i am in a funny mood, so first lets see what i posted in early march.
You guys wanna know whats up with the game? I will tell ya, and im not involved in anything:
[...], the one person who is "ill", is the teams main-coder. [...] He has made himself irreplacable by creating a code-monster.
Now he cannot handle his monster any longer, [...]
This game will either start from scratch, or gets abandoned.
This was obvious to me since the beginning of January.
And now, it is time to REVEAL what is up with the game, and same again, i am not involved in anything:
Right now, no work is being done on the game.
Last years halloween update was the last work. It was rushed AF and the worst of the halloween and christmas-specials that have been made. They then fiddled a bit about the merge, but since january or february at the latest i believe development is completely on hold. Maybe some third party work like portugese translation
is being done sporadicaly, and Bluecat himself typing some words into character cards now and then, thats it.
What is the plan?
Easy, pile up enough Patreon-money to make Bluecats wish come true: Moving permanently to Japan. And when he gets there, he will never be seen again.
Probably my last post in this thread, PEACE bros