I enjoy NTR as well.
The people on the Discord are definitely assholes, but they generally allow people to contribute to NTR content if they're useful and non-disruptive. W65 and the new guy working on AL-K are good examples of that. Hell, after you stopped bothering them for a year, SDMNTR got unlocked. (Yes, its unlocked even right now.)
He didn't get "Ignored" from joining the SDMNTR Git. SDMNTR got locked after you threw a fit on their issues board and so he didn't get to join. Then you deleted all your messages to hide your fit as a bad faith tactic to make them look bad.
They're assholes, yes. But in this particular conflict, you're the primary one causing problems. If you'd just quietly sit in the corner, none of what you're angry about would ever have happened.
I was previously semi-working with you on the idea of a fork, but honestly I'm just sick of dealing with you and am just going to ignore you, now.
EDIT: Screenshot so he can't just delete his post and claim I attacked him for no reason like he's done before.
You can GTFO. W65 offered upload, they refused/ignored for long period of time before I wrote to allow him upload. They attacked me and I felt discussing them is pointless.
You lie "SDMNTR got locked after ", since it was inaccessible for W65 earlier. Toxic admins were ones who locked it. Result is that ERA NTR is still in old version, NTR scenes in the rest of the games are untranslated and ** is still there.
"If you'd just quietly sit in the corner," yup, half year of waiting quietly and W65 was ignored. Stop lying. W65 post was hanging for months ignored and he did not have access. Whole drama is result of their toxic personalities and acts. W65 asked for access, they could JUST allow him and voila. And you claim that my asking for his access HALF YEAR LATER was the reason of all problems??
People banned, threads locked etc. for mentioning about NTR because toxic admins "have issues". Is it NOT the source of the problem? And sure, people like W65 now feel it is good idea to contribute for sure. I see them uploading anything.
I must be very powerful, influential and well-known person, because I was the reason for ERA translators not to translate NTR scenes for last 5 years and stop W65 for half year. You flatter me.
" but they generally allow people to contribute to NTR content if they're useful and non-disruptive " - lies. Like I said, NTR scenes untranslated, W65 ignored for half year. They actively act against NTR and defend ** for at least 5 years.
NTR in ERA games is a lost cause. Deal with it. Blaming me (I am no-one actually) will not help. Additionally, whole "commmunity" is to avoid for above mentioned reasons.