
Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
Are there rules that prevent OP or mods changing the name to Week 3 or 15-21? It's been causing confusion for months now.

Skummy Ecchi

Apr 18, 2019
it does make sense. Month 1 is still potentially 2 months away.
If a simple filename change can avoid us 4 pages of the same question over and over because no one knows how to use search then its a good idea.
I didn't say it didn't make sense, I just said it also doesn't matter this late in the game


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
Imo people should stop saying "Just wait for month 1 merge, it's just around the corner", we still don't have clear ETA and I would not be at all surprised if it was delayed to 2021.
We have, he said recently he is aiming for the release before the end of the year as in public release not just Alpha or even Beta. This is the first time i think hes given an ETA, its clear he fully intends this to be out before next year so they can focus on the newer updates going forward 2021.
Apr 19, 2020
We have, he said recently he is aiming for the release before the end of the year as in public release not just Alpha or even Beta. This is the first time i think hes given an ETA, its clear he fully intends this to be out before next year so they can focus on the newer updates going forward 2021.
2021 will be a big year for this game and it'll be exciting to see where it goes tbh

Ghostly Hale

Active Member
Jan 26, 2018

Public post

Ecchi Sensei - Month 1 - Status Report No. 12:

Since many of you seem to be worried that Month 1 of Ecchi Sensei won't be released this year: Don't worry. We will do everything in our power so that the Alpha, Beta, and Final versions of the megamerge of all previous updates will be available for the supporters before this year ends.
As, for unexplicable reasons, I have completely forgotten to integrate Fapoween 2019 into the game to have another neat dream sequence, it will be added, of course, and thus all Specials will be partially or fully included in Month 1.
But now exciting information for those who are unable to support us financially:
We should've done it a lot easier, but better late than never: After Month 1, we will always offer the previous version of the game as a free download on Patreon, Subscribestar, and in Discord.
That means: After Month 1 has been released, the entirety of Month 1 will be available for free as soon as the next update's final version has been released.
The next update in that case would be "Day 22+23". After the Alpha, Beta, and Final versions are released, Month 1 will be available as a free download.
The same goes for the update after Day 22+23, of course, etc..
That's it from my side.

So long,

# Deutsch:


Da viele scheinbar die Angst haben, dass Ecchi Sensei - Monat 1 dieses Jahr nicht mehr veröffentlicht wird: Seid unbesorgt. Wir werden alles in unserer Macht stehende tun, damit die Alpha, Beta und finale Version des Megamerges von allen bisherigen Updates noch vor Ende des Jahres für die Supporter erhältlich sein wird.
Da ich aus mir unerklärlichen Gründen komplett vergessen habe, "Fapoween 2019" in das Spiel zu integrieren, um mal wieder eine nette Traumsequenz zu haben, wird das natürlich nachgefügt und somit werden alle Specials teilweise oder gänzlich in Monat 1 enthalten sein.
Nun aber eine spannende Info für all jene, die nicht in der Lage sind, uns finanziell zu unterstüzen:
Wir hätten das eigentlich schon viel früher machen sollen, aber besser spät als nie: Wir werden nach Monat 1 immer einen Gratisdownload der vorherigen Spielversion auf Patreon, Subscribestar und im Discord anbieten.
Das heißt: Nachdem Monat 1 veröffentlicht worden ist, wird Monat 1 in seiner Gänze frei für alle verfügbar sein, wenn das nächste Update in seiner finalen Version erschienen ist.
Das nächste Update wäre in dem Fall "Tag 22+23". Nachdem die Alpha, Beta und finale Version erschienen sind, wird also Monat 1 gratis sein.
Dasselbe dann natürlich auch für das Update nach Tag 22+23, usw.

Das wars dann mal wieder von meiner Seite aus.

Bis dann,
So...Will month one include day 1 up to day 30?
In other words will i be able to play month one as start of the game (When MC moves to this new town) till the latest update?


Jan 27, 2020
Hi so may i ask there will be android versions for week 2 and 3 right? Just that the developers haven't made them yet

Skummy Ecchi

Apr 18, 2019
Hi so may i ask there will be android versions for week 2 and 3 right? Just that the developers haven't made them yet
No, there will not be, as the team does not build APK's, plus this game is so massive it would not be viable through Android, but a modder may build an APK version unofficially regardless for Month 1. There's no point in making one now if its even possible, as the individual weeks won't carry over.


Active Member
Oct 18, 2019
As said, most Android ports are not from the devs and i believe there is a 3gb limit on Android.


Jan 27, 2020
No, there will not be, as the team does not build APK's, plus this game is so massive it would not be viable through Android, but a modder may build an APK version unofficially regardless for Month 1. There's no point in making one now if its even possible, as the individual weeks won't carry over.
Ow that's sad okok thanks


Feb 14, 2020

Public post

Hello guys, it's me again, the friendly neighborhood cat!
I am bringing you news again because, after last week's announcement regarding freely available downloads after X amount of time, I'm happily announcing that I've decided to release this year's Halloween Special for free to the masses!
You're wondering when it's going to be available for non-payers?
You've got full access to the Halloween Special as soon as it's released, which is definitely going to be ahead of October 31!

Amazing, isn't it?
"But Blue, I'm a supporter and that's unfair!"
You're right, but don't fret, because I take good care of my Patrons. Early Christmas! "NYA NYA NYAAA"
To all those of you who are supporting us: Thank you very much.

What? You want more?
Alright! In the next few days, I'll be posting many great preview pictures of the next updates on Discord.
"But Bluuuue! I don't have Discord!"

Then download it or use it in your browser :CHHHHH

Here's the link:

Okaaay, alright, people!
See you again when it's time for the release of the Ecchi Sensei - Halloween 2020 Special.

So long,

# Deutsch:

Hallo Leute, ich bins wieder, die freundliche Katze von nebenan!
Ich komme dieses Mal wieder mit froher Kunde zu euch, denn wie letzte Woche schon lautstark verkündet bezüglich Gratisdownloads nach Zeitfaktor X, melde ich heute mit Freuden, dass ich mich dazu entschlossen habe, das diesjährige Halloweenspecial ebenfalls für lau an die Massen zu bringen.
Wann es für nicht zahlende Personen erhältlich sein wird, fragt ihr euch?
Ihr habt vollen Zugriff auf das Halloweenspecial sobald es released wird, was definitiv vor dem 31.10 sein wird!

Fantastisch, oder?
"Aber Blue, ich bin Supporter und das ist unfair!"
Da hast du recht, aber mach dir nicht ins Höschen, denn ich sorge natürlich auch für meine Patrons. Verfrühtes Weihnachten! "NYA NYA NYAAA"
All diejenigen unter euch, die uns so fleißig finanziell unterstützen: Habt Dank.

Was? Ihr wollt noch mehr?
Na gut! Ich werde in den kommenden Tagen ganz viele tolle Previewbilder zu den nächsten Updates auf Discord posten.

"Aber Bluuuue! Ich habe kein Discord!"

Dann lads dir runter oder nutz es im Browser :CHHHHH

Hier der Link:

Okaaay, also dann, Leute!
Wir lesen uns dann wieder wenn Ecchi Sensei - Halloween 2020 Special veröffentlicht wird.

Bis dann,
4.10 star(s) 146 Votes