I already ranted on patreon so i wont repeat it here.
I know a bunch of my changes are disappointing people. i get it. my inbox and dms are full of complaints.
alls i can say is I am gonna do it the way I want and tell my story. love it, hate it. dont care.
I'm still open to good ideas and suggestions and constructive feedback will get some love. but any pissin about how much better it was before is just gonna get ignored. i cant please everyone and I'm not gonna let people run me down about it anymore. sorry, not sorry.
not tryin to be a bitch, but its my game now and a bitch is gonna do what a bitch wants to do.
and a quick thanks to everyone that has sent some love and encouragement! it was greatly needed!
Well, I think a new thread for your game should go up as soon as you feel its ready to go up (with whatever release stage that is etc)- that I hope will ease some ... 'tension' (for lack of a better word) and allow for focus on the new game, As this is in effect a totally different game (I could be wrong but just from whats been said in the back and forth and what i read about new back stories etc as well as the name change/stuff I read on the Patreon page)
Also neo-Cassie doesn't really look like... Cassie ? was comparing both released versions and honestly at first I thought she was younger version of Lupita, Though that could just be my phone lighting though? Neo-Jane looks nice overall i'd say.
I also noted your post on wondering if you should have started a new thing entirely; I think you probably should have. I also agree that eventually people would find the thread but a post explaining what occurred should suffice for most who come looking. Also and.. I mean i could be wrong i Just think it would have made it easier on yourself (certainly) and maybe the general fans- That way you got to do your thing in the creative process (with similar character designs etc) and less stress about trying to do your own thing while trying to keep some of the original; and the fans get some closure IE 'our' game is officially 100% gone without all the hopium (?) that has gone on with the thought the game shall 'continue' from where it left off in 2.0.0
[I feel that the hope of a 90% +accurate continuation by another Dev really should have been fully quashed by Roman awhile ago, I know they have happened in the past but they are few and far between. As that would have done away with a lot of the current 'negative' stuff (to varying degrees i admit) back then rather then people hanging around for the 'continuation' thus the current negativity.. But just my personal view on that]
I would also think its a good idea to probably remove patreon/payment stuff from the main page- People ...are.. people lol. eventually some will think they are funding this abandoned game and not the spiritual cousin of it which will be on another thread elsewhere. (new name (LL&L if I recall?) story etc hence the cousin term

) As it would be a very bad idea to try and transition this thread into another game. Best to leave this one to posterity and move onto the new. I know only Roman can edit the main page but thought it bared mentioning in this ramble lol)
So with that ramble all rambled out; I wish you the best of luck on your game (sincerely no sarcasm here). I think ill probably leave with the memories of what this one was since; as it's going to be something different now (in story and characters to varying degrees). As I was actually fairly attached to the characters and story I shall miss it, and since those stories and characters are gone my interest likely gone as well. (I don't deny that may sound lame but is it what it is). But; who knows minds and views change all the time. As I said all the best in your endeavor, hopefully its a very successful game!