Same fighting here with my pc..when you no about tell me=)i cant start a new game with son or dad i can only continue from last save with son. when it reaches the name your family page it doesnt do anything and i cant edit anything. any ideas?
Thanks friend..i was thikng the father wont need a name=p@fyahrebel and @Monkey_D_Luffy if you wish to edit the names of the family members you need to place your mouse cursor over the empty boxes (mouse cursor must be hovering inside the empty box for you to write anything) where you write the names, you need to repeat the process for each family member.
U mean The Signature.i love your respect towards our anime unfortunately i dont know how to do that stuff that you have :'test3::FeelsBadMan:
i love your respect towards our anime unfortunately i dont know how to do that stuff that you have :'test3::FeelsBadMan:
hows that?U mean The Signature.
PM the The pic.
And i will Made u one.
And teach You How Can U Put That.
Ohhh,,, thats Niceee.hows that?
Will reply when I do a full playthrough. I have always done the father path first, but plan on maxing out both routes before I provide a balanced comment...I'm in no way bashing the game or the author (I really like his work), I merely stated what I observed in this last update, I even welcomed and understood the purpose of the previous update as a way to give the game a proper foundation, with the implementation of new tabs with more info, such as the journals, profiles, secrets and puzzles, as well as ensuring better quality with the remastering of previously released content. So @Hoboy if you would entertain my idea, I wish to hear your opinion on the last update? I'm not trolling neither lashing, I just wish to hear out of curiosity the opinion of supporters or even people who simply like the game but can't afford it. I mean people here are either defending the author or bashing him but no one steps ups to explain why in reference to this update.
For example, I asked @Ozygator for his/her opinion on the update but he/she didn't even want to express it (dunno, maybe he/she was busy).
This is poetryU mean The Signature.
PM the The pic.
And i will Made u one.
And teach You How Can U Put That.