I swear to god this dev is feature-creeping his own game to death. Nobody asked for hidden collectables. Nobody asked for silly puzzles. Nobody asked for this stupid swappable clothing feature (which btw he wasn't even able to finish for this update?).
And now I hear he had to cut out the shopping scene because he ran out of time. So nobody has access to what would have been an excellent scene with plenty of opportunity for titillating content, all because of this dev and his stupid feature-creep ideas. Cutting out significant content like this to make room for ideas nobody asked for is unacceptable.
His patrons desperately need to tell him the old adage: Keep it simple, stupid.
I thought this shit last month when the excuse was something that was geniunely like day one shit like something to do with not being able to figure out how to properly decrype images or something of the sort, and then this month another seemlying basic thing
conveniently holds back the release until after the new month starts so the patreon pledges go through.
I mean I don't even want to necessarily badmouth someone for making a game or anything, but it is pretty obvious from anyone who keeps up with "real" games and shit that this is the exact shit certain scam artist early access "developers" do on Steam until eventually once in a while their shit gets banned and refunds are handed out.
But I mean at this point it seems there are two options: he either has absolutely no business actually making a game due to his lack of computer skills(in which case he should just open up a literotica account or something) or he's intentionally sabotaging shit and using "issues" as an excuse for his obvious lack of actual work being done in hopes people won't get wise.
Look at the work irredeemable puts out, look at the man of the house guy's output, each episode of DMD is bigger than this whole fucking game(regardless of what you think of the milking), Dreams of Desire, list goes on and on.
Like someone else said, it is pretty obvious he's doing less than a week's worth of work for monthly updates if you compare and contrast to what other single man operations are putting out.
I honestly don't know why I care so much other than it seems straight bullshit that people blindly eat this guy's stuff up and shit on other people who are obvious scam artists doing the same thing, yet guys who are doing ten times the quality and output he is aren't making half of the donations he gets.