So I have a problem, it's a little bit unspecific so I couldn't find the solution here. My problem is I played the week 1 light compressed version of the game, and I thought I installed the patch but let's say I didn't (the reality is I think it was an outdated version) and I completed first week (loved the game btw) but I realised I had no content with the daughters and sex in general was a bit vanilla, so I came here and then is when I realised I hadn't the proper patch version, download the proper one, installed it, started a new game aaaand it didn't work. I installed the patch in the correct way, but for some reason the pictures when the youngest daughter appears (new for me btw) dind't work, all I could see was a black image, it just changed the ages of the characters, the dialogue box but nothing more. Then I removed the patch, delete my original save (wich didn't get removed), try to reinstall patch and now even the patch doesn't work and I don't have the option of Dark mind where it should appear. So after that I delete the game, download it again and it has my old save even after I deleted it from the bin, and patch still does not appears where it should.
So, sorry for my possible grammar mistakes as english is not my first language, I hope I expressed my problem clearly, and sorry too if this was already answered, but can somebody help me?
In summary: I played the unpatched version of week 1 til the end and now I can't play the patched one whith the Dark mind content. Thank you in advance.