
Active Member
Jan 9, 2018
Also Google isn't a company I'd consider trustworthy in the first place, just wanna get my daily fuck google out of the way.
Speaking as the one that made the post he seemed to like, I agree with this. Google is more likely to put viruses, especially spyware, on your computer than pretty much anyone on this site or from the era scene is. Every single Google product is fucking full of spyware.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
How do the skills work? I assume only one skill can work per turn, so it goes down your skill list and tries to activate each skill until something works or something?

Pretty cool game so far, still trying to figure out htf everything works. All the events seem super rapey even with good stats as I've seen mentioned here before. Might need to hire some men just to send them off instead. Bandits are a pain in the ass, they captured the first girl I impregnated from the arena and I haven't gotten an event to stop them yet. Not sure if I wanna turn them off. Agreed that I'd love if there was a more active way to deal with them, even if it was only a chance like "Search for bandit hideout" at a certain city, but their base might be located somewhere else. It'd make me feel like I was at least doing something, the complete rng events feel awful.

Seems like you want to build everybody for all stats really, jack of all trades. The early stat ups are easy, after C/B rank the improvements slow down a lot. So it's more efficient to make everybody kinda good at everything. You need everybody on the field to protect your borders too.

I wish you could swap officers on defense on the same turn, those buildings that train them every turn would be a lot more useful. Right now since my borders are constantly expanding, it's hard to leave people that far back in my territory just for some level ups when I need them protecting the border. Might just go for the income and skill training reductions. Labor seems the best way to train people in stuff they don't like training from the interaction trainings. Training once at the war screen is helpful too. Cost scales up too much to do it multiple times.

At least I finally started to figure out relationships. Just gotta drug the fuck out of them at the start or they'll constantly go back and forth between appreciating and hating even basic chatting. After they have like 400 relationship it's easy sailing since you can start physical touching more reliably. Dates are really good for starting off a relationship too, usually best to start with 1-2 dates if somebody has 0 relations with you.

Probably about time to restart again now that I understand more. Going to aim for more "Dabblers" for sure. Their starting level doesn't seem to matter as much as their ability to grow quickly in everything. Nice to be able to just hit up all 4 training methods while interacting with them without pissing them off/making them anxious. Gotta remember to save 5k for the arena every time too.
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Active Member
Jan 9, 2018
is there a higher skill ceeling cap then S?
The hard ceiling cap for stats is always 5, 10, 50, 99, 100, 999, or 9999. The cap changes depending on what stat you're talking about.

The letter ratings aren't caps. They just give you a rough idea of how good the character is at that particular thing. Though, you can get an S ranking with a 100 in a stat with a cap of 9999. There is no letter rating higher than S even for stats like that, though. Because the game's balance doesn't expect you to actually go much higher than whatever number gets you an S.
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cursed spark

Nov 27, 2017
The hard ceiling cap for stats is always 5, 10, 50, 99, 100, 999, or 9999. The cap changes depending on what stat you're talking about.

The letter ratings aren't caps. They just give you a rough idea of how good the character is at that particular thing. Though, you can get an S ranking with a 100 in a stat with a cap of 9999. There is no letter rating higher than S even for stats like that, though. Because the game's balance doesn't expect you to actually go much higher than whatever number gets you an S.
thanks for the reply, i was aproaching 200 with the fighting stat so i was wondering if that would be enough for SS, but at least i know that no such thing exists.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Anybody know how to break Remilia into a slave? She's resistant to gaining submissiveness with all the shit I've tried (Whips, gags, blindfold, spanking, enema, nose hook, etc). Need that player trait you can get after conquering enough girls that makes it easier to raise submissiveness of girls? Only things that I've even got a bit of gain with is when first applying bondage gear (And that's only like +2-3). Unequipping them and reapplying them is only like +1 submissiveness per turn.

Just like beating the shit out of the poor text girl and zero submissive gain lol. Maybe I need tentacles or something? Belly Punch is +1 at least. That fucking Prideful trait. I dunno if it can be removed somehow or trained out of her. I remember a rando event that can alter traits of girls, but it failed when I tried to remove a similar problematic trait before, I don't have much hope for it even if I can find it again. Not sure if it's a joke or just low chance of success.

I don't mind some girls being hard to turn into slaves, but geez.
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Active Member
Jan 9, 2018
Anybody know how to break Remilia into a slave? She's resistant to gaining submissiveness with all the shit I've tried (Whips, gags, blindfold, spanking, enema, nose hook, etc). Need that player trait you can get after conquering enough girls that makes it easier to raise submissiveness of girls? Only things that I've even got a bit of gain with is when first applying bondage gear (And that's only like +2-3). Unequipping them and reapplying them is only like +1 submissiveness per turn.

Just like beating the shit out of the poor text girl and zero submissive gain lol. Maybe I need tentacles or something?
You seem to have the exact opposite problem I do. Submissiveness fucking skyrockets from just normal conversation, but I can't get their domination/superiority to increase faster than submissiveness no matter what I do. Even letting them lead in conversation/sex doesn't do anything as submissiveness always goes up by at least 1 point more.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
You seem to have the exact opposite problem I do. Submissiveness fucking skyrockets from just normal conversation, but I can't get their domination/superiority to increase faster than submissiveness no matter what I do. Even letting them lead in conversation/sex doesn't do anything as submissiveness always goes up by at least 1 point more.
Yeah, it seems like traits really hard stick you with certain outcomes unless you have some special way to overcome them. I thought they might just make things a bit more difficult, but they can hardcap submissive or assertive gains. Didn't notice it in my first runs since I was going for love with everybody and raising favor more than anything else was easy enough. Now I'm going for slaves and it's really apparent.

I know you can get special traits for having enough girls fall in love with you that allow you to raise stats of your partners faster. I assume it happens if you make a similar amount of girls your slaves. Guess I just gotta try to get to that before working on the bitchy girls.

Edit: Just found out Prideful and Stubborn are removed when a girl submits to abuse. Well, that'll make turning them into slaves easier if I can manage to reach them submitting. Submit seems to be around 2000-2500 submissiveness. I haven't reached slave yet at 5k submissiveness.

I also just realized how much better it is to train multiple girls at the same time. I thought it would split up the experience more. Splitting a single dick up among 3 girls and they gain the same submissiveness, impressive. Wow, I wasted a lot of time training them solo. I actually think I'll restart, it hasn't been too long and I could have had some slaves by now before wars even started...

Actually, it seems bugged. My stamina/strength aren't going down using the "A Insert in turns" with 2-3 girls command solo. Still going down while spanking 2 girls and such. I guess just gotta spank them during it to be fair and still have proper stam drain. You usually have to stop before the time limit before they go crazy anyways.

Edit Edit: Yep, Lordly trait you can get from having enough lovers/submitted allows you to train Remilia. It's still slower than normal, but it's manageable. Went from best I could do is 1-2 submissive a turn to 8.

My Patchouli took till 3000 Dependence and 13500+ Submissive to go from Submit to Slave. Seems it's the Dependence that does it, if it requires both, the Dependence will probably come after at least 10k Submissive.
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Jul 8, 2019
Anybody know how to break Remilia into a slave? She's resistant to gaining submissiveness with all the shit I've tried (Whips, gags, blindfold, spanking, enema, nose hook, etc). Need that player trait you can get after conquering enough girls that makes it easier to raise submissiveness of girls? Only things that I've even got a bit of gain with is when first applying bondage gear (And that's only like +2-3). Unequipping them and reapplying them is only like +1 submissiveness per turn.

Just like beating the shit out of the poor text girl and zero submissive gain lol. Maybe I need tentacles or something? Belly Punch is +1 at least. That fucking Prideful trait. I dunno if it can be removed somehow or trained out of her. I remember a rando event that can alter traits of girls, but it failed when I tried to remove a similar problematic trait before, I don't have much hope for it even if I can find it again. Not sure if it's a joke or just low chance of success.

I don't mind some girls being hard to turn into slaves, but geez.
1. cheat if you hate it that much (if)
2. normal gameplay: first thing first, put her in the jail so she doesn't ran away when angry. As the game mentioned, she's weak to anal so focus on making her orgasm in the anal sex.
3. adjust gameplay: in the setting, the event chance can be turn on and off depend on you.
4. train yourself. get better at sex to make her orgasm stronger.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Man I love this game, so much potential and quite a sandbox to fool around with. I've heard the other games don't have the same versatility of the sex system in this, that'd be sad. More games should adopt this if possible.

Btw, does anybody know where girls go when their country is destroyed but you can't find them in the recruit menu? Took down Cirno squad and she's unaffiliated and wasn't captured by anybody, but I can't find her physical location. She never took part in any battles, so it was like she wasn't in her land to start with. Maybe she was wandering through an ally's territory while I was destroying her country or something? I dunno if they do that. She was available to be nightcrawled though.

Wonder how I'll find her, hope she doesn't auto end up as a slave to bandits/goblins because of that. I thought an uncaptured/unaffliated girl would instantly join another faction or end up in the recruit menu at the war screen. It usually mentions what happens to them all immediately after their country is taken down, but I guess because she wasn't even on the field, it bypasses that.

Edit: Well, she didn't show up anywhere in the army combat log, so I guess that's better than just auto ending up a sex slave to goblins, lol. Still can't find her though. It's like she just disappeared. Damn, I really wanted her for her Genius and Super Growth potential. Oh, I just noticed she's injured from the Nightcrawl menu. She's actually been stuck at 1 injury for a while, maybe she's bugged.

Finally found her, whooo~ Youmu and Yuyuko too, damn, glad I saved up a ton of money. Was going to buy the tentacle book, but these girls have some really nice unique skills. RIP money, but at least I won't need more fighters. I finally started paying more attention to their SLG skills, easy to overlook but they can completely change the battlefield. Youmu fucking multiplies and turns into 3 officers in combat, holy shit. Going to raise the hell out of her. Also wanna quickly remove Flandre's skill that makes her randomly leave the battle. I'm surprised they let you remove that so easily.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Guide for EratohoK for version 2022-06-05. The game is mostly "Complete" content wise as of now as far as I know, so it will mostly just be recieving translations. This means this guide should remain viable even in newer versions, but let me know if I miss any drastic changes.

Starting Out:
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Character Creation:
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Special Factions:
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New Character Bonus:
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Deciding Between Slave and Lover For Your Officers:
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Base Menu:
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Governing Menu:
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Speed Train Girls Into Slaves:
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Turn Guide (Up to turn 8+ so far):
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FAQ/Issues/Quick Tips if you don't want to look through the whole guide:
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My EraTW Guide
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Jul 8, 2019
Is there a translation that has at least the main menu translated? Otherwise I'd have no wish to play it, cause it would be a constant switch between game and guide
i use Translation Aggregator. Dig the game (logic) one by one and feed Akyuu good food long enough for her to survive 120 day. I could suggest everyone to try the game, but I believe a lot of people going to ask me everything....


Jan 5, 2018
Is there a game like this without the fantasy elements? I always feel a bit jarred since i have no knowledge of the fandom this is based on.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Is there a game like this without the fantasy elements? I always feel a bit jarred since i have no knowledge of the fandom this is based on.
Like TohoK? Not really, not translated anyways.

Not a Touhou fan here either. I know the characters exclusively from the vast amount of rule34 and doujins and that works for me. There are some in jokes and stuff but most of it is stuff anybody can enjoy/understand anyways. All the Era games are focused on some parody shit I think. Most Touhou, but there are others. MegaTen is Persona, that and TohoK seem to be the most popular/talked about.

Glad I finally tried this, there's really nothing even close to similar. The gameplay or sex versatility on its own is impressive enough. Combined it's quite amazing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
So I have 2 quick questions, hopefully they're easy ones two lol.

Firstly: How do you get NTR experience? I have a lover and keep screwing around with others but still no experience? She's even a porn actress so I have no idea how to get this up.

Secondly, and a bit more complicated: Is there anywhere where there's a sort of guide or something, in English, for how to make an Era game? Everywhere I've looked seems to be mainly about talking about translating the games not making one for yourself so I'm wondering if there's any guide or something anywhere, thanks!
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