I respectfully disagree. Not liking incest or one or more female characters cuz of tastes and preferences is an absolutely normal and logical thing to expect seeing in the comments/reviews in a porn game thread, but I'd argue that intentionally making an attractive female character not romantically or at least sexually available to the MC isn't a good idea, and you can see why in this and the BARS threads.
I never understood the logic behind this type of thinking, if we consider that making these characters costs devs money and a simple avoid or keep it friendly with them does basically the same thing, but different strokes, I guess.
If seeing the world burn and games get abandoned left and right due to all the negative feedback and complaints is your MO here, then you'd be on your way to certain victory.

If not, then I think devs doing this is not a good idea at all.
But seriously now, just like in reality, there CANNOT and NEVER will be possible to see something even resembling an actual friendship, not lust or romantic interest camouflaged as this, between at least one attractive person and another one. Reality teaches us it's an impossible concept, cuz as they spend more time together, at least one of them is bound to become sexually/romantically attracted to the other. Ppl who ask for all female characters like Arianne to be romanceable or fuckable are probably using the same logic in fiction too, since it's fiction for a reason. Can't say I blame them, cuz this is a matter of tastes and preferences again and it's why variety is good in porn games.
Ok, sounds like a fair argument, BUT keep in mind that porn game devs need to make money off their games too to keep working on them, and sadly, in our case, the dev's monthly income isn't anything worth mentioning as a plus.
I like this game too, especially for female characters like Ari, Catherine, Emily and Kiara, but the story isn't something
that interesting that will keep you in suspense about what happens next, nor are the so far vanilla sex scenes.
Sorry, but I have a completely different take on this. A porn game
needs a promising story that should deliver exactly what fans expect from it, a few gorgeous female characters/LIs, a good romantic build-up, a looot of good, passionate sex scenes with at least a few different and completely optional fetishes as their main focus, one or two decently-written antagonists for MC's character development and a few interesting plot twists, and a few endings that'll bring the closure fans are looking for.
Not catering to the
majority of one's fans and subscribers a dev wants as their target audience and only teasing them with attractive female characters like literally dangling a carrot in front of them won't make ppl rush to support a game, and no good monthly income means an inevitable abandoned tag. There's a lot of examples where exactly this happened and where money was, in most cases, the main reason invoked for it.