
Active Member
GFX Designer
Apr 9, 2022
To be clear I'm not really into the "Thanny is working with William" theory myself given what we know of the former so far. Then again, I used to think that William was just a businessman who doesn't realize he's biting more than he could chew and is unaware of what Eternum really is nor what the Founder's true goals are, and look how that turned out lol.

I just think that IF such a theory would prove true then maybe there's something William has that Thanny would want (like maybe William has a list of legendary items that the Founder has kept track of and he and his team has managed to acquire that list as well as the locations of said items...and they gave it to Thanny or are drip feeding him the information in exchange for his cooperation)...or that whatever the Founder's goals are might be in opposition to what Thanny wants (and assuming my crackpot theory on what the Founder would do when he acquires all the gems is true (or at least the gems' function anyway), then it's on Thanny's best interests that that scenario DOESN'T come to pass). If it's the latter, well...you know what they say..."the enemy of my enemy is my friend...for now."

Also I'm not sure if I subscribe to the idea that Thanatos wants to go back. His monologue to Orion when he was curbstomping the latter was clear: he likes being in Eternum. Maybe him dying has made him change for the worse or maybe that's all just him coping from the fact that he's stuck and he won't see his mom again. I dunno. I'm leaning on the former possibility though (that death has hardened him or twisted him into a darker person than what he originally was).
Now I really wonder what Thanny did to be excommunicated? Was it willingly(just because he wanted to stay in game forever) or was it related to William? If the latter maybe he is working with him/for him because he has a way to suppress him entirely from Eternum?
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Active Member
Jul 10, 2019
Maybe Thanatos was also asked to "rescue them" from the Inmortals, when it was obvious He got drunk on His Powers and being Feared, He got betrayed and killed.
When he discover that He was alive but stuck in Eternum, Thanatos decided to get the gems for payback and to go after the only ones that could stop him: The Inmortals and the Syndicated.
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Apr 9, 2022


Formerly 'blue_vaito'
Apr 4, 2023
I finished it yesterday, and I really enjoyed the experience, and because it's still in the development process and I believe it could be better, I wanted to share just a few thoughts. Having already played it once in a lifetime, which was such a fun experience I can feel the huge improvement since then. And it certainly was already fun even if with less H content so far kek.

But the thought that occurs to me since then is the fact that the choices "don't matter", since you can just go back and forth until you can take the best choice at that time, and it won't affect the rest of the game at all, I was always testing to see if it would affect something, like for example when cleaning the bathroom if I choose to leave before I would find penelope but if I stay I would have the scene with dahlia, but I can just have the scene with dahlia and then leave and everything will continue as usual Same way and I won't have "lost anything" and that even "disturbs" the replay factor I feel.

So if the choices had some impact on the "routes" and on the relationships, it could impact me much more and make me want to choose the one with more care, especially the first time, with consequences such as if, for example, I establish a relationship with Anie in a certain At the moment, I could already close other routes, or even if I was polite or attacked the bador the first time, I could reflect on his treatment later that I took the test to see if his campanga would already arrive hitting you or not to show if your choice was there somehow affected the world.

As it currently is, it's already great, but it could be even better with a huge replay factor, if that were possible making you have a stronger or stronger relationship with girl X could impact your gameplay as well and choices, and you feel that the choice weighs as well as there was a brief moment when I had to choose who cooked better between Dalia and Alex, which made me choose and thus proceed with one and not the other but could have even had one more scene with Dahlia at that time for such a choice, and so if there is a Gallery in the future you feel that you may have missed some scenes this time but chose the ones you wanted and are satisfied and a system like this would make a possible harem route "more difficult" to get, however more rewarding but wouldn't be frustrating if you stick with the one you like or even 2, if you feel like you've made more progress with them you've been able to unlock unique things through your choices having impacts and developing them and helping them and they help you too helping, as well as there may indeed be moments when having a greater relationship can impact the gameplay and feel that she will be there for you, but as random thoughts said.

And I was very doubtful if I would get the immortality item or not if it would impact on my ending according to the dialogue with Idriel I suppose so, in that case I even redid everything up to there so as not to get the item which was in vain because this time still it wouldn't make a difference, but an inventory system would be great, both for the necklace you bought the first time with chang chang, you could choose who to give it to or even choose which server you'd like to go to now, like in the beginning that you save the dahlia that has the option to attack, which I found so much that interaction in the middle you can take an action and have to "choose wisely" but again it was an empty choice because there was no impactor since if you click to attack before or even if you wait for some right moment it wouldn't make any difference if you just let it continue since it didn't change anything and just "lost dialogue" just like all the choices until then, from which I say they have no real impact and you can just keep going and going back to get only the best choice because a greater relationship with Girl X will not affect your future relationship with Girl Y, so it doesn't matter and you are free to do whatever you want taking only the best way releasing all H happily without mercy, and so on for an hour already reaching the end of the game without success and sometimes without having to pay attention and that the relationship with one of them did not impact you so much, or had agency, and you ah, not being out of nostalgia, would have no reason to play again to release different things or new ones or take a different path on a new turn.

Because he already did everything that was possible the first time and it can't be different since either relationship choices or moral choices had no impact, moral choices that only seem to "advance" Nancy, but have an impact on the protagonist's attitude later on, as soon as I remembered the sequence of the "haunted house" the first time I thought that the choice would make me either stay there with any and have an X scene or I would develop + with luna, but if I choose not to go, it doesn't change anything, I just lost a part of the game and it continues linearly, discouraging you to do that and "explore" and just follow to get all the available content and not have a real feeling of wanting to delve deeper into one of them.

I can probably even be ignored, and as soon as I have conditions I want to contribute to finally be able to play the full game. And I just wish it could improve even more and be more interesting, and I'm sorry my English is not my primary language but I did my best even had some small points but I've already got involved with little else.


Engaged Member
Nov 11, 2022
And I just wish it could improve even more and be more interesting, and I'm sorry my English is not my primary language but I did my best even had some small points but I've already got involved with little else.
I get your point, but that is just not how the game is structured. The game is designed around one "true" path (happy harem, at least as far as we know) and you can either deliberately or accidentally stray from that path and lose one or more of the girls so to speak.

Now that has the disadvantage, that the game will likely - as you already said - have little replay value outside of "I deliberately want to see the bad ending". It doesn't have separate Luna, Nova, Annie etc. paths, like you see with the LI paths in BiDIK.

But on the flip side this also allows Caribdis to tell a more coherent and detailed story, because he only has to focus on one main branch. It also keeps developing times shorter and you generally have tons of content in every update for every player instead of players having to either skip a bunch from every update or you have to design every patch in such a way, that there are hardly differences between the paths, beating the point of even having them to begin with.
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Dark Silence

Devoted Member
Jul 17, 2021
The game is designed around one "true" path (happy harem, at least as far as we know) and you can either deliberately or accidentally stray from that path and lose one or more of the girls so to speak.
I think you're out of your damn mind. The "true' path: Happy and loving Annie solo. :p

Dark Silence

Devoted Member
Jul 17, 2021
Why would a path where you can have Annie and all her friends (except Chang) be worse that a path where you can only have Annie? :WaitWhat:
Because I don't like any of her friends. So, the true path is Annie.

Even though I really love Annie, all the others girls (incl Calypso) are unique and loveable so for me the only path is the Harem one (y)
(except if Caribdis decide to put Charlotte in it, that's a big no-no)


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Apr 9, 2022
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Active Member
Nov 21, 2022
I get your point, but that is just not how the game is structured. The game is designed around one "true" path (happy harem, at least as far as we know) and you can either deliberately or accidentally stray from that path and lose one or more of the girls so to speak.

Now that has the disadvantage, that the game will likely - as you already said - have little replay value outside of "I deliberately want to see the bad ending". It doesn't have separate Luna, Nova, Annie etc. paths, like you see with the LI paths in BiDIK.

But on the flip side this also allows Caribdis to tell a more coherent and detailed story, because he only has to focus on one main branch. It also keeps developing times shorter and you generally have tons of content in every update for every player instead of players having to either skip a bunch from every update or you have to design every patch in such a way, that there are hardly differences between the paths, beating the point of even having them to begin with.
That's what i like about Caribdis's games, most who start a new AVN automatically go for the "all girls at once" route before deciding on a main LI, and most other AVNs punish the player for doing so, locking paths or having the girl dumping the MC, in the end resulting on the player getting a "alone path".
With OIAL and Eternum, one can go for all LIs at once and get a happy ending where all girls like the MC, which leaves individual paths as optional.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2022
Wasn't it Regina (not Charlotte) who was the complete, yearbook stealing biotch?
Why all the hate for Charlotte? Seems like Gertrude would be a worse choice... :giggle:
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Formerly 'blue_vaito'
Apr 4, 2023
I get your point, but that is just not how the game is structured. The game is designed around one "true" path (happy harem, at least as far as we know) and you can either deliberately or accidentally stray from that path and lose one or more of the girls so to speak.

Now that has the disadvantage, that the game will likely - as you already said - have little replay value outside of "I deliberately want to see the bad ending". It doesn't have separate Luna, Nova, Annie etc. paths, like you see with the LI paths in BiDIK.

But on the flip side this also allows Caribdis to tell a more coherent and detailed story, because he only has to focus on one main branch. It also keeps developing times shorter and you generally have tons of content in every update for every player instead of players having to either skip a bunch from every update or you have to design every patch in such a way, that there are hardly differences between the paths, beating the point of even having them to begin with.
As I said just sharing some thoughts, I couldn't say if this is in fact the dev's thinking, and in fact it should be much faster and uncomplicates a lot of things, in addition to having a main story with only one consistent ending I believe, Just in fact sharing this thought because of the weightlessness of the choices, which are more just because of the "risk of losing something" than actually feeling that it brings impact, and I like the choices because it brings a sense that you have some control, and weight.

Just thinking about it...since in theory it couldn't make a difference since there's only one way, leaving only replay by bad ends. Still, I wouldn't take it out since it would take a lot out of my experience. but the lack of agency in decisions is a little annoying, since it does not have any impact and it is only a matter of choosing the right one.

idk enjoyed the game so far anyway, waiting to see more of Dalia.:love:
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