VN Ren'Py Dual Family [v1.22.1ce] [Gumdrop Games]

2.10 star(s) 188 Votes
Mar 22, 2018
... this thread is becoming boring ... is not u people no is not that... is that long wait and we're here telling how the dev make this a thread to tell about a expansion that's a plot to gain money. Not cool and is becoming VERY boring. We can't stop but we don't receive the expansion.


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Its one thing to want this game to come out... I'm with you, I too was a fan of it 3 years ago. I'd love to see the sequel. But to give him money without results is just.... incomprehensible. It's like a battered woman going back to her husband on promises he'll never do it again.
Like you, I was a fan years ago and even made a fanart (maybe I do some more if I have time)and I agree with you that gumdrop´s patrons exhibit the signs of abused crawling back to their abuser. But in a certain way it is impressive that a menschliches Senkloch like gumdrop is able to delay fracking announcements without repercussions at the patron front! Other Devs get flak when they (repeatedly) delay an update, Condrop can delay simple messages without effect. He has broken any promise, any deadline, piled delay on delay for over 2 years and nothing happens. This scammer treats his patrons like dirt and retards and nothing happens.
Other Devs, with far better behaviour, regular updates and stuff have to fight hard to keep their patrons. "Birddrop" instead with abyssal behaviour, a proven liar and scammer keeps patrons on mindbogingly level. No wonder rumours pop up, something so against the stream stinks to high heaven.


Sep 2, 2017
This used to be a game but was abandoned in 2018. Then it was taken over by someone (very likely not all the people who used to make the game, hence why he has to rely on commissions to keep the scam marketing going), and turned into a total scam. There is nothing here now, the abandoned tag is correct.

I described how this scam operates almost a year ago, and I was proven right repeatedly:

Those who claimed that it wasn't, or that he was just "milking" (that would imply he had done ANY work at all during the past 2.5 years, but as I describe there that's false) were proven wrong. Today, more people here agree with me. But the evidence was clear even back then. Don't know why people keep having such expectations when carefully looking at the evidence reveals the nature of the scam: there is nothing at all, this is literally just one dude posting a recycled "preview" or shitty trivial render every few weeks with SOON plastered on it (a lunch break worth of time per month turned into thousands by scamming naive people). Then you add the massive number of lies he has spouted (literally claiming he had 25 GPUs), and it just turns absolutely ludicrous. Wish someone made a list of all his lies, there is so much material there.

I repeat, as I have done for the past year: there is nothing being done, it really is fully abandoned (the tag isn't trying to fool you). A careful examination of his own "previews" reveal the farce.
Don't think you needed to repeat all that, my post wasn't made to drum up hype of any kind, but rather gave a bit more information to people like myself - who couldn't understand how he still had patrons after 3 years of no updates. Naivety combined with "coming soon" that's ongoing even now.

You'd think that 3 years later he would've come out clean and just packed up his stuff, but I guess the renders on his patron side must be really good if it's worth the commitment (as the game won't be coming out most likely).

P.S: If a new version gets uploaded, then the abandoned tag will be removed, even if he was a lying sack of s*it.


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
So is it officially abandoned?
Is it sarcasm from you or a real question? Anyway, it is not officially abandoned, but this developer lies when he opens his mouth, broke any promise and deadline in more than 2 years and most of his previews are recaptured old renders. There might be a couple new renders, but like WinterW said, everything hints towards an elaborate scam.


Active Member
Oct 4, 2018
this guy deserves to be banned from patreon! that would be happy holidays early!!!
Gumdrop has been reported for suspected financial fraud, incest, sexual violence, underaged content, and not delivering promised updates. He's still up on Patreon and his site is linked to Patreon which has all of the above content. And someone tried to report the Trust and Safety Team for obvious favoritism or ignorance. No reply. So I tried. I even offered a comparison to Mr Dots saying he only had incest and a young looking adult female and his game was taken down. Whereas Dual Family has a high school aged male violently raping his own aunt and a young girl raped her sleeping uncle. No reply other than the standard "we received the complaint" and I never got another reply after that.
I'm starting to wonder if he's paying off some T&S people over at Patreon.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2020
Gumdrop has been reported for suspected financial fraud, incest, sexual violence, underaged content, and not delivering promised updates. He's still up on Patreon and his site is linked to Patreon which has all of the above content. And someone tried to report the Trust and Safety Team for obvious favoritism or ignorance. No reply. So I tried. I even offered a comparison to Mr Dots saying he only had incest and a young looking adult female and his game was taken down. Whereas Dual Family has a high school aged male violently raping his own aunt and a young girl raped her sleeping uncle. No reply other than the standard "we received the complaint" and I never got another reply after that.
I'm starting to wonder if he's paying off some T&S people over at Patreon.
Wait Karen rapes you? When?


Active Member
Oct 4, 2018
When the Adult male player stays at his sister's house, he goes to sleep on the couch and I don't recall who it is that witnesses her get on top of him and was giving him a blowjob. I think it was the son that saw it? The aunt set it up to frame them.
I haven't even played it in 2+ years and I still remember that cuz it was way out of left field to me. Same thing with the son raping his aunt. I was like "What the hell are you doing? No no no no. That's not right." You had a girl coerced into performing a sex act on a sleeping older man and the same night, that man's son rapes that girl's mother. That's just INSANE. I couldn't stomach playing it after that. There's just no compelling reason IMO for either event to happen.

Karen situation discussed here
This is a great comparison of 2 events - here (now i know who witnessed it.. makes sense but still..)


Active Member
Jul 4, 2020
When the Adult male player stays at his sister's house, he goes to sleep on the couch and I don't recall who it is that witnesses her get on top of him and was giving him a blowjob. I think it was the son that saw it? The aunt set it up to frame them.
I haven't even played it in 2+ years and I still remember that cuz it was way out of left field to me. Same thing with the son raping his aunt. I was like "What the hell are you doing? No no no no. That's not right." You had a girl coerced into performing a sex act on a sleeping older man and the same night, that man's son rapes that girl's mother. That's just INSANE. I couldn't stomach playing it after that. There's just no compelling reason IMO for either event to happen.

Karen situation discussed here
This is a great comparison of 2 events - here (now i know who witnessed it.. makes sense but still..)
Wow I played as the dad and I vaguely remember a dream or something. Never knew Karen actually did something. Damn game ended before he could get any action with her.
2.10 star(s) 188 Votes