
Mar 24, 2021
This is EratohoTW right? You don't need to stress over it, its a comfy kinda game. Just play however you want, the game is like that anyway, just comfy daily life with your 2hus waifu. Also if you want to get sex friend, one thing I can tell you is to talk to them and try to get them to bed and just develop them, it'll raise their favorability fast without raising reliability. Also EratohoTW CAN be a grind, just cheat if you don't want to grind too much or just enjoy it through your playthrough. You can also BITE ZA DUS TO after one full year to restart everything anyway(basically a ng+). Hope you have fun. Lastly, just enjoy the process of living with your 2hus waifu. >-<
Yup, it's EratohoTW. I understand that it's a game meant to be taken slowly and casually, but it's difficult to do when I don't understand a good chunk of what's going on in the screen and what I'm supposed to do. It's a really good game, and I'm willing to learn about it, but it's pretty difficult since the in-game tutorials don't give me a lot to work with.

I enjoy it so far though, it took me a day to get anything meaningful going but I don't particularly mind. That being said, I don't get how to bring characters to bed, my processes involve a lot of conversation/tea/skinship spamming but pressing LMB + RMB for like, a solid five or even ten minutes gets tiring pretty quickly. Though I don't quite understand what you mean by develop, if you mean raising their gems/stats like submission and loyalty then I don't get those stats either lol.

Thanks for the response though, I'll keep those in mind.


May 14, 2021
Though I don't quite understand what you mean by develop, if you mean raising their gems/stats like submission and loyalty then I don't get those stats either lol.
Yeah, by develop I mean you have to caress, kiss and have sex to develop those stats, every night after you've finished your intimate session with your 2hus they will have an increase in their sensitivity and technique depending on where you've develop them. Keep in mind though that if you stop time to have smex with them they won't develop technique(they're frozen in time lol). Also if you have trouble getting them to bed just try to get their favor to a higher value or maybe you just haven't develop your character enough(by that I mean, getting your skills up, knowledge, speech, combat, etc.). Getting them on dates and spam conversation/skinship and then headpat/forehead kiss/embrace/kiss(or not if you don't want to steal their first kiss without consent, well technically they kinda give you consent but they'll give you their first kiss anyway if you guys have a good date) and go to a hotel after all that, you may or may not be able to take her, just pay attention to the value when it showed you how it was calculated, it'll give you a good idea on how to proceed(if you wanna cheat a bit, just put an aphrodisiac in her tea or food to get the value higher).

Also if you don't know you can go to option(when you went to bed) and click on the stars on the top of the screen/top row and there will be a cheat menu waiting for you. I don't recommend it though cause it may break your enjoyment of the game.


Mar 24, 2021
Yeah, by develop I mean you have to caress, kiss and have sex to develop those stats, every night after you've finished your intimate session with your 2hus they will have an increase in their sensitivity and technique depending on where you've develop them. Keep in mind though that if you stop time to have smex with them they won't develop technique(they're frozen in time lol). Also if you have trouble getting them to bed just try to get their favor to a higher value or maybe you just haven't develop your character enough(by that I mean, getting your skills up, knowledge, speech, combat, etc.). Getting them on dates and spam conversation/skinship and then headpat/forehead kiss/embrace/kiss(or not if you don't want to steal their first kiss without consent, well technically they kinda give you consent but they'll give you their first kiss anyway if you guys have a good date) and go to a hotel after all that, you may or may not be able to take her, just pay attention to the value when it showed you how it was calculated, it'll give you a good idea on how to proceed(if you wanna cheat a bit, just put an aphrodisiac in her tea or food to get the value higher).

Also if you don't know you can go to option(when you went to bed) and click on the stars on the top of the screen/top row and there will be a cheat menu waiting for you. I don't recommend it though cause it may break your enjoyment of the game.
So basically, I've been doing it right this entire time? Yearning is supposed to be a stepping stone for all the other relationship statuses in EratohoTW? That's reassuring, the earliest I've done it is with Sakuya at around 1k favourability, maybe less. Does fucking one of the girls increase relatability or just favourability? I learned the hard way that it wasn't a good idea to insert one's meat rod into a girl on your first time doing it, at least when you were the one pushed down/being dommed with a character like Sakuya lol.

And yeah, I know the cheat menu. I never used it for anything but to speed up the tutorial messages though and I generally don't like cheating in a game.


Oct 10, 2017
So basically, I've been doing it right this entire time? Yearning is supposed to be a stepping stone for all the other relationship statuses in EratohoTW? That's reassuring, the earliest I've done it is with Sakuya at around 1k favourability, maybe less. Does fucking one of the girls increase relatability or just favourability? I learned the hard way that it wasn't a good idea to insert one's meat rod into a girl on your first time doing it, at least when you were the one pushed down/being dommed with a character like Sakuya lol.

And yeah, I know the cheat menu. I never used it for anything but to speed up the tutorial messages though and I generally don't like cheating in a game.
You can have sex on the first session with most but you need to keep a few things in mind. Don't penetrate unless lubrication is at 3 at least. Watch out for certain traits(If you hover over them in their char sheet they'll give details on what they do). 2hu's with Virtuous for example will gain hate marks if you penetrate them without having love first. Yes, even if they initiate the action themselves.(Game's weird like that) Ignorant is also one you need to watch out for.

Sex does not increase reliability, only favor.


Mar 24, 2021
You can have sex on the first session with most but you need to keep a few things in mind. Don't penetrate unless lubrication is at 3 at least. Watch out for certain traits(If you hover over them in their char sheet they'll give details on what they do). 2hu's with Virtuous for example will gain hate marks if you penetrate them without having love first. Yes, even if they initiate the action themselves.(Game's weird like that) Ignorant is also one you need to watch out for.

Sex does not increase reliability, only favor.
Ah, I see. That explains a lot. I still have a few questions though, like is there any way to see lubrication or the orgasm meter for the 2hus?


Oct 10, 2017
Ah, I see. That explains a lot. I still have a few questions though, like is there any way to see lubrication or the orgasm meter for the 2hus?
You might have a very very old version, the meters for lubrication/orgasm and all sorts of stats pop up when you start sex. On the wiki page for eratohoTW, try going to the github link and downloading the English-Development version. I'm assuming the download link on the wiki is pretty old.


May 14, 2021
Ah, I see. That explains a lot. I still have a few questions though, like is there any way to see lubrication or the orgasm meter for the 2hus?
Ah, you might not know this but there's lubrication and orgasm value, so it you buy and use lotion, you'll see the "lubrication" value after you use it, don't right click, left click and slowly reading will give you the idea. For orgasm value, you'll have to see the value called "m/b/v/c/a pleasure" and if hits 10000, then she'll have orgasm on that specific part of the body. Also fyi if you manage to make her hit like 10000 and 9000 on two different parts, she'll have an intense orgasm(2 parts at once). You can also do it for 3, 4 and 5 parts, just try to line up the value so that it reaches that point at the same time.(The value, 10000~, 9000~, 8000~ is interchangeable so you can figure it out by yourself, you'll get the point when you first notice it)


Mar 24, 2021
That's odd. I swear I downloaded the eng-dev version, but I'll redownload and check it again. That or I'm just blind and didn't see it.


May 14, 2021
So basically, I've been doing it right this entire time? Yearning is supposed to be a stepping stone for all the other relationship statuses in EratohoTW? That's reassuring, the earliest I've done it is with Sakuya at around 1k favourability, maybe less. Does fucking one of the girls increase relatability or just favourability? I learned the hard way that it wasn't a good idea to insert one's meat rod into a girl on your first time doing it, at least when you were the one pushed down/being dommed with a character like Sakuya lol.

And yeah, I know the cheat menu. I never used it for anything but to speed up the tutorial messages though and I generally don't like cheating in a game.
The thing with getting "sex friend" is that you only need to get your favor up, so once you can get her to bed, you only need to get her favor up to 1500(by making her orgasm, that's why I told you to just bed her, you'll never have to worry about getting her to yearning before getting her to sex friend) and make her orgasm while she's conscious 100 times. You can see the requirement for it in the "Falling Conditions" tab in the characters info(you might already know this but I'll just say it for anyone who doesn't know).


May 14, 2021
That's odd. I swear I downloaded the eng-dev version, but I'll redownload and check it again. That or I'm just blind and didn't see it.
The first picture is after you use lotion, you'll see the value. The second picture is for orgasm meter.
Just open the game up for a quick screenshot so I didn't really setup the value much lol.

Also fyi you could see that in the second picture there's V Pleasure and M Pleasure, that's vagina and mouth, so as you can see after I put it in she orgasm right away because she got 43592 which bypass the 10000 mark and got the <<Very Strong V Orgasm>> but she didn't orgasm from her mouth because the value is only 4970 after the turn.

Oh and also, this is how things are calculate/work in the other Era games as well.
Last edited:


May 14, 2021
You might have a very very old version, the meters for lubrication/orgasm and all sorts of stats pop up when you start sex. On the wiki page for eratohoTW, try going to the github link and downloading the English-Development version. I'm assuming the download link on the wiki is pretty old.
I didn't look at this bar at all lmao. Maybe I just enjoy looking at number goes up brrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Mar 24, 2021
I tried EratohoK, this one is much more in my tastes being a sort-of strategy game. But of course, in my profound idiocy, there is yet another thing that slips past my mind. In particular, it's how you treat corruption/mindbreaking/spiritbreaking. Initially I assumed I just have to spam interactions but that didn't bear much fruit, and I found myself stuck in an eternal loop of gaining and losing favour. On that note, I find it hard to reconcile with your rape victims, which have the same issue as the mindbroken 2hus (that being lv-3 stats). Am I missing something, do I have to use therapy, or must I increase her submission first?


Mar 24, 2021
To answer my own question, the best way to get past lv-3 favour is... Dates. The one advice that users have repeated to me several times already.


Feb 8, 2019
I was going to reply with a bunch of helpful stuff but someone already did it for you. Just do what you want in the game and do the tutorial again if you want to.

For EraTW, a question. At what day can you go NG+? I pretty much want to start the whole game again with my hard earned stats.

Lastly, what really is the best way to gain money fast? Really need the cash for those expensive furnitures.


May 14, 2021
Oh my god, those are what the values are for?? I didn't realise that fml.
Don't be too hard on yourself, the game didn't really tell you those things very clearly so its understandable that people won't understand it.

To answer my own question, the best way to get past lv-3 favour is... Dates. The one advice that users have repeated to me several times already.
Weeeeeell, technically the first thing that comes to mind is... just don't get her to hate you(lvl -3 favour) in the first place, but if you can't do it(by imprisonment you'll automatically get hated) you can just "train her" but not "break her", train her like any other Era games, try to take it slow at first, lotion, caress, kissing, clit caress, breast caress, or if you want to play sadist, use tools, blindfold, nipple caps, clit caps, vibrator, anal vibrator, whip, needles, candles, etc. Just so you know, don't break her at all if possible, leaving her mind broken or the other broken is just bad, not non-salvageable but its really not worth it. Give her a break. Also, for the first few turns you may not be able to do much, don't stress over it, try to get one to three characters to a fall-state first and you'll slowly understand how it works. Also, fyi dates is only really good if you wanna build relationship with them(lvl 0 favor), getting hated(lvl -3 favor) first and building relationship after that is kind of a hassle, no?

And I don't wanna backseat you, really, just do the things you want to do, these kind of games is way more fun when you, yourself enjoy playing it.

For EraTW, a question. At what day can you go NG+? I pretty much want to start the whole game again with my hard earned stats.

Lastly, what really is the best way to gain money fast? Really need the cash for those expensive furnitures.
For the first question, you can do a NG+ after you reached day 121, I think, I'm not sure on the exact date cause its from my saves, I typically realize after 121 days or so(121, 124, and 126). So I think the earliest day would likely be 121 days. Also, before you BAITSA DASUTO, remember to confess to all the girls you can first because when you go NG+ you'll be able to change a bit of the girls which used to be your lover in your previous run, its not a must, but useful if you don't wanna cheat, it'll make it easier to develop them if you want(adding M/B/C/V/A sensitive).

For the second question, easily, selling potions and vegetables. I've made 10 millions in one day by selling those.
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Mar 24, 2021
Weeeeeell, technically the first thing that comes to mind is... just don't get her to hate you(lvl -3 favour) in the first place, but if you can't do it(by imprisonment you'll automatically get hated) you can just "train her" but not "break her", train her like any other Era games, try to take it slow at first, lotion, caress, kissing, clit caress, breast caress, or if you want to play sadist, use tools, blindfold, nipple caps, clit caps, vibrator, anal vibrator, whip, needles, candles, etc. Just so you know, don't break her at all if possible, leaving her mind broken or the other broken is just bad, not non-salvageable but its really not worth it. Give her a break. Also, for the first few turns you may not be able to do much, don't stress over it, try to get one to three characters to a fall-state first and you'll slowly understand how it works. Also, fyi dates is only really good if you wanna build relationship with them(lvl 0 favor), getting hated(lvl -3 favor) first and building relationship after that is kind of a hassle, no?

And I don't wanna backseat you, really, just do the things you want to do, these kind of games is way more fun when you, yourself enjoy playing it.
I would avoid it if I could help it, but it just so happens that a few of my nation's officers were 2hus I had curiously raped in the arena and I want to mend the relationships. By train I assume you mean raising her submission, I never really paid much attention to it so I only know to put the star on my check box. Can't break her if I don't know how to though, but I plan to learn more about breaking minds/spirits using captives. I got the basics of building a relationship down (I hope), so learning more statuses won't be too hard.

Also, don't sweat it. I'm enjoying the game as it is, but I'm sure I would enjoy it more if I knew what I was doing.


Mar 24, 2021
Update, I've learned about how to mindbreak and spiritbreak. Was it worth it? Not really. Every time I look at the image I felt my guts being punched. Maybe it was a mistake to do it with that specific character, maybe it was a mistake to do it in the first place, I just know I don't like what I did to those poor little lines of code and pixels.

I'm working on repenting for what I've done, and repairing her. At least as much as I can.


May 14, 2021
Update, I've learned about how to mindbreak and spiritbreak. Was it worth it? Not really. Every time I look at the image I felt my guts being punched. Maybe it was a mistake to do it with that specific character, maybe it was a mistake to do it in the first place, I just know I don't like what I did to those poor little lines of code and pixels.

I'm working on repenting for what I've done, and repairing her. At least as much as I can.
Good, you know those 2hus doesn't deserve to be mindbreak and spiritbreak, they have to do what their leader told them to do.

Also if you decided to have a children in EratohoK, don't forget to spend time with her in her growing up phase, so she could help you in your country, also children needs attention and affection. Just don't take it too far and make her fall in love with you, be a responsible father *~*. For EratohoTW, be prepare to pay for child support. OwOb


Oct 10, 2017
Update, I've learned about how to mindbreak and spiritbreak. Was it worth it? Not really. Every time I look at the image I felt my guts being punched. Maybe it was a mistake to do it with that specific character, maybe it was a mistake to do it in the first place, I just know I don't like what I did to those poor little lines of code and pixels.

I'm working on repenting for what I've done, and repairing her. At least as much as I can.
If you want another sad time, try joining a nation with Seija at the head and romancing her and going through all her events. Til she finally rejects her inner demon and trusts that she can actually be happy for once. Once you're at love, get yourself captured by an enemy faction.
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