
Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Just played through this once and am starting again with a diff. playthrough but I have a few questions:
In regards to the stat/point system of each character, there's blue and then red. I saw it mentioned that blue is akin to paragon points and red is more renegade. In the tutorial, it mentions love/hate.

Emily has the love/hate stats, Cassie has Love then something else, etc..

In my first playthrough, I went nearly full red with the first woman, Nanami, and screwed her in the office. For the wife segment I told her I had the affair, she got quiet, then got up and left. The scene ended and throughout the entire playthrough I never saw anything from her again (I had infidelity off) other than one small snippet during another characters chapter where she was at the pool (wife's stats were all +love btw). So does that option, even though it's a +love item cut off that story for her later on?

Cassie I went full red, but I have no idea what each of the stats for each character will do. For instance, Cassie, if I went full red, she opens up about sexuality and all that, but is that toward the MC? Or does she become basically a slut later on? It's hard to determine which stat actually does what in the game as each character is "unique".

In any case, I enjoyed what is there, the renders are great, the writing is solid and the concept of the character chapters is interesting. I'm just not clear on what the choices actually do per character.
The choices flavor the relationships. So as you drive characters towards more blue or red choices, their attitudes, outfits and personalities will begin to shift towards one paradigm or another. I think as the game progresses you'll start to notice more and more of details change.

And of course the way each character responds to the blue/red choices is individualized. So not everyone will react in quite the same one. Some are more favorable to red path than blue and vice versa. But at the end of the day I'm trying to make sure that there is no "better" path between the two. All of them will take you to the promised land albeit in different ways.

Well, then I will reward your patience....

Is this game aboned?

View attachment 869508
Game iz aboned ?
I had to do it.
Knew there were folks here I could count on!

you know what, this is actually really fucking good and quite unique on this site. mc is not a little boy that wants to fuck his mother. he's a really competent and confident man that had a mental breakdown after a big failure and depending on your actions starts doing really crazy shit. all the girls are hot and unique looking, especially Cassie and her friends. the trainer's face has a bit too many sharp angles but i guess thats not that unusual considering her low body fat. the writing is also really engaging, played it all in one go and didn't feel like skipping anything.

i avoided this game for a long time because of the futa/trans tag. Much like NTR there should be a separate tag for avoidable or non avoidable content because its such a turn off for many people. i'm glad i decided to check it out. The dev seamed really self aware when it comes to the content judging by the interaction Lita and Lola have and your response. in lesser games you either would not have been given an option that would have been politically incorrect or you would get a full on nazi death squad answer that is just stupid. i didn't expect that from someone that puts that type of content in his game.

As far as protagonist on a dark path go this is pretty much the best there is.
I appreciate the feedback and the praise. I do wish there was a way to tag or denote the ability to turn things like NTR and trans on and off. Especially since my plan is to offer an entirely different route around those kinks rather than just omitting those scenes.

I want all players, regardless of their kink selection to get the same amount of content and quality. Very glad you decided to check it out mate!

the good path is kinda eh for me cause why does he even need therapy when he's acting like this
Give me time. We'll fuck his life up one way or another. :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2017
Quit bitching, we are shite pirates, fishing always for freebees. Would be different if we were patreons. But we are not. So quit yapping. There are many devs who do really like NOTHING. This one here works always on his project, keeping the audience(yes even us) up to date like no other dev. Even does collective brainstorming with the people here, which is quite rare. It takes as much as it takes, he does not dillydally. Good thing is, it will be done, it is just a matter of time, and in our case time is not our money here.


May 15, 2017
I see no issue in a developer taking time to rebuild their game to better suit a certain set of standards, if this developer wants to focus on art assets over code? By all means that's what we the player are interacting with, why not take the time to make robust programming to effectively carry the burden you don't want bogging you down?

The patrons have voted with their wallets, they saw this coming and if they really had such an issue they'd leave, for real bad patreons don't stay up for long outside of very few outliers who managed to find enough simps to milk. As pirates there is no room for complaints when a developer is actually doing what they said they would, and I look forward to seeing what these developments will show for progress down the line.
Well, every single dev that tried to rebuild their system, either abandoned their games or milked for a couple of months, then remake again, and again, and again and again, and had never introduced new content ever again.

This can be the very first time that this doesn't happen, but for all other devs, it just didn't work. Or maybe it was just a excuse to milk for a couple of free months. If I were a patreon, I'd be wary.

Few examples.
That game where you started with a goblin that discovered an elf inside a crystal in a cave and revived her.
That game where you start with a women, which her father work as a miner, and they needed money and she supposed to be corrupted by something (that never happened)
That game set in future, with 2 MILF stylist bimbos, which fought against hentai robots in a game, that never has past of a single map demo. (completely ripe off/scam)
That game where you start with a guy, he defends a girl in the metro, then he becomes a woman.

There may be others that I just completely forgot, but I have NEVER, EVER seen a dev, attempt to rebuild his game/system and actually do it.


Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
So happy to see the new release. I love this game!
Really sad to disappoint mate but it's not a new release. Someone thought it was a good idea to post up the WIP version that I sent out for playtesting. Right now it just contains Cassie Chapter 03, Scenes 01 thru 07.

Wait it's not a full update release? Just some additions and stuff? Not complaining just trying to save bandwidth lol
I do not blame you! This version has about 60% of the coming Cassie content for the new release. I sent this for playtesting because I want to make sure the code is solid and thoroughly worked out before the actual release. I did a lot of rework and if everything passes muster, then I shouldn't have to do any future coding. Just dialogue and artwork. So it's imperative I stress test the hell out of it now so you're saves will work forever more.

My understanding from what I read and the name file is that it is possibly only the new content so that it can be tested for bugs.
This is fact! Never meant for this to get pirated (but I knew there was a possibility so I figured it was best to add that triple click disclaimer at the beginning as well as links to the full game on F95 in case people found it elsewhere.)

But is the new content only one cassie chapter?
Only about 60% of the chapter that I released for playtesting and bug checking.

What is the purpose of leaking a test version? It isn't complete and probably has bugs. Not to mention, according to the change log, that you need to cheat in order to access the new content. I assume saves made with this version won't work either.
I have absolutely no damned idea. I'm sure someone thought they were doing the community a favor. But I fear they may have caused a bunch of unnecessary ill will.

Thx but i prefer to wait on a finished release instead of on down broken Playtest version.
Do not blame you one bit!

Hmm seems quite interesting. How long is the actual Play Time or better to ask is it allready worth playing in term of content ?
In the actual game, v1.1.5 there is quite a bit of content. In the playtest, not much, just about half a chapter.

Was excited about Cassie content, but this could definitely wait for more.
I agree 100%

Wait, so theres nothing new since february and now its just some UI redesign? Wtf?
Not true. There is about 60% of the next chapter completed and don't blame me. I didn't post it.

Mac version fails due to missing fonts.
Appreciate the heads up. I'll flag it and look into it.

As far as I understand it is not the full release, just some kind of test version.

So I hope that a 2.0 will have more than just this.
It absolutely will when it's ready.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
Quit bitching, we are shite pirates, fishing always for freebees. Would be different if we were patreons. But we are not. So quit yapping. There are many devs who do really like NOTHING. This one here works always on his project, keeping the audience(yes even us) up to date like no other dev. Even does collective brainstorming with the people here, which is quite rare. It takes as much as it takes, he does not dillydally. Good thing is, it will be done, it is just a matter of time, and in our case time is not our money here.
Actually I'm a patreon, but I'm always here anyway, Patreon and discord are pretty boring if you want to discuss (and it's not like I can afford to patreon EVERY dev anyway). But in my experience it's us who are patreons that keep the discussion civil and are fairly patient. When someone is in here bitching in Engrish, endlessly asking for updates and generally turning the thread toxic, it's a pretty safe bet that they're not patreons.


Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Got excited for a second, oh well. :HideThePain:
Truly sorry mate. I know it isn't worth anything, but this wasn't my plan.

so you mean nothing new ?
60% of a Cassie chapter I released for playtesting. Certainly didn't intend for it to wind up here.

Cheats don't work. Cassie still refers to MC as neighbor. Can't change her last name and the dialog still calls MC Roger
I'm going to look into this. I know there is an issue where if you change Roger's name, the individual "nicknames" the characters use don't update. I'm looking into a way to code it to automatically update, but not if the characters have already changed it. I just don't it to continually overwrite any name you've give him.

For instance, if you changed Cassie's nickname to something like, I don't know "Dad", (no idea why you'd do this because they're clearly not releated). I don't the system to overwrite that. But until some policies elsewhere change, she'll always refer to their relationship as neighbor. (Thems just the rules I gotta play by.)

Truly sorry mate! I didn't mean for this to happen and it certainly wasn't part of the plan.

This update should be removed before this turns into a bitch fest about bugs and issues with the test version of the game. Lets wait for the final version please :)
I'm thinking it may be too late for that...:rolleyes:

I think we got trolled...? So sad, fuck I'm going to get drunk.
Again, big apologies mate. Not part of my design. I'd happily buy you a round if it eased the pain.

So nothing new.
Al i wanna know is ; Dev , what's wrong with your mind?
Since februari no new stuff at all , i thought it was dead.
This isn't progress this is preparing us for a remake.
Why should i even bother?
You're anouncing the end of the original.
Thanks but no thanks.
Consider this abandoned.
Such a shame.
Yet another Hey update with let down. Really we need new content not this crap unless the dev is going for a "Indecent desires build" in which case keep it up. Because this is just as big a let down at this point
Abandoned no, aboned, absolutely!
Look mate, this wasn't part of my plan. Sorry you're let down and disappointed. I had no intention of the playtest getting leaked and in truth it's the first time it's happened.

I'm not announcing the end of anything. I'm not preparing you for anything. I'm simply testing out the work that's been carried out over the last several months. My goal is to bring you a release that is ready, stable, full of content and free of save breaking bugs. My intent is to build a platform that I can continue building this and future games on.

Truly hope that one day you decide to come back and check out the progress. I think you'll be surprised. But till then, I wish you well.

Wow, so the last content update was February, 9 MONTHS AGO and all we get is some playtest?

It's the patreons I feel sorry for.

If any Patreons are reading this, guys vote with your wallet, only sub on months with content updates, unsub if there's none the next. Only support the Devs who truely deserve it. I know you're all thinking the same at this point, but this is becoming a terrbible and downright lazy, money grubbing attitude with a lot of Devs these days, not just this one.
I'm sorry you're upset you only got a playtest. But for what it's worth, I didn't plan on giving you anything. So when you think about it, you're already ahead!

Honestly though, I do enough live streams, live chats, emails, personalized responses and general community interaction that you're accusations of being lazy and money grubbing don't phase me in the least. My patrons as well as many, many players here on F95 know that I'm fully transparent with the development of this game. No one has been lead on. No one has been deceived, and no one has been lied to.

If what I do doesn't meet your standards or expectations, you're welcome find some other game to occupy your time. But I've worked too hard and put in too many hours to listen to your accusatory bullshit.

the fucks i give.gif

I just find it funny that we are talking about devs making money and not delivering the goods and your avatar is from Cyberpunk. Man today is not a good day for updates for games I am looking for.
I am sorry that you and so many others were mislead and are let down. Definitely not my intention and I certainly didn't intend for the playtest to get posted.

Its funny to see all the complaints' lack of real update or this was not a real update... hey I think the think the Dev is doing a great job he's not doing what SOME devs are doing lying about game progress for almost 2 years and still nothing so why don't you lay off him and try the DEMO or not as its a DEMO if you have something to say about then say something don't crap on it
For what it's worth I'm completely open kimono. There is no part of my development process that is off limits to questioning or observation. I actually encourage it because it makes it easy for me to rebut all the accusations of stealing people's money.

Yo is this the game where you had a buncha promising scenes then like 6+ months of visiting some strip club or some shit?


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
I'm going to look into this. I know there is an issue where if you change Roger's name, the individual "nicknames" the characters use don't update. I'm looking into a way to code it to automatically update, but not if the characters have already changed it. I just don't it to continually overwrite any name you've give him.

For instance, if you changed Cassie's nickname to something like, I don't know "Dad", (no idea why you'd do this because they're clearly not releated). I don't the system to overwrite that. But until some policies elsewhere change, she'll always refer to their relationship as neighbor. (Thems just the rules I gotta play by.)
I did not understand this. Are you saying that you don't want to be able to overwrite the "neighbor" by "dad" as it is doing now, or that for some reason it is not working?
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New Member
Mar 30, 2019
Well, every single dev that tried to rebuild their system, either abandoned their games or milked for a couple of months, then remake again, and again, and again and again, and had never introduced new content ever again.

This can be the very first time that this doesn't happen, but for all other devs, it just didn't work. Or maybe it was just a excuse to milk for a couple of free months. If I were a patreon, I'd be wary.

Few examples.
That game where you started with a goblin that discovered an elf inside a crystal in a cave and revived her.
That game where you start with a women, which her father work as a miner, and they needed money and she supposed to be corrupted by something (that never happened)
That game set in future, with 2 MILF stylist bimbos, which fought against hentai robots in a game, that never has past of a single map demo. (completely ripe off/scam)
That game where you start with a guy, he defends a girl in the metro, then he becomes a woman.

There may be others that I just completely forgot, but I have NEVER, EVER seen a dev, attempt to rebuild his game/system and actually do it.
You are not mistaken this is the second or third alteration of this game, the first version it is released dates back to 2017 if I am not mistaken
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Wow, so the last content update was February, 9 MONTHS AGO and all we get is some playtest?

It's the patreons I feel sorry for.

If any Patreons are reading this, guys vote with your wallet, only sub on months with content updates, unsub if there's none the next. Only support the Devs who truely deserve it. I know you're all thinking the same at this point, but this is becoming a terrbible and downright lazy, money grubbing attitude with a lot of Devs these days, not just this one.
I believe the patrons who watch the livestreams of the dev working and interact with him on a daily basis are more than happy with where their money goes.

36 Ninjas

Feb 27, 2018
Couple of things for RomanHume

1. Thanks for the Playtest excited to see all the changes play out
2. Holy shit being able to select your character model is huge for me, since it's rare for any of the games here to actually let you play as someone that looks like me.
3. Loved the Cassie Preview, can't wait to see more.

Bugs I found:
-When starting a new game, the Doc nicknames you Rog, however, you can go in and change this and it'll go as normal.
-You can't change Cassie's last name no matter how much you try and set it and just like the doc you have to go in and set your nickname. With her.

Awesome stuff otherwise, though.


Dec 3, 2017
Wow, so the last content update was February, 9 MONTHS AGO and all we get is some playtest?

It's the patreons I feel sorry for.

If any Patreons are reading this, guys vote with your wallet, only sub on months with content updates, unsub if there's none the next. Only support the Devs who truely deserve it. I know you're all thinking the same at this point, but this is becoming a terrbible and downright lazy, money grubbing attitude with a lot of Devs these days, not just this one.
This kind of stuff amuses me. I'm one of the supporters, there's regular updates and live streams of the work on the game. It's not like he's some radio silent dev just dragging his feet. Also, I am voting with my wallet, I believe in this project, thus my support. If I wasn't a paying supporter, it's not like I'd be spending that money on another dev, I'd just have a little bit more in the bank at the end of the month.

I think far too many people get overly entitled and think that if a game doesn't update every month or so then the dev is just ripping people off. I support 2 devs and both of them take a long time with updates. This is fine with me, I don't need instant gratification and I regularly interact with those devs. At the end of the day it's my money and I'll hand it out where I want; if down the road this game peters out unfinished, well that's life, we don't always get what we want.


Active Member
Aug 6, 2017
This kind of stuff amuses me. I'm one of the supporters, there's regular updates and live streams of the work on the game. It's not like he's some radio silent dev just dragging his feet. Also, I am voting with my wallet, I believe in this project, thus my support. If I wasn't a paying supporter, it's not like I'd be spending that money on another dev, I'd just have a little bit more in the bank at the end of the month.

I think far too many people get overly entitled and think that if a game doesn't update every month or so then the dev is just ripping people off. I support 2 devs and both of them take a long time with updates. This is fine with me, I don't need instant gratification and I regularly interact with those devs. At the end of the day it's my money and I'll hand it out where I want; if down the road this game peters out unfinished, well that's life, we don't always get what we want.

Ofc ppl can do with their money whatever the hell they want. You do you bud. Devs count on that kinda support after all.
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
The choices flavor the relationships. So as you drive characters towards more blue or red choices, their attitudes, outfits and personalities will begin to shift towards one paradigm or another. I think as the game progresses you'll start to notice more and more of details change.

And of course the way each character responds to the blue/red choices is individualized. So not everyone will react in quite the same one. Some are more favorable to red path than blue and vice versa. But at the end of the day I'm trying to make sure that there is no "better" path between the two. All of them will take you to the promised land albeit in different ways.

Knew there were folks here I could count on!

I appreciate the feedback and the praise. I do wish there was a way to tag or denote the ability to turn things like NTR and trans on and off. Especially since my plan is to offer an entirely different route around those kinks rather than just omitting those scenes.

I want all players, regardless of their kink selection to get the same amount of content and quality. Very glad you decided to check it out mate!

Give me time. We'll fuck his life up one way or another. :D
Yup, it hasn't updated in hours, it must be abandoned!!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


Feb 10, 2019
The interface in the playtest looks much better and more intuitive.
Can't wait to have all the content added over and let's get little gem up to the current chapter!
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4.40 star(s) 78 Votes