I'm having issues with beating Vinland on Hard. What's a good setup? There's a page in the wiki that recommends Vinland after the Indies, but I can't beat the last fight. My big problem is that I can't kill either Drake or Teach fast enough, no matter the setup one of them survives and combined with the mostly untouched backline I lose troops too quickly. I'm on turn 50 something since I spent a bunch of turns gathering gold to buy more troops since I got stuck before at a much lower turn count.
It really depends - what did you migrate? Which bonuses did you start with etc? Or is this a clean hard run?
If you started the run with say Magoroku, retaining skills and a few bonus items you could easily start the battle with 5 Brave, and then Chihaya can easily take out the middle row (not even the best strategy, but you get the idea). But I guess it is a clean run. Because if you had it would not even be hard to beat that battle on Turn 9.
It has been a few years since I beat this game on Hard, so I may misremember what attacks the enemies have available on that difficulty.
Do not put anyone in the central front square, so that Teach can't reach anyone with his guns (or rather 1 person with a richochet shot). This makes Teach waste a few turns moving around, preferable even forward (so that your frontliners can more easily reach him too). Make use of type disadvantage to farm Brave when Vinland attacks, and try to avoid attacking with type advantage, if you don't do significant damage (less of an issue if they don't have dangerous attacks to spend their Brave on). Also make use of Perry to soften up Teach, and farm some brave. Basically the techniques at your disposal will determine how to take out Drake, Teach and Awilda. Those are the hard hitters, William Kidd does not do much.
Also if you are struggling to keep your units alive, try to speed up Himiko (if you have items available for that), and use her to heal. Since it is a timeless battle, you can keep on healing when the battle is basically won, so as to replenish your troops fully. Obviously easier if a slower unit than Teach survives.