
Dec 19, 2020
And now his working on it all by himself, and by his own words in the past of planning to remove all the fancy systems for the 'merge' so it can get done but he still can't learn after all this time how to do a basic-ass renpy game which requires arguably no learning at all as far as I'm concerned.

It's never getting finished. Everyone giving him money are brain-dead like it or not lol, with people like that that's like one hell of a reason for people to get into making VN's because if you cultivate that audience you won't even have to do any work and they will keep paying you. :KEK:
Jan 10, 2019
And now his working on it all by himself, and by his own words in the past of planning to remove all the fancy systems for the 'merge' so it can get done but he still can't learn after all this time how to do a basic-ass renpy game which requires arguably no learning at all as far as I'm concerned.

It's never getting finished. Everyone giving him money are brain-dead like it or not lol, with people like that that's like one hell of a reason for people to get into making VN's because if you cultivate that audience you won't even have to do any work and they will keep paying you. :KEK:
Guess I am gonna join in on the arm chair speculation, that read a whole lot like.

BC: "I cant find a competent coder to do what I want out of the game and cant do it myself. My original coder left or got so lazy I had to let them go. I have been paying a few freelancers in the past to pick up slack, but they only work for a few weeks before leaving as well."

"I don't want to use what you made or even I made for that mater, because I want to do something new with the game something that is making it hard to find coders once they here what I want to do and you are not my first choice or even my fifth. Honestly I hate that you did it in the first place without asking me, but I am desperate enough to ask you if you will be my new coder for ES. Please say yes, come on board and see what needs to be done?"

Dukez: "No but i can give you advice and recommend you abandon your plans and just release my merge or a modified version of my merge."

BC: "That is not what i wanted to hear, I am off to look for more coders on fiver. Maybe AI will do it for me?"


Dec 19, 2020
Guess I am gonna join in on the arm chair speculation, that read a whole lot like.

BC: "I cant find a competent coder to do what I want out of the game and cant do it myself. My original coder left or got so lazy I had to let them go. I have been paying a few freelancers in the past to pick up slack, but they only work for a few weeks before leaving as well."

"I don't want to use what you made or even I made for that mater, because I want to do something new with the game something that is making it hard to find coders once they here what I want to do and you are not my first choice or even my fifth. Honestly I hate that you did it in the first place without asking me, but I am desperate enough to ask you if you will be my new coder for ES. Please say yes, come on board and see what needs to be done?"

Dukez: "No but i can give you advice and recommend you abandon your plans and just release my merge or a modified version of my merge."

BC: "That is not what i wanted to hear, I am off to look for more coders on fiver. Maybe AI will do it for me?"
Perhaps I should've said yes and taken the payment for doing nothing like all the other coders must have done. :ROFLMAO:


New Member
Jun 11, 2019
View attachment 147887

The teacher (You) moved with his family to a small town after accepting a new job offer. The game starts with day 1: his first day at school and of new life in this small town. The education minister of Japan built a large 25000-meter squared campus to test a new education system for the all-female student body.​

Thread Updated: 2022-06-07
Release Date: 2022-06-06
Developer: BlueCat - -
Censored: No
Version: Day 22 - 23 Final
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language: English, German
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Character List:
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This update is only a standalone Halloween update under Specials

Day 22-23 Final

Previous Weeks
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Patches: - DAY 7 MAC FIX - WEEK 1 MAC FIX

Extras: - Fan Signatures - FAQ

* This unofficial port/version is not released by developer, download at your own risk.

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It's a shame this project was abandoned. I had been keeping up with the updates, got sidetracked by life for awhile and then came back to check on it. I had to look it up by title. I thought it showed a good deal of promise as I was enjoying the many characters.
Jan 10, 2019
It's a shame this project was abandoned. I had been keeping up with the updates, got sidetracked by life for awhile and then came back to check on it. I had to look it up by title. I thought it showed a good deal of promise as I was enjoying the many characters.
Not abandoned, the dev is tying to find people to work on it, however he is not wiling to compromise on his "vision" of a radical change of scope for the game and refuses to release what the fanbase actualiy wants from the game (which is a much simpler project that would have taken a few days folowed by more content for what has come before.)

Said vision and work environment has caused his own staff to leave (or said staff got lazy and stopped working, depending on who you believe.) and the creator can't find new peeps to come onboard for very long and is unwilling or incapable of learning coding themselves to finish up the project. the project is on a indefinite hold but the dev has not given up and is in-fact putting in an effort to find staff. and that is the only amount of good faith ill give blue cat about this whole multi year long train wreck of mismanagement, willful lack of transparency and communication. and obstinate misunderstanding of ones own fanbase of the highest observable degree.

Blue Cat has not given up, he is just stubborn, incompetent, and rarely to talk to people who are not paying sycophants.

At this point it's been so long since I have played any content to this game i have forgotten the story or why i found it so charming beyond its sheer breath of kinks and character stereotypes it caters too. and it seemingly impossible to get all the Dark Mind content working for all the differing versions of the game these days. At this point a updated fan made merge with the DM patches may be needed just to preserve the game and all its content before it's lost to time.


Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2021
Not abandoned, the dev is tying to find people to work on it, however he is not wiling to compromise on his "vision" of a radical change of scope for the game and refuses to release what the fanbase actualiy wants from the game (which is a much simpler project that would have taken a few days folowed by more content for what has come before.)

Said vision and work environment has caused his own staff to leave (or said staff got lazy and stopped working, depending on who you believe.) and the creator can't find new peeps to come onboard for very long and is unwilling or incapable of learning coding themselves to finish up the project. the project is on a indefinite hold but the dev has not given up and is in-fact putting in an effort to find staff. and that is the only amount of good faith ill give blue cat about this whole multi year long train wreck of mismanagement, willful lack of transparency and communication. and obstinate misunderstanding of ones own fanbase of the highest observable degree.

Blue Cat has not given up, he is just stubborn, incompetent, and rarely to talk to people who are not paying sycophants.

At this point it's been so long since I have played any content to this game i have forgotten the story or why i found it so charming beyond its sheer breath of kinks and character stereotypes it caters too. and it seemingly impossible to get all the Dark Mind content working for all the differing versions of the game these days. At this point a updated fan made merge with the DM patches may be needed just to preserve the game and all its content before it's lost to time.
Oh, it's definitely abandoned, and BC don't give a rip about working on it. He is just giving lip service to his Patrons to try and keep them on the hook. Its sole purpose was to finance his move to Japan. Once it did that, he was done with it, but he had to come up with a lot of bullshit stories to keep the free money flowing. Wouldn't you?
Good Game ScamCat. :devilish:
Jan 10, 2019
Oh, it's definitely abandoned, and BC don't give a rip about working on it. He is just giving lip service to his Patrons to try and keep them on the hook. Its sole purpose was to finance his move to Japan. Once it did that, he was done with it, but he had to come up with a lot of bullshit stories to keep the free money flowing. Wouldn't you?
Good Game ScamCat. :devilish:
That was the assumed thought for years. Turns out that's not completely the case and is a symptom of the aforementioned refusal to be transparent or communicate with anyone that is not a sycophant.

Abandoned means he has no intention or desire to work on it, on hold means he cant work on it or cant work on it in a way he wants too. look I munch popcorn and laugh to blue cats bs as much as anyone else but even i have been forced to acknowledge that BC WANTS to work on ES he just does not want to do what people want him to do and he does not want to learn the skills to do what he wants to do or use the builds others have made for him to get the merge in the rear view.

Perhaps he also wants to grift money its almost imposable to say he has not intentionally, or unintentionally done so at this point. However I can not say he has no desire or intention to do something with ES, Recent communications say otherwise.

As the great Kain once said. "Hate me, but do it honestly." a quote which has had a profound effect on my life and how I think of those i dislike and why.


Jul 2, 2017
Abandoned means he has no intention or desire to work on it, on hold means he cant work on it or cant work on it in a way he wants too
BC WANTS to work on ES he just does not want to do what people want him to do and he does not want to learn the skills to do what he wants to do or use the builds others have made for him to get the merge in the rear view.
If ANY of those things were true (or not, who actually gives a fuck now?), then his altruism would have required AT THE VERY LEAST HE STOP TAKING MONEY.

It has been argued many times by many ppl on this damned, doomed thread, that Patreons do not pay for product or output, but the promise and support of a developing project - but in either scenario, and on any basis you argue for clemency and understanding for him, he FAILS by the simple fact, he has always continued to take payments

Let go and let the universe do its thing.” Spencer Johnson
Last edited:
Jan 10, 2019
If ANY of those things were true (or not, who actually gives a fuck now?), then his altruism would have required AT THE VERY LEAST HE STOP TAKING MONEY.

It has been argued many times by many ppl on this damned, doomed thread, that Patreons do not pay for product or output, but the promise and support of a developing project - but in either scenario, and on any basis you argue for clemency and understanding for him, he FAILS by the simple fact, he has alway continued to take payments

Let go and let the universe do its thing.” Spencer Johnson
Hah! Me arguing for Clemency? For Blue Cat? Get real. The ONLY benefit I am giving that fool is relenting that he has not abandoned the project as people here assert that he has. He has not. His own actions show that, but that doesn't mean i support him or think he is deserving of kindness, mercy, or an ounce of advocacy. nor that he should continue to grift Patrion funding or that it was ever right to pull a Spoony and soak up subs from people who arguably forgot they ever subbed in the first place and use it to subsidies his lifestyle while producing a single additional chapter it almost what 3 maybe 4 years?

As i have said over and over in my last few posts the man is Incompetent, Stubborn and only seeks the company of sycophants, What i DON'T like to do is make wild assertions on intentions and treat it as fact. Happens way to much in society.

Like i said before I want to hate him honestly, for what he has done, not what people assert that he has done. There is plenty of factual ass hattery by Blue Cat to go around.


Dec 19, 2020
The ONLY benefit I am giving that fool is relenting that he has not abandoned the project as people here assert that he has. He has not. His own actions show that
I disagree with this personally. I think he had abandoned it and has zero intentions on ever finishing it.

What actions has he shown to think his still actually working on it? Words? Words aren't actions, they're just words. The last time he showed something it was a random Day 4 script from what I can remember - hardly proof of anything. He hasn't shown anything since then and I even offered to look over what his done but he also didn't respond to any part of my message after he finally contacted me - not a word.

It's been how many years since he started this merge thing and it still hasn't gotten done? Coders abandoning it or not - BlueCat himself as abandoned the game. I did it in a month, those same "problems" he mentioned about coders having different styles - That didn't stop me and I knew nothing about renpy's coding or anything.

In fact, I merged the game twice, from scratch both times (I didn't have the first merge files anymore and had completely forgotten stuff I did :KEK: ) but the second time was way better than the first since I changed a lot of shit around to make it more consistent and actually tried fixing the features on the second go around which I didn't do the first time.

Point is, it should be done. There is no logical, sensible reason or excuse a human being could come up with let alone BlueCat to explain why it hasn't gotten done after all these years. I would say prove me wrong, but it's been years - we've all been proven right.

It should be done. It's not. It's never getting done. It's abandoned.

(P.S I still like the game though, obviously)


New Member
Jun 11, 2019
Not abandoned, the dev is tying to find people to work on it, however he is not wiling to compromise on his "vision" of a radical change of scope for the game and refuses to release what the fanbase actualiy wants from the game (which is a much simpler project that would have taken a few days folowed by more content for what has come before.)

Said vision and work environment has caused his own staff to leave (or said staff got lazy and stopped working, depending on who you believe.) and the creator can't find new peeps to come onboard for very long and is unwilling or incapable of learning coding themselves to finish up the project. the project is on a indefinite hold but the dev has not given up and is in-fact putting in an effort to find staff. and that is the only amount of good faith ill give blue cat about this whole multi year long train wreck of mismanagement, willful lack of transparency and communication. and obstinate misunderstanding of ones own fanbase of the highest observable degree.

Blue Cat has not given up, he is just stubborn, incompetent, and rarely to talk to people who are not paying sycophants.

At this point it's been so long since I have played any content to this game i have forgotten the story or why i found it so charming beyond its sheer breath of kinks and character stereotypes it caters too. and it seemingly impossible to get all the Dark Mind content working for all the differing versions of the game these days. At this point a updated fan made merge with the DM patches may be needed just to preserve the game and all its content before it's lost to time.
I whole heartedly appreciate the response to my comment. Truly, I wasn't expecting this. That is indeed sad news. Hopefully, this major setback will open his eyes to the project and the fan base he's built.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
No disrespect for the person that did, but it's not really worth playing if the dev is not working on updates for the game.
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Jul 2, 2017
No disrespect for the person that did, but it's not really worth playing if the dev is not working on updates for the game.
Oh your comment is full of disrespect for the person who spent their own time and talent to make a merge the dev couldn't; so why don't you stop wasting everyones time with a bloody stupid question 2 minutes of thread reading would have answered
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