
Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2021
Thanks for going through the trouble of listing them out. Yeah I got the sequence of the events wrong the first time. I understand the 50 years part now. Basically Isaac or Orion deduced the dream that inspired the Alien movie was this Andromeda server. Luckily, it wasn't inspired by Mass Effect: Andromeda.
Mass Effect: Andromeda...

I actually enjoyed Mass Effect: Andromeda. I mean, it was nowhere near as good as the other three, but it had its moments. A few characters were great, and some were terrible, it was a decent mid-tier game. Once they fixed the bugs especially. Probably the weirdest thing about the human facial bug was that the Asari used the same basic face models, but all looked fine. It was only human faces (usually human female) that gave off the weird uncanny valley affect.

Now ME:A has nothing on Eternum, this game is great. A better story and characters just all around, and without all the random side quests and grind. One of the things I like most about Eternum and other AVNs in general is you *can* (though unfortunately don't always) get all the romance, story, and choices that games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, the Witcher and such RPGs give you. But without all the grind and... well, frankly, without all the gameplay that gets in the way.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
Now ME:A has nothing on Eternum, this game is great. A better story and characters just all around, and without all the random side quests and grind. One of the things I like most about Eternum and other AVNs in general is you *can* (though unfortunately don't always) get all the romance, story, and choices that games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, the Witcher and such RPGs give you. But without all the grind and... well, frankly, without all the gameplay that gets in the way.
There is a story mode in ME (at least in the OG, didn't played andromeda). I never tested it but I think it makes it somewhat a sandbox VN with 3D moving in real time


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2021
There is a story mode in ME (at least in the OG, didn't played andromeda). I never tested it but I think it makes it somewhat a sandbox VN with 3D moving in real time
Story mode basically just makes combat ridiculously easy and Sheperd basically immortal in those sections. Your powers regen faster and there are even less enemies, but you still have to do the fights and all the side quests that don't matter other than leveling you up between main quests.

The Mass Effect games are the only games I ever got 100% achievements on. I played them on the hardest mode, they are the only games I do that with, other games I tend to turn the difficulty way down if I can. I still play them from time to time. I actually played Andromeda again about three weeks ago for a lark and was reminded that the game isn't as bad as the hype around made it sound. It's kind of like New Coke back in the 80's. New Coke wasn't "bad," it basically tasted like Pepsi or store-brand cola but compared to original Coke it was garbage.

Funny thing, if you live in Texas or other Sothern USA state with an HEB, their HEB brand cola is New Coke, they bought the recipe and used it for their cola... I don't know why I shared that, maybe someone found it interesting. Maybe Caribdis can use that in the game, make a joke about New Coke or something... :ROFLMAO:

Edit: He could say that the New Coke recipe was from a dream about a horror server with bad foods...


Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2021
I actually enjoyed Mass Effect: Andromeda. I mean, it was nowhere near as good as the other three, but it had its moments. A few characters were great, and some were terrible, it was a decent mid-tier game. Once they fixed the bugs especially. Probably the weirdest thing about the human facial bug was that the Asari used the same basic face models, but all looked fine. It was only human faces (usually human female) that gave off the weird uncanny valley affect.

Now ME:A has nothing on Eternum, this game is great. A better story and characters just all around, and without all the random side quests and grind. One of the things I like most about Eternum and other AVNs in general is you *can* (though unfortunately don't always) get all the romance, story, and choices that games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, the Witcher and such RPGs give you. But without all the grind and... well, frankly, without all the gameplay that gets in the way.
For me, the biggest disappointment is actually the lore of Andromeda (that means the background, the settings, rather than the story of that particular game. Like, ME 1,2,3 share the same lore but not the same story, if I'm not using the word "lore" correctly.) In the original trilogy, every race had their own homeworld whose environments drive their physique, behaviour and agenda. In Andromeda, the same races are present, but all of them are basically in the same situation, homeless.

They did kinda try to re-create similar environments for some races, such as a barren planet for the Krogans, but that doesn't make sense. The Krogan in the original trilogy didn't choose to live on a barren planet because it suited them. They did so unwittingly because of a civil war that turned the planet into that. The ones that remained because they weren't willing to leave their homeland. All the races from the original trilogy just feel like bland humanoid races without their home planets. You could argue that they were already established in the original trilogy and so they don't need to do it again, but the thing is, it's not just the background, it's their agenda. You could see how every race in the original trilogy had their own agenda, like Krogans trying to solve their low birth rate, Quarians trying to reclaim their homeworld, while main event, which is the Reapers trying to return, happened. These loose ends were all tied up in Mass Effect 3, which is what made it so good. But the races are not the same without their unique struggles.

There was like 1 new race in Andromeda, Angara, 2 if you count Kett as a separate race. But honestly, it feels just like another humanoid race. Maybe it's just me, but I really expected something much more different if we are going to another galaxy. Like, you could explain why all the races in the original trilogy are humanoid, because they are still in the same galaxy. But even compared to the original races, Angara isn't that interesting. They don't have the same kind of struggles the original races had. They have males and females. They have an enemy. That's all. I mean, they are probably closer to Humans than Asari or Geth.

I guess you could argue that not everything was established right from the beginning in the original trilogy as well, and given time, Andromeda could become just as good, but it's not off to a good start in my view. Every installment in the original trilogy had something unique. The first one was establishing all the alien races and give you an idea of what a single Reaper can do. The second one let you see from the perspectives of Cerberus and a Geth, who were both hostile and considered baddies in the first game. It didn't turn them straight-up good guys either. They just explained to you what their agenda are and so why the mainstream forces don't approve them. The third one was all about fighting the Reapers, the threat that had been building up in the first 2 games. It totally lived up to the expectations.

I'm sorry that I ranted so much but, this is exactly why I like Caribdis' games. His flow is pretty much what the Mass Effect trilogy did, as it seems. Establish what Eternum is, and what the goal is. Then offer hints that it might not be what it was established to be. Then comes the conclusion that everybody had been guessing about based on the previous stories. It doesn't even have to be conclusion that most people expect. In fact it's even better if it manages to tie up all the loose ends while surprising everyone.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2021
And this Offtopic all of a sudden?
I wouldn't say that is off topic per se. More like meandering at worst. We still brought up Eternum and its comparison to these other topics, thus it is on topic, just not specific.

Though I do have some incentive to defend my own posts, so take that with a grain of salt, :sneaky:


Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2021
I wouldn't say that is off topic per se. More like meandering at worst. We still brought up Eternum and its comparison to these other topics, thus it is on topic, just not specific.

Though I do have some incentive to defend my own posts, so take that with a grain of salt, :sneaky:
Well if the others find this as off-topic, we can always discuss in private :). But yes, this isn't as off-topic as it seems. Alien, xenomorph, Isaac the engineer, Andromeda, these are all obviously references to other games of the space theme. We probably shouldn't discuss every reference in details, but it's also reasonable to compare them to Eternum.

Son of Durin

Engaged Member
Jul 5, 2021
I'm glad to have finally seen a post confirming so much of the last few pages was semi-off topic. I was out of touch for a couple of weeks and only scanned some of the 40+ pages that appeared in that time. I'm reading the last few pages and going "I thought this release was mostly going to be a heist - how the fuck do we now have space battles, "Alien" and a bunch of new stuff in a completely different direction, that also seems to be about another release's worth of development?!?!?!"

I realize that it's a game within a game and that they end up on different "worlds" depending on the server they play, but damn! This felt like it was sliding down a wormhole and everyone was on LSD!
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New Member
May 20, 2019
Dunno what ive done wrong i have all girls an they all lit up but during the Rome game I lose Delia what am i doing wrong

Walter Victor

Forum Fanatic
Dec 27, 2017
I'm glad to have finally seen a post confirming so much of the last few pages was semi-off topic. I was out of touch for a couple of weeks and only scanned some of the 40+ pages that appeared in that time. I'm reading the last few pages and going "I thought this release was mostly going to be a heist - how the fuck do we now have space battles, "Alien" and a bunch of new stuff in a completely different direction, that also seems to be about another release's worth of development?!?!?!"

I realize that it's a game within a game and that they end up on different "worlds" depending on the server they play, but damn! This felt like it was sliding down a wormhole and everyone was on LSD!
Exactly. At times I feel like I've stumbled into a 1960's server, where everyone is smoking pot and reciting bad poetry.
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Engaged Member
Oct 31, 2017
Hi, is the current downloads listed (especially the compressed downloads) are 0.4 final or still beta? The file name and page title suggest that it is final but the Version in the OP says 0.4 Beta. So, which is the correct information?:unsure: It couldn't be that both are correct. Thanks in advance.
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Active Member
Feb 15, 2020
I would think that pregnancy would certainly be possible for the players. However, since you don't spend 9 months (or even one day) in a server, it wouldn't make any difference. You become pregnant in the server; you come out of it and you're not. There are no permanent physical changes to players - Benjamin notwithstanding. Pregnancy is certainly a permanent physical change, so no.

As for the NPCs, I just can't seem to care about them. Whatever the lore turns out to be, I'll accept it.
The question is relevant as there is a spacelab which breeds Xenomorphs. If pregnancy was not possible, how come creating new species is? But yeah I was mostly thinking of Elf-waifu.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2021
Am I the only one who happens to be much more interested in what happens in the real world than in the virtual world? Don't get me wrong, I like this game just as I liked Once in a lifetime, but I would like it even more if it didn't have the mmorpg part


Feb 17, 2020
Am I the only one who happens to be much more interested in what happens in the real world than in the virtual world? Don't get me wrong, I like this game just as I liked Once in a lifetime, but I would like it even more if it didn't have the mmorpg part
The mmo part is what make this vn unique, without it would be just one more vn about a main character in college banging as much girls as possible. This game mix perfectly the both worlds, at least for me.


Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
I'm glad to have finally seen a post confirming so much of the last few pages was semi-off topic. I was out of touch for a couple of weeks and only scanned some of the 40+ pages that appeared in that time. I'm reading the last few pages and going "I thought this release was mostly going to be a heist - how the fuck do we now have space battles, "Alien" and a bunch of new stuff in a completely different direction, that also seems to be about another release's worth of development?!?!?!"

I realize that it's a game within a game and that they end up on different "worlds" depending on the server they play, but damn! This felt like it was sliding down a wormhole and everyone was on LSD!
To be fair, it's not our fault that Annie's date escalated in a completely wild direction than anticipated. DX
The question is relevant as there is a spacelab which breeds Xenomorphs. If pregnancy was not possible, how come creating new species is? But yeah I was mostly thinking of Elf-waifu.
New? It's implied in the audio logs that the Proto-Xenomorphs already exist as a species in Andromeda, they likely just weren't discovered prior to the players starting to expand throughout the system.

Also, we have no idea what a player's "body" really is at the moment (is it a floating soul made solid? a projection given flesh? a homunculus that's made out of a person's biometric scan that forms and disintegrates everytime said person logs in or out of Eternum? A bunch of data?), so talk about "is pregnancy possible between players and other players/NPCs" will have to wait until we get enough info on the matter.

Though here's the thing with regards to Calypso: if the theories are true regarding Eternum being real, then that means Calypso is real...and that means her powers are real. That also means that - since she's regaining her full power as time goes on - she's able to teleport to Orion's world sometime in the future (maybe even have that revelation happen as an end-of-update cliffhanger, where they get into trouble and Calypso makes a call to teleport them and then they find themselves back in Kredon...with her along with them). Which means it'll be possible for us to bang her for real and get her pregnant, simple as that.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
Though here's the thing with regards to Calypso: if the theories are true regarding Eternum being real, then that means Calypso is real...and that means her powers are real. That also means that - since she's regaining her full power as time goes on - she's able to teleport to Orion's world sometime in the future (maybe even have that revelation happen as an end-of-update cliffhanger, where they get into trouble and Calypso makes a call to teleport them and then they find themselves back in Kredon...with her along with them). Which means it'll be possible for us to bang her for real and get her pregnant, simple as that.
If she could teleport to Kredon the eternum version of people with herself, they could see their real world version lying down with the VR stuff o_O
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