Having just discovered this game during last night's "update" (I don't live on these boards, you know

), I took it upon myself to grab the 0.9.0 version off the dev's site and see what it was all about.
All I can say, with hand on face and shaking head disapprovingly mind you, is that I can't help but feel a massive mistake was made. What was there was great. There was absolutely no need for a "re-work". And while I've read the dev's post on here about a tragic computer explosion that took months of repair work during which time he pulled a "Rain Man" with regards to coding and modelling knowledge - surely he must understand that, for someone on the outside looking in, a move like that in which you scrap absolutely solid foundations and content seems ridiculous at best, and shady if you chose to see it that way (not being able to continue Cassie's story because of the Nazi overlords to which he's beholden to now, or milking more time out of a "remake". Not saying he did, and frankly I believe it's the former instead of the latter, but that's what instantly sprung to mind).
Don't get me wrong - it's his project and he can do what he wants with it. I'm not really entitled to an opinion. But as a gamer (both adult and mainstream) it's always such a goddamned utter shame to see projects that have so much potential get scrapped.
I'm also not a fan of the versioning system being used here. In mainstream games, alpha and beta versions are used to denote major game-play features and systems being added and tweaked. This is Ren'Py for christ's sake. The most complex thing you're going to be doing here is a web of story flow while keeping track of a few numerical variables. There are no systems to implement or balance to tweak.
v0.0.1 should denote a start to the story, v1.0 should signify story and content complete. It's really that simple. Putting up a freshly started remake as a v1.0 makes about as much sense as putting it up as v452.33.