So... After conquering East Asia, which country is supposed to be the easiest to take next? Everyone keeps telling me not to mess with Russia and Macedonia, but something tells me the EU isn't exactly going to be a walk in the park.
EDIT: Never mind. The EU was far less organized and far less of a threat than I thought. I guess Britannia not being a member is causing some issues. Haha. Topical joke.
EDIT 2: Oh, Hawaii is a high level capture. Well isn't that just great. Wish I knew that before. Would've saved me a lot of grief facing those pirates and that motherfucking, piece of shit, dick eating, son of a bitch baby dragon. If I never see another one of those it will be too soon.

Sorry. I got a bit nettled.
Well, time to reload and take Australia instead, I guess. And hopefully be able to use all three of my action points in a single turn this time.