This asks players to do something outside of the game and will that will cause problems. Is there no way to remotely trigger it automaticaly, then read it's stored text.
I dind't mean to offer this as a solution, I just originally did it for my own use then thought I could share it.
But if people aren't satisfied with the current system it can be reworked indeed.
If we can't have the game read what's on the player computer and if we don't want the player to provide additional info or execute extra actions, then we need the game to be able to predict the player's girlpack. So obviously using customized, arbitrary, names for directories and files is impossible, it has to follow a pattern the game can predict. Using numbers is a solution, but for the players I guess it would be inconvenient to not be able to named their packs. Maybe the pack names starting with a number is enough. like '0_Zelda','1_Sakura' etc. or even better a 000 format ('000Zelda', '001Sakura') I doubt people will have more than 1000 packs.
Can you automate some out of the functions like damage calculation so we only need the code once, and can call it for each room, instead of including multiple copies, one per room? This free up many lines of code and reduce the bulk of add new things.
I wasn't planning to heavily edit the code. It just something I did during a shit weather sunday to keep me busy. Multiple people working on the same code is very demanding, changing variables declarations is one thing, replacing all blocks of code is another. I will need the dev thought on the matter to see if we can work something together. But for now I'll rather point out what can easily be changed without changing the global structure of the code. Plus the number of lines isn't what make a game (or any kind of program) slow. 1000 proper lines of code can be run faster than 100 lines of spaghetti code. It is a common mistake to think that using a function is faster, but the first use of a function is for the coder to write the program faster, not for the computer to run it faster.
Sugarcube2 is a derivative of twine, which is a derivative of javascript. So it is a bit obtuse.
Ouch, no, no, no. Twine is an IDE, SugarCube is a story format for Twine, javascript is a programming language.