
Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
You're not taking into account the 6 month merge and how long that will take
True, but as of now, the 6 month merge is just going to just that. By that point it'll probably just been cleaining things up by making a single game, where Week 1 and Month 1 are about better implementing mechanics, dealing with bugs and even in some cases rewrites. It good be just as big a job as this, but so far, we've no reason to think that.

Well she IS actively requesting the MC find her another subject to control but i was praying to high heavens its that piece of shit glasses girl who turns up every now and then to point fingers at him and accuse him of being a pervert, thats unlikely though as given how often shes done it i assume BC likes adding in those scenes. Not sure what benefit it would be to anyone if its Kasumi though - shes the shy love interest of the story, with a stutter but genuine feelings for the MC that i can tell so shes unique in that way vs just made into a mind controlled loveless sex doll. Crazy Nurse already has a shy introvert under her spell as well as a bratty attitude teen so needs someone different for the mix and as both of those had no story going anywhere they were no loss but Kasumi? Yeah that would be a waste of potential. There are loads of other girls who have had very little screen time who can be better options or even the ones who would make sense to be so routinely in the nurses ward too like the one who just falls asleep everywhere lol or even Sloth Chan but i know fans would flip if they chose to go that direction with her haha.
I would be one of those people. Sloth Chan must be protected at all costs.

Alice the Snitch is gone. Her creator is no longer donating, so she'll either stop appearing, or have a much more minimal role. Same for Hobogirl and maybe Sloth Chans sister, Reiya. Probably a few others too.

Chiaki isn't even that bitchy. She thinks you're potentially being inappropriate with one of your daughters, which you totally are. A more interesting route would have been to have her trying to expose the MC, and your options would be the ruin her credibility or seduce her. Hell, if you want a darker corruption route, just give the option to break her. It's still fucked up, but at least it's her route and she not just an addon for Crazy Nurse.


Dec 25, 2017
By the way, can anyone explain or offer suggestions how Kotori is winning popularity polls?
Isn't she a comic relief with a laugh which apparently sounds like a typewriter?
I guess I am just biased and can't see anything interesting in her at all, only annoying traits.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
By the way, can anyone explain or offer suggestions how Kotori is winning popularity polls?
Isn't she a comic relief with a laugh which apparently sounds like a typewriter?
I guess I am just biased and can't see anything interesting in her at all, only annoying traits.
She's cute, a bit of a weirdo and has a big ass. The last few updates really fleshed her out a bit too.

And I think she's supposed to have a vampire laugh, considering that's what she likes to dress as.


Dec 25, 2017
Alice the Snitch is gone. Her creator is no longer donating, so she'll either stop appearing
So the moment you stop donating your character is gone?
I am reasonably sure that it was not mentioned in pledge tiers description on patreon page.

maybe Sloth Chans sister, Reiya.
She just transferred, didn't she? To have her disappear immediately would be weird. Or creepy. Or both.

Skummy Ecchi

Apr 18, 2019
By the way, can anyone explain or offer suggestions how Kotori is winning popularity polls?
Isn't she a comic relief with a laugh which apparently sounds like a typewriter?
I guess I am just biased and can't see anything interesting in her at all, only annoying traits.
Because people enjoy her, she's developing as a character, she's cute, has a fat ass, and is adorable. She isn't comic relief she's a main character and one fo your students so she's part fo the story itself and a family member. all fo these are good reasons, plus vampire cutie.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
So the moment you stop donating your character is gone?
I am reasonably sure that it was not mentioned in pledge tiers description on patreon page.

She just transferred, didn't she? To have her disappear immediately would be weird. Or creepy. Or both.
According to a bunch of dudes I chatted with briefly in the Discord, yes. Two of which have there own characters in the game, so I'm willing to take what they say at face value. It's not stated anywhere as far as I'm aware.

Maybe Mama MC killed her for being attractive near her baby boy.
Look, for as much shit stirring as I did for actually perpetuating this shit with a straight face, I've given Blue enough headaches. Unless blue himself comes on and tells you something about this shit it ain't fuckin true until he proves it. Nobody's 'gone', but there's literally a hundred characters, you cannot shine the spotlight on all fo theme very time lol.
While I agree with you to a point, I got my info from two people with characters in the game. While that's not definitive proof, it's still a reliable enough source that I'd say this is worth discussing as much as we can. And while it doesn't prove anything, BC was exchanging words with a few people in the chat while I had this conversation, and they didn't refute anything the others were saying, nor did they confirm it.

So, while I can't say it's definitely the case, I feel I can say it's probably the case.

Edit: Ilyia may also be gone, but like Reiya, noone was 100% certain


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
So the moment you stop donating your character is gone?
I am reasonably sure that it was not mentioned in pledge tiers description on patreon page.
I think its more like they get ownership of creation design wise and the base fundamentals of their characteristics but with that said and done in the GAME Blue Cat gets full ownership of said character to do as he likes how he likes. The only difference ongoing contributions Patreon wise was supposed to do as far as im aware was push said characters more into the spotlight and faster but if Blue Cat decides to give us three hours of Alice being a pain in the fucking ass in the next update he can do so if he so chooses whether the Patreon backer remains funding or not. The likes of Michiko and Migoto as well as likes of Ilyia are bit too much presented to just vanish like a fart in the wind through not backing for example (hell thats the majority of the Art class needing replaced for a start lol).

The Patreon thing has stopped anyway someone said in the past but it was a good way to flesh out the school with umpteen extra characters without needing to go out of his way to creating stock characters of which you would have ever interacted with so all in all it was a good thing (now its ended as theres too many characters needing fleshed out more and so many classes like say Gardening club weve yet to even see yet which will likely add more). Blue Cat all along had his mindset on what he wanted the family to be (past and present) as well as full direction of the MCs class and neighbours but beyond that few (such as Mika or the school staff) can have a claim to being anything close to a main character nor likely ever will be short of maybe handing the man a 1000 dollars a month or something to convince him otherwise haha. They are just the sprinkles on the cake. Theres a lot of sprinkles but we need to get stuff like the bio system updated and sorted out before we worry about deep diving into said sprinkles but we must remember hes planning on ENTIRE in game year of content so we will see plenty enough of all of them (even Alice... save us Crazy Nurse, you know what must be done!) including saving a few for the darker minded fanbase as they will want less wholesome content fodder too (sounds like another Cue for the Crazy Nurse to come into play).

Skummy Ecchi

Apr 18, 2019
I think its more like they get ownership of creation design wise and the base fundamentals of their characteristics but with that said and done in the GAME Blue Cat gets full ownership of said character to do as he likes how he likes. The only difference ongoing contributions Patreon wise was supposed to do as far as im aware was push said characters more into the spotlight and faster but if Blue Cat decides to give us three hours of Alice being a pain in the fucking ass in the next update he can do so if he so chooses whether the Patreon backer remains funding or not. The likes of Michiko and Migoto as well as likes of Ilyia are bit too much presented to just vanish like a fart in the wind through not backing for example (hell thats the majority of the Art class needing replaced for a start lol).

The Patreon thing has stopped anyway someone said in the past but it was a good way to flesh out the school with umpteen extra characters without needing to go out of his way to creating stock characters of which you would have ever interacted with so all in all it was a good thing (now its ended as theres too many characters needing fleshed out more and so many classes like say Gardening club weve yet to even see yet which will likely add more). Blue Cat all along had his mindset on what he wanted the family to be (past and present) as well as full direction of the MCs class and neighbours but beyond that few (such as Mika or the school staff) can have a claim to being anything close to a main character nor likely ever will be short of maybe handing the man a 1000 dollars a month or something to convince him otherwise haha. They are just the sprinkles on the cake. Theres a lot of sprinkles but we need to get stuff like the bio system updated and sorted out before we worry about deep diving into said sprinkles but we must remember hes planning on ENTIRE in game year of content so we will see plenty enough of all of them (even Alice... save us Crazy Nurse, you know what must be done!) including saving a few for the darker minded fanbase as they will want less wholesome content fodder too (sounds like another Cue for the Crazy Nurse to come into play).
Crazy Nurse is not needed, we have a perfectly good basement dammit! CN takes the fun out of it!
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May 17, 2020
I see hints that the storyline with MamaBear is going to be one of those tropes you see so often in these games. So far the game is very enjoyable when is about the characters in the school and all their troubles and Matsu helping/exploiting that. I don't think, and here is my own personal opinion, that the type of drama that MamaBear will bring will be something this game really needs. Wouldn't be fun if she just shows up one day to the house and Matsu just kills her and buries her body somewhere? :D I'd rather have that than a whole drawn out drama that will just distract from further good times with Mao, Fuyu and Tomoe


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
I see hints that the storyline with MamaBear is going to be one of those tropes you see so often in these games. So far the game is very enjoyable when is about the characters in the school and all their troubles and Matsu helping/exploiting that. I don't think, and here is my own personal opinion, that the type of drama that MamaBear will bring will be something this game really needs. Wouldn't be fun if she just shows up one day to the house and Matsu just kills her and buries her body somewhere? :D I'd rather have that than a whole drawn out drama that will just distract from further good times with Mao, Fuyu and Tomoe
The way things are going so far, I see MamBear as more of a villain than a potential sexual conquest. She's emotionally abusive to both her kids, which probably led to Matsu being the sleeping psycho he is today. I wouldn't be too surprised if the full game ended with Matsu putting her down near the end of the game.

Of course, she could be completely reformed once we get to know her in the modern day, and will actively aid you in forming a harem with the rest of the family, and more. Who knows?
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May 17, 2020
I know. But by the event with her and Mao and Yuki just seems like she will just be there to cause unecesary trouble that distract from all the other things. I've seen this in quite a few games. Maybe she'll kidnap one of the girls or just be in the way of things that really matter. I just don't see this with good eyes. We already have a psycho in the game that is much more better and with a secret lab.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
I know. But by the event with her and Mao and Yuki just seems like she will just be there to cause unecesary trouble that distract from all the other things. I've seen this in quite a few games. Maybe she'll kidnap one of the girls or just be in the way of things that really matter. I just don't see this with good eyes. We already have a psycho in the game that is much more better and with a secret lab.
Eh, I actually prefer MamaBear. I hate her more than Crazy Nurse, but she is at least is tied to the central story. Crazy Nurse feels like she's there to enable all the darker kinks without having to actually deal with the consequences. Like, Matsu can straight up rape Haruka, but because of CN, it doesn't lead to anything. It was just there to have rape scene.

I guess it depends on what this game is going to ultimately be in the end. If it's just a vehicle for a large variety of sex scenes with a bunch of interesting characters, with the main plot just being the thread that connects them, then Crazy Nurse is definitely the better choice.

If we're going for a more cohesive story where the sex serves the plot, the MamaBear is the better character. She's closely tied to the protagonist and his loves ones, and would make a good antagonist that Matsu can't just get rid of because she's his mother, even if she is a monster.

The fact that we're so early in the story means my view of this will likely change in time though. Despite all the content that's release, we're still only about 1/12 into the story.


May 17, 2020
I agree with you to a point. The game so far has been about the unusual school and its characters. Myself i am not a big fan of the past stuff. Not because is bad or anything. Is written quite well. But because i have seen it so many times before. I think what they did so far with the present story is amazing. The games doesn't take itself seriously and it's a good thing. I think if it went into a dark drama route would take away from what it can really be. There are dozens of games that do that. But not many like the present day, school stuff. Again, this is just my take on it.


Feb 14, 2020

Public post

Ecchi Sensei - Month 1 - Status Report No. 11:

Hello guys!
This week we've done lots of work on the code again! A highlight of this week has been the "define" file which is responsible for defining almost everything in the game, be it names, sound effects, music files, etc.
Especially for the names we've used new code that makes it easier for us to maintain existing entries and add new entries in the future. On top of that, the file looks much better now and... Well, most of you will probably never look at that file. *Fufufu*
In any case... the changes we've made can be easily reproduced in other files with lots of code. That way, the additional work could, for instance, reduce the risk of erroneous mistranslations in other files. In other words: If you play the game in English, there will be fewer German words which are left mistranslated or untranslated by mistake.
Latecomer has also developed a nice tool for automatically correcting known mistakes that I make in my writing.
This takes some workload of Latecomer who is already very busy, and thus he can use his time more effectively.
Okay, enough for this week. For all those of you who are curious to find out when the Halloween Special will be released:
Definitely ahead of October 31!

So long,

# Deutsch:

Hallo Leute!

Wir haben diese Woche wieder sehr viel am Code gearbeitet! Insbesondere richtete sich unser Augenmerk auf die "define"-Datei, welche dafür zuständig ist, fast alles im Spiel zu definieren. Sei es nun Namen, Soundeffekte, Musikstücke, usw.
Besonders für die Namen haben wir neue Codesegmente hinzugefügt, die uns die Pflege und das Hinzufügen neuer Einträge in Zukunft einfacher machen. Darüber hinaus sieht die Datei auch viel hübscher aus und... Naja, die meisten von euch werden sich die Datei wohl eh niemals ansehen. *Fufufu*
Jedenfalls... die vorgenommenen Änderungen für die define-Datei lassen sich auch problemlos bei anderen Dateien mit viel Code anwenden. So könnten die zusätzlichen Codierarbeiten in anderen Bereichen zum Beispiel das Risiko von unabsichtlichen Sprachzusammenmischungen reduzieren. Mit anderen Worten: Spielt ihr auf englisch, könnte es nun weniger deutsche Wörter geben, die vergessen wurden, übersetzt zu werden.
Latecomer hat außerdem ein nettes tool entwickelt, mit dem automatisch bekannte Fehler, die ich bei meinen Schreibarbeiten mache, richtig geschrieben werden.
Das erspart den bereits ohnehin schon sehr ausgelasteten "Lati" enorm, und er kann so seine Zeit sinnvoller nutzen.
Okay, genug von mir für diese Woche. Für all die Neugierigen unter euch, die sich fragen, wann das Halloween-Special veröffentlicht wird:
Definitiv vor dem 31. Oktober!

Bis dann,


Active Member
Jan 11, 2018
I'm glad to hear it is progressing. While I'm not happy with the delay, I like that they are cleaning up the code and fixing broken features. I enjoy the in game music so it will be great to have that fixed and updating the student list is essential (even between months I will sometimes need to be reminded exactly who a character is.)


Jun 11, 2018
The Patreon thing has stopped anyway someone said in the past but it was a good way to flesh out the school with umpteen extra characters
I actually think that's a substantial negative. The game started with too many characters. Every update seems to throw another half dozen or so on. Which also tends to mean too many plot threads, banging 10 different people every single day, just shuttling between one sex scene with characters you can now barely remember to another. I mean, not just girlfriends or casual sex partners, but how many secret waifus can one guy have?


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2020
Tsubara is Crazy Nurse, right? Cause yeah, she's a threat to every student at the School and I don't like it. I'd at least like to reign her in. I usually like crazy, but I can't help but feel bad whenever I see whatever she's doing to Chiaki and Haruka, cause they've literally done nothing wrong. If she targeted characters like Akira or Taira, I'd be more into it but she only seems to target nice people.
Chiaki as rude to us and thus gets no sympathy


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
Chiaki as rude to us and thus gets no sympathy
She looks at you funny because she thinks your a sexual predator, which you are. That is the extent of her crimes.

It's also weird that Becky hasn't mentioned her not hanging out with her any more.
I actually think that's a substantial negative. The game started with too many characters. Every update seems to throw another half dozen or so on. Which also tends to mean too many plot threads, banging 10 different people every single day, just shuttling between one sex scene with characters you can now barely remember to another. I mean, not just girlfriends or casual sex partners, but how many secret waifus can one guy have?
This game is supposed be reaching an ingame year. I think it's going to need a a large cast to pull that off, otherwise it's going to end up witch a bunch of dead air, or repetition. Throwing in the T8s is a bit much, I'll agree. Especially now we know that they can just drop out of the story at moments notice and render most of their previous scene pointless.

I doubt it'll be more than two secret wives, to be fair. The rest seems like they're all going to be lower on the ranking than Fuyu and Tomoe. With the exception of family, of course.
4.10 star(s) 145 Votes