play lists: This was an error in the function we built during the live stream this week to allow entire play lists of songs to be quickly coded. Fortunately, it's a single fix that once corrected rolls out to all the script files and automatically updates them. Unfortunately, it took a little more brain work to sort it out and figure out what the issues and errors were.
-Missing nipples!: This was just a matter of certain images missing the applied preset. Unfortunately it meant those images needed to be re-rendered. Fortunately there were only about six that I found, so it wasn't a huge time suck correcting and re-rendering them.

-Incorrect File Names: During the live streams I tend to fly through the images pretty quick. This means that on occasion I may transpose a character or two in the file names. Unfortunately, with over 400 images in the queue, I don't always notice the errors until Renpy starts looking for the images and crashes because it can't find it. Upside, I think we got them all fixed!

-File didn't make it into the queue: There were about three images that for some reason never made it into the queue. We made the art, and we had it ready to go, but some how it never got queued and didn't render. Luckily this didn't require any work, just a little time to renderer them out and put them where they belong.

-Wrong Image Size: Yeah, this one still has me scratching my head. We've been rendering the images at 1920 x 1080, the resolution of the game. But for some reason 110 images for Scene 06 all rendered at 2560 x 1440. I didn't catch this until I play tested the scene and everything was mad huge and wouldn't fit on the screen. Again, a quick fix to just batch things through photoshop and resize them down to the appropriate size.

And Your Point?!
Well the point is I think we got it all nailed down. I'm still waiting on about 4 images to re-render and then I'm good to go. However, those who watched yesterday's 5+ hour live stream saw the completion of Scene 07 as well. There are approximately 14 images left to render for scene 07 and it too will be complete.

Rather than kill the process now and do a short two hour live stream today, I think I'm going to skip streaming today and just let the queue run the rest of the afternoon and this evening. Unfortunately there are mirrors and water in those 14 images, so the renders have been taking an hour and a half to two hours to complete.

But if I let it run for the afternoon and through the night, that means tomorrow, instead of delivering you Scenes 01 thru 06, I can deliver 01 thru 07. A few hours for a big sexy bonus.

Compy 5000?
Oh yeah, and most of the computer parts are in. Just waiting on one more harddrive and a power supply, couple of fans and we're ready to build. Once I get all that in I figure it'll take another week or two to set up. I got to build the thing and then get all the software installed and start setting up my Daz Assets on a share drive. I could probably do it in a few days but I don't want to stop work on the game to do it. So I'll work on the build between live streams and try to bring everything up at the same time.

That's it for now.
I'll talk to you in the next 24 hours and hopefully be able to report the ready download of V2.x.x, Cassie Chapter 03, Scenes 01 thru 07 for play testers!

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