
May 18, 2020
Bad news, perhaps you can guess. I noticed my control wizard was doing lowish lust damage (1~14) on a few Raiders and then got an error when he failed to trance one. I'm playing on 1.2. EDIT he went back to doing decent lust damage so idk.
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Oct 13, 2016
Hi, like your game so far. I have a few ideas and suggestions but I'm still writing them down (trying to be concise) so for now I'm just posting these few gifts.
First : a batch I've made to create a command for girl packs so I don't have to add them one by one. How to use : place the bat in the slaves directory, run the bat, open the text file it has created, and copy paste and run the 2 commands in your browser (open with f12).
Second : a rewritten version (still in progress) of the game to speed it up. In short you store too many variables in state for stuff that is constant, so use setup instead. Feel free to either use it directly or just give it a look so you see what I mean.
Third : I've been playing a bit with censored pictures trying to uncensor them, here's my first try. Tell me what you think about it. I have done it very quickly so I can probably improve it if I know what there is to improve ; and if it looks good to people I can do more.
Don't forget to change the .ext of the batch and game file, (to .bat and .html) I was lazy to zip them.
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Sep 7, 2017
Pretty good game. I know it's an early version, but not being able to rank up to 2 even was disappointing, made me feel like I wasted that whole time to reach max rep :/

In the long run I think there needs to be some special events happening during the raid phase to break up the repetiveness. Like bosses or unique npcs with scenes (can just be VN style) after you beat them.
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Dec 24, 2019
How to use : place the bat in the slaves directory, run the bat, open the text file it has created, and copy paste and run the 2 commands in your browser (open with f12).
This asks players to do something outside of the game and will that will cause problems. Is there no way to remotely trigger it automaticaly, then read it's stored text.

I was thinking take out the names and try a nestled loop to check for all the slave files in numeric order. Somehow slave/0/face/0.png, slave/1/face/0.png until failure, or just asking the user how many to check for on add screen. Look for 12 busty images packs, Loading image pack named 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... 12

Second : a rewritten version (still in progress) of the game to speed it up. In short you store too many variables in state for stuff that is constant, so use setup instead. Feel free to either use it directly or just give it a look so you see what I mean.
Can you automate some out of the functions like damage calculation so we only need the code once, and can call it for each room, instead of including multiple copies, one per room? This free up many lines of code and reduce the bulk of add new things.
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Dec 24, 2019
Meant Sex tho...
flesh cult has ... a dash of people showed up and your seduced sexpit drove them off/captured them, but it's neglibible.
Game concept isn't really common. Dungeon Lord the prequel/parent of this game is probably the best around. Reverse Tentacle Rape Palace is somewhat in the same reasoning, but that is girls trapped inside a lust pocket dimension then dungeon based.

The whole trap management thing isn't a common game type, it's kinda like the board game to tower defense's rts, who plays boardgames?

Just think about how many odd angles touch here, strategy, abduction, generalizing fetishes rather then appealing to any specifically.


Oct 20, 2016
I want to preface this with the fact I don't really know code, so this may be absolutely retarded but I just got to thinking if you couldn't do something as simple as 'img1.png', 'img1.webm' to allow people to easily just dump in animated stuff? If your code is in any way similar to the one I think I saw somewhere that was basically just pulling random images, I think it might work. Again, I don't really know code but could be worth a shot or if there are other similar solutions. For me at least animation just make stuff far better, especially with real porn.
May 6, 2019
I want to preface this with the fact I don't really know code, so this may be absolutely retarded but I just got to thinking if you couldn't do something as simple as 'img1.png', 'img1.webm' to allow people to easily just dump in animated stuff? If your code is in any way similar to the one I think I saw somewhere that was basically just pulling random images, I think it might work. Again, I don't really know code but could be worth a shot or if there are other similar solutions. For me at least animation just make stuff far better, especially with real porn.
Right now, we got animated stuff as gif files in the dreams/events mostly, but we also found out you can use gif for slaves by just renaming the .gif by .jpg. This way the game can grab the file (since it's jpg only from the way it's picking what to show) and work the animation with no problem. It's the current workaround strat for animated content in slaves, but your idea will probably be interesting to those that are working on improving the code on the discord :unsure: since they're the most able to check the possibility for it.


Dec 24, 2019
I want to preface this with the fact I don't really know code, so this may be absolutely retarded but I just got to thinking if you couldn't do something as simple as 'img1.png', 'img1.webm' to allow people to easily just dump in animated stuff? If your code is in any way similar to the one I think I saw somewhere that was basically just pulling random images, I think it might work. Again, I don't really know code but could be worth a shot or if there are other similar solutions. For me at least animation just make stuff far better, especially with real porn.
Sugarcube2 is a derivative of twine, which is a derivative of javascript. So it is a bit obtuse.
We can run Gifs, as tricking the game into thinking they are jpegs, but beyond that the engine is very versatile or smart. Anyone could make their own real porn image pack and just write over the ingame images, or even make a image pack others can install over the base game replacing all the images. No one has stepped up to make the real porn yet they keep demanding it even though it goes against the author's preferences, this game even has a mod thread for you to use.

it would take a 15 minutes or 3 hours to throw together a collection of sex gifs and replace most if not all of the in game scenes, and throw real porn over all the in game images. Thats how badly the don't really want real porn in the game, they just wanna gripe about it. Personally I LIKE the stance of no people were hurt in the creation of this product.


Oct 20, 2016
Sugarcube2 is a derivative of twine, which is a derivative of javascript. So it is a bit obtuse.
We can run Gifs, as tricking the game into thinking they are jpegs, but beyond that the engine is very versatile or smart. Anyone could make their own real porn image pack and just write over the ingame images, or even make a image pack others can install over the base game replacing all the images. No one has stepped up to make the real porn yet they keep demanding it even though it goes against the author's preferences, this game even has a mod thread for you to use.

it would take a 15 minutes or 3 hours to throw together a collection of sex gifs and replace most if not all of the in game scenes, and throw real porn over all the in game images. Thats how badly the don't really want real porn in the game, they just wanna gripe about it. Personally I LIKE the stance of no people were hurt in the creation of this product.
I think you misunderstood my point, it is not meant as a demand for real porn. I'll try to put it simple not to be an ass but to make sure it is not my English that fails me or it became word salad as it is a second language.
I used real porn as an example because I found real porn still images really boring.
There are tons of animation out there, 3dcg, hentai, cartoons, that you can easily find and use. Making it as simple for possible creators of packs to add more gif/webm means we hopefully see more as I generally prefer animated pictures unless done exceptionally well.


Oct 13, 2016
This asks players to do something outside of the game and will that will cause problems. Is there no way to remotely trigger it automaticaly, then read it's stored text.
I dind't mean to offer this as a solution, I just originally did it for my own use then thought I could share it.
But if people aren't satisfied with the current system it can be reworked indeed.
If we can't have the game read what's on the player computer and if we don't want the player to provide additional info or execute extra actions, then we need the game to be able to predict the player's girlpack. So obviously using customized, arbitrary, names for directories and files is impossible, it has to follow a pattern the game can predict. Using numbers is a solution, but for the players I guess it would be inconvenient to not be able to named their packs. Maybe the pack names starting with a number is enough. like '0_Zelda','1_Sakura' etc. or even better a 000 format ('000Zelda', '001Sakura') I doubt people will have more than 1000 packs.
Can you automate some out of the functions like damage calculation so we only need the code once, and can call it for each room, instead of including multiple copies, one per room? This free up many lines of code and reduce the bulk of add new things.
I wasn't planning to heavily edit the code. It just something I did during a shit weather sunday to keep me busy. Multiple people working on the same code is very demanding, changing variables declarations is one thing, replacing all blocks of code is another. I will need the dev thought on the matter to see if we can work something together. But for now I'll rather point out what can easily be changed without changing the global structure of the code. Plus the number of lines isn't what make a game (or any kind of program) slow. 1000 proper lines of code can be run faster than 100 lines of spaghetti code. It is a common mistake to think that using a function is faster, but the first use of a function is for the coder to write the program faster, not for the computer to run it faster.
Sugarcube2 is a derivative of twine, which is a derivative of javascript. So it is a bit obtuse.
Ouch, no, no, no. Twine is an IDE, SugarCube is a story format for Twine, javascript is a programming language.


Dec 24, 2019
On the other hand 60,000 lines of code to do what you could do with 10,000 is a lot more manageable. Less areas for something to get copied wrong, adjusted wrong, or type every time something new comes in.


Dec 9, 2018
sooooooooooo, my anti virus say it's a trojan :/ is it safe ? (dl from mega)


Apr 18, 2018
In short you store too many variables in state for stuff that is constant, so use setup instead.
Is this actually faster though? Both are kept in memory so I don't imagine one would be more lightweight than the other, and is there some performance penalty when accessing the property of an object? Pulling a global var into cache would only be pulling that single variable but wouldn't an object property require the object to me moved into cache, thus being slower? I don't know the answer to this.
May 6, 2019
sooooooooooo, my anti virus say it's a trojan :/ is it safe ? (dl from mega)
Pretty sure it's safe, been playing with it since release and i'm using Kaspersky for virus scanning. Just did another scan of the whole folder (including almost every slave packs shared by the community so far) and no threat detected. What antivirus are you using ?

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