
May 21, 2019
The official Eiyuu Senki GOLD patch has been released:

Could you please include the Seiso patch into this newly released patch please?! And thanks in advance.
You MUST NOT apply schen patch when installing this one. You have to do this on a clean install. If you still have the install folder, uninstall the game (including the Seiso Patch which you have to delete manually) and reinstall with the patch. In the meantime, we'll wait for schen to readjust the Seiso patch.

Your Seiso save will NOT work with the official patch: Delete any save that contains Seiso.
I have fresh install but this happen. How to fix this btw? The patch already in the game folder. 1614424755637.png


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2019
I have fresh install but this happen. How to fix this btw? The patch already in the game folder. View attachment 1056683
Try installing it in the C partition of your Hard Drive! Tenco games tend to break if they're not on the C hard drive!
Also, make absolutely sure to NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES install the fan patch BEFORE the official patch! They won't work together!
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Apr 21, 2020
Try installing it in the C partition of your Hard Drive! Tenco games tend to break if they're not on the C hard drive!
Also, make absolutely sure to NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES install the fan patch BEFORE the official patch! They won't work together!
no, just uninstall it then install later and apply the patch, you won't lose your saves (they are in a different folder hidden in C drive), which a lot of game uninstallers did (don't remove the saves, just remove game content), if you have a back up, then replace the current Define.dat and Script.dat with former ones.
Seriously never install anything in C drive.


New Member
Jul 2, 2020
Majikoi (Hazakura Seiso) patch.

1. (optional - if you haven't made backup of original files and used any of my previous patches) unpack to the game folder

2. install official v1.01 patch from

3. (optional) backup or rename files

4. unpack to the game folder

Also restores Arthur voiceover in some of her events.
EDIT 02.03: Fixed charging animation bug.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2019
Majikoi (Hazakura Seiso) patch.

1. (optional - if you haven't made backup of original files and used any of my previous patches) unpack to the game folder

2. install official v1.01 patch from

3. (optional) backup or rename file "AUGEvent/Script.dat"

4. unpack to the game folder

Also restores Arthur voiceover in some of her events.
Thanks schen! Doing work here!

Deleted member 568526

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
No, I actually go for Vinland first (and the last battle is really hard with this strategy - luckily it will be the only fight in that turn to make it easier), and in my current playthrough after that the Aztecs, South Sea. Doing South Sea first is probably slightly better from an optimisation point of view - after conquering Port Royal (don't use Geronimo, she is needed to do the Aztec quest), I basically waste an action on someone's character event (sadly not Himiko or Billy - those would have been more useful). Probably best to take Guam, and then recruit the Aztecs next turn but that would leave you with a fiendishly difficult battle against Cook and Magellan though. I bailed out on that one. Manpower is simply too limited.

Kamehameha is quite useless (too limited troop numbers) and drains 4 turns before you actually get her. For a few more turns you get the Knights of the Round Table, and that is obviously the far better deal. So no point in recruiting her, before you have dealt with the Taika Empire. Technically Vinland is not needed for a rushing strategy, but you really need the manpower, Alwilda is pretty awesome, and Teach has 9 speed which is very useful at times as well.

After getting Montezuma, rush through the South Seas, and take Saigon as soon as possible (Oda can be really useful for that one). Then it is time to take on the Incas, up to Valparaiso, and take on Britannia / India as soon as you can. Ideally you do the three Britannia events in the same turn, so that you can send your A-team for that battle (since the two other events do not involve fighting). Before taking on Britannia, I invaded Australia (which technically is suboptimal, since that can wait until after you conquer China). Again, manpower will really help, and Jeanne d'Arc is pretty useful to provide criticals.

The Britannia battle against Balin, Tristan, Palamedes, Percival and Mordred is extremely tough. I massively lucked out on that one. Balin beserked Columbus, and for some reason afterwards no one bothered Columbus as she blew the middle row away(Tristan and Palamedes are not dangerous - in fact you could even aim to feed the enemy brave if Palamedes / Tristan are up next, so they can waste the brave on poison mist / that luck reduction attack - sometimes it is also a good idea to feed enemies brave if they will launch a brave consuming attack with high wait time). It is Mordred and Balin in particular who are nuisances), I pretty much would have accepted any victory without units getting killed. Columbus and Benkei (Benkei's Full Swing brave attack + Columbus work great on Payens) really saved my skin in that one and the follow up. Also it helps massively to save the game during the conversation AFTER the first battle, so that you can retry the second one, without having to go through the first one. Because sometimes you just get victories that are really not great (too many units killed, too few bonuses etc). Yes, I was outnumbered, but not too badly (all fighting units were above 2000)

Notice that after you have defeated that gang, it will take them two turns to land in India. Which is a good time to declare war on Macedonia, and wrap up some loose ends (eg. conquer a few more Inca cities, or Australian ones). Then deal with India, and you'll get your second healer in Bors. 3 brave is a lot, but healing 3000 units per go is quite useful, as you will be taking lots of damage by now.

After dealing with Britannia / India, you just steamroll through Macedonia, wrap up things against the Incas.Then take on China. China is big, but it provides just a few tough battles (the ones with Lu Bu). After conquering the Taikas and ending your turn you get your fourth action point. Then you can relax a bit - you probably will need to do some character events. I really don't see how you could win the battle in Carthage with just basic attacks, let alone some of the battles in the Dark Realm. Egypt might be doable, but you are not going to get extremely useful units from there.

Another thing is you need a lot of luck not getting swamped by defensive battles. Over the course of my ten turn war with the Incas (I was actually hoping for more defensive battles, so that I could get troop bonuses for my roster, especially the ones that could use a boost) just got three against them, and no other nation, Macedonia included attacked me more than once in this playthrough. In my Japanese version run, I sometimes had to deal with 3 or 4 attacks in the same turn. Really hard if you have a limited roster - you really don't want to send out 2 or 3 units if you can help it, because they will suffer heavy casualties against fresh troops.

ETA: My first playthrough I finished on turn 73. I could not read Japanese, so I had no idea that that was indeed the final battle. Obviously reloaded that one, and did all the character events + quest before finally beating it again on turn 183 or 184.

ETA2: Also, in timeless battles ALWAYS bring a healer. Even if your units barely survive, leave one harmless unit standing, as you heal up. That might cost you a rank or two, but saving the troops is usually well worth it.

What a grind fest that was I retried so many battles to get the max troop bonus you could get and just got my ass handed to me so many times but eventually luck swung my way and I can say now you can do this its just really hard. One thing I can say learn your crews strengths and weakness and get good at understanding the enemy, placement of units and learning where you have no choice on taking hits(sometimes you have to sacrifice a unit to save the the rest from taking to much damage) Learn who in your crew has a high critical rate and who seem to take the least amount of damage kind of all goes without saying but You were right it really comes down to troop management and luck too (that's where retries comes in) if you have anymore than a couple B ranked battle outcomes you will need an extreme amount of luck to make it through. Oh and you can do this in 27 turns :) Save often if you plan on doing this Oh and by the time you get to the alliance it is almost a cake walk from there , your getting enough funds from each turn you can replace almost if not all of your lost troops. Hardest battles for me was Vineland , south sea's Round table knights, and and getting past Billy with out getting decimated(its so early you don't have enough troops yet). Fighting Balin was not as hard as I thought it would be maybe I just got lucky there.

Kudos kilatin
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Sep 23, 2018
I guess the patch isn't obtainable, as the page wants me to buy the game (Which I'm not opposed to doing at some point)


New Member
Nov 18, 2018
I guess the patch isn't obtainable, as the page wants me to buy the game (Which I'm not opposed to doing at some point)
Why can't you download patch? Select the Downloads tab and click on the highlighted link provided.


Jun 28, 2018
It is all about troop management. If you fail that, you will fail. So yes, you will have to retry a bit on occasion. Also in the first few turns, buy troops cheaply (since price increases every 250 troops you have) to save a lot of money, while strengthening your units. You can do that for about 12-14 turns, after which you need to start saving up for the Britannia chain of events (50 000 will take some time to acquire) These are my first twelve turns. From the start of turn 13 I get three action points (due to dealing with North America. Whenever an (A) is posted it is won with A-rank victory. If it involves battle, and no result is posted it is S rank victory. The trick with 'Encroaching Beasts' for instance is to send only Tadataka out, and send her out in the back row so that the beast can't hurt her. S-rank victory achieved, in 5 turns. With Edo, position your troops in such a way that the gunmen can't hit you on their first turn, and if you are lucky with the RNG, you can wipe them all out without suffering any damage. etc.

Encroaching BeastsThe fifty-story pagoda
Declare War on EdoConquer Edo
Declare War on KyotoConquer Kyoto
Conquer YamatoInner Thoughts
Now Towards the worldConquer Salt Lake City
Conquer Kansas CityConquer Edmonton
Conquer Vancouver (A)Conquer Anchorage
Conquer Anchorage IIConquer Yellowknife
Conquer St. LouisConquer Pensacola
Conquer Dallas (A)Conquer Fort Sumner
Conquer ChiwuawuaConquer Chicago
Conquer New York (A)The Bird-vanquisher star
I just want to point out I didn't say you couldn't be that far into the game that quickly. I just stated It was only possible if you did very little in the way of side content. I mean you did say " Admittedly I am only on turn 28 in my current playthrough, but I am ready to declare war on the Taika Empire (and thus have dealt with the Macedonian Alliance, North America, South America, the South Sea, Vinland Australia, and Britannia / India). " For me by Turn 28 I had North America, South America, Vinland, and was working my way through the South Sea ( If I recall correctly I finished South Sea and started Macedonian Aliance on turn 29 or 30).

Side note: Alexander is the best spear unit in the game. You can't change my mind.
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Jun 3, 2018
I just want to point out I didn't say you couldn't be that far into the game that quickly. I just stated It was only possible if you did very little in the way of side content.
This is inconsistent with what you wrote before, namely:
There are only two ways I believe you're that far along despite only being on turn 28. Option 1. You've used the cheat engine to make the game play faster (not terribly likely but still at least possible). Option 2. You're on a New Game Plus and have been focusing solely on advancing the story, completely ignoring all character events.
So which is it? As posted in my good discussion with APoc1, it can be done on a regular clean game (not New Game+).


Apr 21, 2020
Side note: Alexander is the best spear unit in the game. You can't change my mind.
How ? I think Lubu is much better because of her versatile skillset. Alexander does have a very good passive trait, but I rarely use her in key battles.


New Member
Nov 18, 2018
Cheat Table:
- Unit Mod
- Bonuses
- Unit Always Available
- Troop Limit = 99999
- Brave
- No Wait Time
- 100% Crit
- Money
- No Remove Item *enable/disable before/after craft
- Action Point
What does Bonuses do? There is no "<script>" next to it under value.


May 21, 2019
The 1.01 Newgame + Items carry over bonus is not working. Jast broke quite some shit here. And the game crash happen quite a lot for me in shabhala as well, which doesnt appear on 1.0 at all.
To fix the bonus problem, go make a new game+ save on ver 1.0 and use it with ver 1.01.


Apr 21, 2020
The 1.01 Newgame + Items carry over bonus is not working. Jast broke quite some shit here. And the game crash happen quite a lot for me in shabhala as well, which doesnt appear on 1.0 at all.
To fix the bonus problem, go make a new game+ save on ver 1.0 and use it with ver 1.01.
What's wrong ? My game's working fine.
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Active Member
Nov 30, 2017
feels like 1.01 patch introduced new bugs.
when enemy is charging and you cancel it by getting a critical hit, the sprite still looks like still charging even tho you cancel it.
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Jun 28, 2018
This is inconsistent with what you wrote before, namely:

So which is it? As posted in my good discussion with APoc1, it can be done on a regular clean game (not New Game+).
Option 2. You're on a New Game Plus and have been focusing solely on advancing the story, completely ignoring all character events.

Okay, so I was wrong about having to be on New Game+. But you didn't deny that the focus was on the story and not the character events. In fact I don't think a single mission that was pointed out in your discussion was a side event, I think they were all important to advancing the plot. Meaning my point stands, and is not being inconsistent as you pointed out. Or were you calling me out for ignoring the fact that my other option for being at that point in the game that quickly was through cheating.
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Apr 21, 2020
feels like 1.01 patch introduced new bugs.
when enemy is charging and you cancel it by getting a critical hit, the sprite still looks like still charging even tho you cancel it.
And they changed skills names with the new patch too, some skills descriptions are wrong too.


Jun 3, 2018
Option 2. You're on a New Game Plus and have been focusing solely on advancing the story, completely ignoring all character events.

Okay, so I was wrong about having to be on New Game+. But you didn't deny that the focus was on the story and not the character events. In fact I don't think a single mission that was pointed out in your discussion was a side event, I think they were all important to advancing the plot. Meaning my point stands, and is not being inconsistent as you pointed out. Or were you calling me out for ignoring the fact that my other option for being at that point in the game that quickly was through cheating.
No, your point still does not stand. At all. You said New Game+ - I did explicitly state only basic attacks. Hello, why would I need to do character events to get non-basic attacks then? So now you come to the revolutionary insight that that if someone uses basic attacks, and rushes the game, that they have skipped doing character events. Wow! As if I did not heavily imply that myself. I guess I should be writing to some prestigious awards for philosophy and logic, since you must be a prime contender.

So option two was NG+ and advancing the story. Which, when I point out that NG+ is not needed, you claim that I am inconsistent.

You are wilfully obtuse, because instead of accepting that it can be done, as stated by me at the start of the discussion, you are now dropping the "New Game+" nonsense in your original response to me, while still claiming to be consistent, and making it out as if I am changing my explanations. If you are incompetent at this game, that is not my problem. That you keep insisting that I am the one who screwed up, despite you consistently moving the goalposts every time you respond, is on you.
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