No. Erranda (like Lerran) is separate. You can't fully accept Erranda's offer because that includes having threesomes with Erranda and Iris/Nadine (which there isn't much of right yet).So I'm guessing the choice with Alisandra is also a deciding factor in Erranda's route as well? I rejected her offer and because of that I can't "fully" accept Errandas offer because I told her mother no. If she is in control of them how is it only allowed if you accept her off even though her daughters offer is much more consensual. It's a half lock in an unrelated route. She can be with them but you can't all be together because of a previous choice.
Let me put it this way: there is no non-consensual sex in ECA. The girls are all willing, even if the dialogue seems stilted to you. Situations where people like Alisandra make it seem creepy, etc., are in-character for them. All the girls are interested in the MC, and if pursued, will fall for him romantically and physically.
You had a meeting with Alisandra and told Iris, to her face, that being with her is "deplorable". You (player) and MC might not have meant it that way, but that's what the MC said and how Iris took it. There's currently not a way to pursue Iris if you said this in front of her. I might add in a way to get "back in" with Iris later if supporters complain about it, but that would be at a point I am working on refining the game.
For Genny, I agree it's a bit... bad. I'm actually going to redo that scene soon with new images/animations. You aren't the only one that has mentioned this.