As for Charlotte, I can only extrapolate from Axel's other known "friend." He might only have been involved with Axel because he (Axel) is a Bardot and has money and influence accordingly. So it can't be excluded that Charlotte is similarly (though showing less unpleasant character traits like Benjamin) minded. Alex's body shaming of Charlotte is accordingly less active body contempt but more a sign of Alex's dislike for her. Doesn't make it better, though we know little about past interactions between the two. It could well be that Charlotte tried to endear herself to Alex at some point, but unlike Axel, she had a better sense of character traits and quickly saw through her.
Apart from that, we have to give Alex credit for playing Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite for her brother. So she is definitely a woman of culture.
Come to think of it, the scene also mirrors somewhere the encounter between Orion and Axel at the beginning of Update 2. Less physical, but no less of a hit.