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Okay, now a short piece of info to those of you who start the game and wonder why it starts with Day 8:
Since the beginning of time... No, we won't be going that far back...
Since the beginning of Ecchi Sensei we always paired up the updates (sounds naughty!). There has been the Day 1 update, followed by the Day 2 update which contained Day 1. We called that "Chapter 1". The same happened with Day 3+4, 5+7, and now 8+11 although the next update needs to be counted for that as well. So we'll eventually have Day 8-14 (Chapter 4).
That means: Once Day 12-14 is released, you will also get to start with Day 8 unless you load a later save.
Everything clear?
But from now on we'll make it simpler by defining it more clearly in the download area. So that means, instead of "Day 10+11" this update is now called "Day 8-11". The next canon update is then going to be "Day 8-14". Why do I explicitly talk about "canon"? Because it's Christmas time again on the 24th and we had an idea for a nice gift for you.
The upcoming Christmas special has got the working title:
Ecchi Sensei - Lewdmas Special 2019: Hangover
But why should you now be happy about this beside the fact that you get to see another update earlier than planned? Simple: This update won't take away any extra time because 99.9% of the special will be integrated into Day 12-14 and it is thus canon.
So while we are working on the special, we are simultaneously working on Day 12-14. Smart, isn't it?
The only thing that you might criticize is that the topic of Christmas isn't quite ordinary. But I need to explain something to you here...
Unlike in most countries, Christmas is usually not celebrated together with the family. Normally people go out and party. Harmonic family time does exist in Japan but that usually happens on New Year's Eve where the family has a peaceful time at home, eats a lot, and then visits one of the many temples for the 108 bell strikes. In the following early morning, another visit to the temples is being paid to hope for a good year.
Of course not every Japanese person does that. Especially younger people use the European or American take on the festivities and party on New Year's Eve. But the Matsumoto family is rather traditional here.
I hope you enjoyed this short history lesson and thus there is only one more thing that needs to be said...
Have fun with Ecchi Sensei Day 10+11 (Day 8-11 *Nya*)
So long,