
Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
Just a quick question.

Do I really have to buy the Poly juice Potion???
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Orion is going broke...
How will he even pay child support if...
He's losing Money...
He's losing blood...
He's losing life...

What are we gonna do with the Polyjuice potion??
Cosplay as Jerry???
Cause... we already successfully did that.:HideThePain:
C'mon man :HideThePain:
The walkthrough Recommend it to buy it, so I did.(y)
But damn, you Broke,:eek: how?:LOL:
Eternum 2024-03-23 03-11-49-35.jpg
Eternum 2024-03-23 03-11-50-20.jpg
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Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
:unsure: this feels like one of the "Bad Endings":cautious:
Is it though?

Because I'm of the theory that part of the reason Eternum is going haywire is because of the presence of the players themselves. That amount of astral projections in every given world could be seen by the worlds themselves as "intruders" that need to be culled, and monsters like Xenomorphs basically act like a way for the worlds to "correct" themselves by excising the intruding phenomena in order to preserve the integrity of the world's reality. Kinda like how in "Re:Creators" magic isn't really seen as normal in our world, so reality itself will try to correct that by eliminating the distortion of reality, so said distortion fades over time. It's also why I think projections prior to the existence of the nerve implant didn't last long (hence why you get the feeling that dreams usually end abruptly at times).

Point is, that amount of players do not belong in Eternum, so a good way to rectify that is to completely shut the game entirely.

*This post was brought to you by the Church of Nova.


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Feb 20, 2019
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Dec 11, 2018
'Sup Fuckers! I've been avoiding this thread for a while now to avoid any spoilers and to keep my hype for the update contained to myself away from external influences, and Goddamn, it was worth it. This update is even the one that convinced me to pledge my financial support to Caribdis, so good work, you beautiful bastard.

The update was absolutely gorgeous, even more than what you'd expect from Caribdis. The lighting was phenomenal, the humor hit just right, the heist scene- God, the heist scene. I'm not gonna tell you a Goddamn thing about the heist scene so you can go in and appreciate it yourself in its full glory. Those who have played the new update know what I'm talking about.

The H scenes were phenomenal just like you'd expect from Caribdis, and I'll even say that I think they land a lot better due to Orion's better emotional connection to the girls than the protagonist from OIaL. Not that I'm criticizing OIaL at all, just saying that Caribdis has clearly improved as a writer, and we're all the more pleased with it.

But that's not why I'm writing this post! No sir, not at all! I had a thought come to me as I laid my head down to sleep after playing the new update, and I have a theory! A theory I'm well aware has holes in and is incomplete, but I think I'm onto something. So don you're tinfoil hats, gentlemen; it's theory crafting time. (Btw, apologies if I end up stating something someone else has already posted, but like I said, I've avoided the forum for a while now, and I'm not going back and reading all that. I swear, I came up with it myself!)
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I went back to a theory I dropped about a year and a half ago, and wouldn't ya know it, I wasn't exactly on the mark, but I wasn't too far off either. I'm gonna drop another amended theory after this latest update.

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New Member
Aug 13, 2019
Is it just me or did the animations in this update feel quite a bit worse compared to previous versions? Seems more "realism" was put into them, but that just made the animations look odd, out of place or in some cases, making no sense at all
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Sep 5, 2017
f you take it as a culmination of his journey beginning with the wrong intentions, it kinda makes sense, though.

From the very beginning, Orion's goal was to have fun in Kredon, change his luck and score babes and possibly get laid. Then when he learned of the prize awaiting those who got the gems, he starts fantasizing in Ekabar what life he would have if he becomes CEO of Ulysses. He also takes shit from no one, given how the correct response in dealing with Axel was to punch him (instead of confronting him or grabbing his hand away when he tried to fondle Annie). These show that he has always had this "brash and confident" streak in him.

Then through the course of the story, he continues to keep on "winning" without much setbacks (the only one being when he lost his gem and the fight against Thanatos in Ogygia): He gets his first gem at the Red Herring, he pulls off the Heist without much of a hitch, he takes Wagner's gem and curbstomps most of his army in the process, he starts becoming physically buff without going through the Mikaela workout routine, every LI starts falling for him, he even manages to seduce a powerful being like Caly despite her arrogance, he starts making a name for himself as the Huntsman as his still-unexplained powers continue to grow unabated...

Granted, most of his successes are also thanks in part due to help from the girls, and that's where he mostly shows his more compassionate and nice guy attitude. But his behavior this update, in my opinion, is simply a culmination of all the things that have been happening in the story so far while also showing the glaring flaw that Orion has had since the beginning. A flaw that is starting to cloud his better self, as seen in how he basically was gung-ho with the gem hunt and set Nova aside before Nan chastised him. Too bad that alone wasn't enough to really set him straight.

Which is why I think this ending is warranted. As I said before in this thread, Orion still has options to get himself out so I'm not worried about his survival. But he needs time to self-reflect and put himself in the right mindset. Right now he's still in the mindset that all of this is just a game (figuratively speaking) and he is "the hero" who will save the day, bed all the women without consequence, and become god. With that mindset, he essentially is no different from The Founder, and that's not what the dead needs.

No, what he needs is to actually BE the hero that the dead and the girls deserve. He needs to come clean and express his intentions with all of them and make them realize he loves them all equally. He needs to adjust his attitude and his goals and actually start taking shit seriously. He needs to understand why things that are happening in Eternum are happening and not just go about them like some sort of Main Story Quest in a VRMMO (granted Ekabar is a good start but that seems to have been initiated by one of the LIs rather than something he himself should initiate).

Like Idriel keeps saying, "you're not asking the right questions." Mayhaps the reason she is saying that is because Orion isn't changing how he's looking at all these things based on his current lifepath and attitude. Hopefully some time being a wandering soul in Eternum (or perhaps Limbo) will change that.
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Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
Also still holding out that The Founder is an Astaroth either from this universe or another that is attempting to conquer the multiverse after acquiring the Gems of Doom, however that works
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I'm personally abandoning Orion's potential supernatural parentage and just gonna say he's special just because.
This is the kind of stuff that makes me question if William's lore bomb is completely accurate. Because while it sounds like he got most of the details right, there's still a lot of stuff unaccounted for: namely the existence of Idriel in Limbo and why she and the dead are reaching out to Orion of all people, why the souls of the dead are trapped in Eternum since it's implied that the Founder simply stumbled upon Eternum already being in such a state, why the Weapons of Atlas were created by Idriel, what the Gems of Doom actually DO when they are completed, what the deal is with the Syndicate in all of this...yeah, still too many unanswered questions rather than answers IMO.

*This post was brought to you by the Church of Nova.


New Member
Dec 31, 2023
Another story with a bad plot twist. It's too forced to get shot out of nowhere getting pizza by some random junkies. I know I always go through shity areas at night in the rain , warn people before hitting them so hard they fly into a dumpster just, get right back up and shoot someone. Yeah this update is a zero. Done with this one.


Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
Another story with a bad plot twist. It's too forced to get shot out of nowhere getting pizza by some random junkies. I know I always go through shity areas at night in the rain , warn people before hitting them so hard they fly into a dumpster just, get right back up and shoot someone. Yeah this update is a zero. Done with this one.


New Member
May 21, 2019
If you take it as a culmination of his journey beginning with the wrong intentions, it kinda makes sense, though.

From the very beginning, Orion's goal was to have fun in Kredon, change his luck and score babes and possibly get laid. Then when he learned of the prize awaiting those who got the gems, he starts fantasizing in Ekabar what life he would have if he becomes CEO of Ulysses. He also takes shit from no one, given how the correct response in dealing with Axel was to punch him (instead of confronting him or grabbing his hand away when he tried to fondle Annie). These show that he has always had this "brash and confident" streak in him.

Then through the course of the story, he continues to keep on "winning" without much setbacks (the only one being when he lost his gem and the fight against Thanatos in Ogygia): He gets his first gem at the Red Herring, he pulls off the Heist without much of a hitch, he takes Wagner's gem and curbstomps most of his army in the process, he starts becoming physically buff without going through the Mikaela workout routine, every LI starts falling for him, he even manages to seduce a powerful being like Caly despite her arrogance, he starts making a name for himself as the Huntsman as his still-unexplained powers continue to grow unabated...

Granted, most of his successes are also thanks in part due to help from the girls, and that's where he mostly shows his more compassionate and nice guy attitude. But his behavior this update, in my opinion, is simply a culmination of all the things that have been happening in the story so far while also showing the glaring flaw that Orion has had since the beginning. A flaw that is starting to cloud his better self, as seen in how he basically was gung-ho with the gem hunt and set Nova aside before Nan chastised him. Too bad that alone wasn't enough to really set him straight.

Which is why I think this ending is warranted. As I said before in this thread, Orion still has options to get himself out so I'm not worried about his survival. But he needs time to self-reflect and put himself in the right mindset. Right now he's still in the mindset that all of this is just a game (figuratively speaking) and he is "the hero" who will save the day, bed all the women without consequence, and become god. With that mindset, he essentially is no different from The Founder, and that's not what the dead needs.

No, what he needs is to actually BE the hero that the dead and the girls deserve. He needs to come clean and express his intentions with all of them and make them realize he loves them all equally. He needs to adjust his attitude and his goals and actually start taking shit seriously. He needs to understand why things that are happening in Eternum are happening and not just go about them like some sort of Main Story Quest in a VRMMO (granted Ekabar is a good start but that seems to have been initiated by one of the LIs rather than something he himself should initiate).

Like Idriel keeps saying, "you're not asking the right questions." Mayhaps the reason she is saying that is because Orion isn't changing how he's looking at all these things based on his current lifepath and attitude. Hopefully some time being a wandering soul in Eternum (or perhaps Limbo) will change that.
Fair warning I will yap and write a LOT here and I'll probably repeat a lot of things already said in the thread but I feel like theorizing, I'm really sorry for that LOL

I think this is actually really interesting to think about. He has been characterized to be extremely cocky, brash and meet obstacles. Most girls if not all of them have at LEAST one or two moments within their route which have Orion stating, with absolute certainty, that he will protect and take care of them, he's continuosly throwing himself into danger and having little to no regard for his safety, the more he won, the more arrogant he bacame I think you put it extremely well in your post. One thing to note is how he actually presumed he would win against the Werewolf Leader. He acted as if he was fodder, like fighting him was a chore he'd get over with in a second (only for him to get speedblitzed later on WITH his hax on, to me implying he never even had a chance - though that could've just been comic relief, it IS a Caribdis game lol).

What is really interesting to me is that It's always been clear something has been trying to guide Orion in a certain path. The first phone call he received just after reaching Kredon, the text that flashes on-screen for barely a frame when logging in ETERNUM, his dreams, with seemingly dead people begging him for help. - Though, I suppose now its half-confirmed that it was Idriel guiding him, and the NPCs / Souls asking for him to free them - To me this just means Cari had a clear vision on how much of the plot points and story beats would play out and how to hint towards them, that's really neat, but not what's so cool about this:

What I do think is really cool is how some variables are teasing stuff that goes along those 'guides' and 'secret messages'. Telling The Founder that you fight for others makes the variable "hero" true (this goes along what Dorfnutter mentioned about Orion having to actually act and BE the needed hero), whilst his next question asking you whether you'd sacrifice innocent lives to save your loved ones changes absolutely nothing at all, it just doesn't matter. Another thing to note is that the only girls to have a 'path' variable are the main ones, the exception being Calypso- i.e she's technically a main girl if we follow the code's logic. The game also seems to remember each coin flip decision and actually changes some real spicy bit of dialogue accordingly, and imples you should always choose Tails and that Tails is the right option in all occasions.

Unrelated note, but am I the only one happy with the Model and Animation changes? Unexpected, sure, but I don't think anyone looks particularly ugly. I actually think the changes make a lot of sense with the characters. Annie is cuter, Dalia, Penelope and Nancy look more similar and seem actually related, and everyone's 'vibe' was maintained. The animations to me also have very clearly improved. Some may not like the 'realism' but I personally enjoy when the stretches strech, the jiggles jiggle and the plaps plap. I think the Game is headed on a very nice and enjoyable direction, my only nitpick is how quick I was to finish the update. I know I'm a fast reader, but did anyone feel like this one was really short?

Anyway, here's my batshit crazy theory, there's Spoilers for those who haven't played 0.7 or previous updates:

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