
Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
4 -5 months? :( I already want more Luna Hernandez
5-5 1/2 months, actually. 4-5 months was back when Cari was on workaholic madlad mode (around 0.2 to 0.5 iirc), but as of 0.6's development he's taken a slightly more relaxed work sched, if only - in his own words - to "maintain [his] sanity."
Feb 21, 2023
if only - in his own words - to "maintain [his] sanity."
My first thought was: sane... sure sure as if :KEK:

For real though, you can't tell me this masterpiece is being made by someone still having all their marbles accounted for. The segment of Orion with Hernandez family alone was such a magnificent back&forth between comedy, wholesomeness and more I just can't even...
But the longer wait is probably for the best, if he burns out we get less total Eternum...
So I am all for slightly slower updates for a chance at ~20 total instead of ~12.
Even when the flesh is weak and so is the mind, must... hold out...
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Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
My first thought was: sane... sure sure as if :KEK:

For real though, you can't tell me this masterpiece is being made by someone still having all their marbles accounted for. The segment of Orion with Hernandez family alone was such a magnificent back&forth between comedy, wholesomeness and more I just can't even...
But the longer wait is probably for the best, if he burns out we get less total Eternum...
View attachment 2946177
So I am all for slightly slower updates for a chance at ~20 total instead of ~12.
Even when the flesh is weak and so is the mind, must... hold out...
View attachment 2946140
Oh, I didn't mean sane as in being normal. That pretty much went out of the window with his work on OIAL. :KEK:

Nah by sane I meant being mentally well enough to not be burnt out by work. Like - as you said - if his target update count is still between 12 and 20 updates, that means the man is going to devote nearly a decade of his life for just one AVN. For fans of said AVN, that's well and good as that means more content for the next few years. For a dev though...well that's the kind of commitment that would extinguish the creativity of even the most dedicated and talented if no proper measures are taken. Which is why a healthy work sched is important for him to see things through.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
How exactly is punching an Emperor and suddenly getting handed the keys to an Empire a display of her social skills? And again, why are you giving her a pass for gaining that kind of power up but keep harping that Orion has to earn his?
She gain the trust and favor of ppl acknowledge in WRE, what do you want? that she becomes Summa Cum Laude from West Point? That will not gonna happen, but what she could do after gaining the leadership was read some military books, the most famous and still studied even in West Point is Sun Tzu's Art of War.
Is it overthinking to point out that the logic of the Caribdiverse is whack and thinking that it's not as simple as her eyesight being better than the other and could potentially be supernatural in nature despite the handicap (and thus putting her in the same league as Luna) falls under the logic of said universe?
Because as the Luna's supernatural skill, it must comply to a set of rules, in all fictional universe that is taken seryously there's a set of rules of how magic works (otherwise is a universe of May Sue's), if Luna's skill doesn't have a flaw that affect her negatively why Nova does have it?, as far a she make use of her covered eye the more she risk to lose it complete it. Otherwise would be, as example, if Luna's skill can't give her benefits nor Nova's too because she can risk to lose it complete it but before that experience a great pain when the safety time ended then why Orion's brings that as aftereffect?.

In the same plane you can argument that Nancy's leadership was only possible because she have some kind of Magic that affect those who are in low self-esteem, like some kind of presence in VTMB, then, why how she's still leader after WRE moral is max out?. Pal, thinking seriously that everything can be explain by the due of some magical shenanigan you are resting value to the characters.
I was referring to her getting her ass beat by the other brother, the one who holds the gem and got skewered later by Thanny, not the one who broke her armor that Orion had to subdue.
She isn't stated that was between top players on Eternum, she underestimate the capabilities of the brothers. That makes her real, a human, not a Mary Sue. The same can be for Luna, as all of her might in magic on Eternum, her intelligence and common self near stoic, she was affected when she saw her mom saying things she didn't wanted to hear. As for all the characters, all of them have their strong points and flaws that can be covered by the members of the team. But between them, Orion is a weird very notable exemption as much of his strong points he have he barely manifest flaws, and even the skills of the girls have their limits (as for Nancy as example, she can't pressure the members of the WRE as the past leader did or she would risk to be overthrow).
If you think that we're not going to get an explanation later on of the origin of Orion's powers and the actual toll it does to his body (as already foreshadowed by things like the darkening of his nails since 0.3 post-Ogygia and the darkening of his eyebags and hardening/whitening of his skin to resemble that of a corpse) and instead is something we should've learned through a training montage that you are lamenting that we should've seen...then I'm sorry but that's just a dumb way of thinking tbh.
It's not that we cannot received later an explanation, it's that it seems that it can be use on the fly with no consequences, nor delay time, nor flaws, nor nothing. Even the best combatants as being shown as could be Nova and Luna's can be, they admit and know what their limits are, even Dalia know of hers. And Orion's limit? He didn't still slap into a wall (yet, that i hope he gets into).
The point I was making is that Orion may try to investigate shit out of curiosity or want of answers but he is ill-equipped to do so because he does not have the kind of skills that better detectives or investigators have (i.e. paranoia, being extra aware of his surroundings other than when immiment danger is present (to which his powers kick in), being inquisitive to the point of annoyance, keeping tabs on everything and anything that might end up useful for later). And that kind of thinking also translates to how he views his powers, in that he is fine with using it and getting good at it, but not once did he fully question where it came from or what it could do beyond giving him super speed and strength as for him "having 100% compatibility" is good enough explanation.
I give you that, understand and share with you, but as i said, he was doing illegal activities that can be penalize on Eternum, he knows that, he knows what happened to Benjie and the same can to him, but what he lacks is for trusting sources, and Idriel for how much rocks sexiest cool can be, she is considered part of the very same system that he's investigating from outside sources. Eventually he will face her, but that will only happen in his terms, like discovery where truly is "physically" Idriel inside Eternum to go there with Calypso's help (a moment that will gona have a hell of answers tbh) and maybe she's heavy guarded by those who are only Loyal to "The Founder".
Again, so? So what if Orion is easily able to wield his powers now and we didn't see a montage of him refining said powers through his training (which Caly has assessed as shit)? Because YOU want to see him earn it? Even though I've already pointed out that this is a universe where certain people exist who we haven't seen earning their heightened status and yet no one batted an eye about it (i.e. Stabby Mike becoming a Yakuza head and then a Priest and then a President, Fat Jack becoming Fit Jack in just one day, Nan becoming Empress with just one punch)?
I can't talk for OIAL because i began playing Caribdis games with Eternum, what i can tell you is, whatever good story will have semblance to ours and with our Myths, not even Gods can do hell whatever they wanted, they manage by rules, as our society does, as our leaders does as our universe, nothing came from nothing and without cost.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
She gain the trust and favor of ppl acknowledge in WRE, what do you want? that she becomes Summa Cum Laude from West Point? That will not gonna happen, but what she could do after gaining the leadership was read some military books, the most famous and still studied even in West Point is Sun Tzu's Art of War.
What I want? What do YOU want? The only reason I'm bringing up Nan's quick rise to power is that it's analogous to Orion suddenly receiving a power-up. You can argue that some paper-thin background stuff exists that would justify why she could wing being able to manage an empire despite being a noob, but couldn't the same be said for Orion then? Who is foreshadowed to have something special given his mysterious dreams upon arriving in Kredon and his perfect compatibility score? And yet, you keep going over and over that he needs his own event where it is shown that he is training said powers instead of a timeskip. But again, WHY? Why when the other characters aren't shown to have that kind of event? Because he's the main character? Nah, eff that double standards of yours man.

Because as the Luna's supernatural skill, it must comply to a set of rules, in all fictional universe that is taken seryously there's a set of rules of how magic works (otherwise is a universe of May Sue's), if Luna's skill doesn't have a flaw that affect her negatively why Nova does have it?, as far a she make use of her covered eye the more she risk to lose it complete it. Otherwise would be, as example, if Luna's skill can't give her benefits nor Nova's too because she can risk to lose it complete it but before that experience a great pain when the safety time ended then why Orion's brings that as aftereffect?.
So not being able to control what she sees, forcing herself to wear gloves, being ostracized during her childhood for said powers which led her to become pretty much a loner until Orion came to the picture aren't considered flaws now?

Also, there obviously are flaws to Orion's powers that will be revealed later on...or do you think the implied negative effects to his body and the bleeding effects that are likely going to get worse as we get further along into the story don't count as flaws?

In the same plane you can argument that Nancy's leadership was only possible because she have some kind of Magic that affect those who are in low self-esteem, like some kind of presence in VTMB, then, why how she's still leader after WRE moral is max out?. Pal, thinking seriously that everything can be explain by the due of some magical shenanigan you are resting value to the characters.
Nan's case isn't magic, it's plot convenience...which is logically normal given what normally happens in the setting we're in (see: the entirety of OIAL).

For Nova though it's hard to consider it the same way given that it is an ability she is born with and suspiciously has the hallmarks of a special ability. Which again, tracks with the setting given that OIAL has already established that people with supernatural abilities and powers exist in said setting (though admittedly there are some like Ex-President Michael Stabb who are just plain gifted without any explanation as to why).

She isn't stated that was between top players on Eternum, she underestimate the capabilities of the brothers. That makes her real, a human, not a Mary Sue. The same can be for Luna, as all of her might in magic on Eternum, her intelligence and common self near stoic, she was affected when she saw her mom saying things she didn't wanted to hear. As for all the characters, all of them have their strong points and flaws that can be covered by the members of the team. But between them, Orion is a weird very notable exemption as much of his strong points he have he barely manifest flaws, and even the skills of the girls have their limits (as for Nancy as example, she can't pressure the members of the WRE as the past leader did or she would risk to be overthrow).
-Is an absolute horndog who, given the opportunity to bed courtesans over finding and reuniting with Alex and Nova, was willing to choose the former

-Has issues with fully manifesting his power when surrounded by the Xenomorphs in Andromeda (likely due to him and Annie doing some naughty stuff prior to shit hitting the fan)

-Is not gifted with the wisdom to ask questions that matter or be a little bit mindful with his surroundings, which would've allowed him to advance the plot earlier but instead has to rely on wtf moments before he could even piece shit together

But sure, tell me how much of a perfect character Orion is despite the flaws I've given.

It's not that we cannot received later an explanation, it's that it seems that it can be use on the fly with no consequences, nor delay time, nor flaws, nor nothing. Even the best combatants as being shown as could be Nova and Luna's can be, they admit and know what their limits are, even Dalia know of hers. And Orion's limit? He didn't still slap into a wall (yet, that i hope he gets into).
Again, see the explosive finale of the Andromeda date and tell me that wasn't a flaw to Orion's powers.

I can't talk for OIAL because i began playing Caribdis games with Eternum, what i can tell you is, whatever good story will have semblance to ours and with our Myths, not even Gods can do hell whatever they wanted, they manage by rules, as our society does, as our leaders does as our universe, nothing came from nothing and without cost.
Play OIAL and see how the idea that the Caribdiverse ought to operate by proper logic and rules gets laughably thrown into the kitchen sink when faced with the power of secret heritages, gag humor, and overpowered LIs and side characters that defy explanation.


Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
Yes, I'm talking about Eternum from my recent post where I point out what each girl did in Eternum where Annie is overshadowed by Pennie---
Well your entire reply made it sound like you were completely talking (well, ranting more than talking) about OIAL, so that particular sentence that I've underlined felt like it came out of nowhere.

Goddammit, I merged the two together in my head didn't I?
  • Haha
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
What I want? What do YOU want?
What?! i have wrote that a lot!, don't give me shit now :ROFLMAO:
The only reason I'm bringing up Nan's quick rise to power is that it's analogous to Orion suddenly receiving a power-up. You can argue that some paper-thin background stuff exists that would justify why she could wing being able to manage an empire despite being a noob, but couldn't the same be said for Orion then? Who is foreshadowed to have something special given his mysterious dreams upon arriving in Kredon and his perfect compatibility score? And yet, you keep going over and over that he needs his own event where it is shown that he is training said powers instead of a timeskip. But again, WHY? Why when the other characters aren't shown to have that kind of event? Because he's the main character? Nah, eff that double standards of yours man.
If they are analogs by principle, you must prove that Orion's power up is given to him as Nancy's becoming in the new leader of the WRE was given to her by external force (as Orion's case could be Idriel or The Founder or his mysterious dad meanwhile Nancy's was Maximo) and that Orion have limitation in his power up as for Nancy was very clear that she can't push as the past leader of the WRE all of it's members or she will be overthrow given the chance. Double standards? as you wrote this:
Would it be nice to learn more about Orion's life outside Kredon and seeing him training and improving his skills on his own and people interacting/taking note of it? Yes.
To then...
Considering how much I absolutely HATED the downtime in OIAL's early chapters with every fiber of my being and how your comments are basically asking a repeat of that storytelling process...yes, I am absolutely happy with how Cari is telling the story in Eternum now, thank you very much.
Seriously? :rolleyes:
So not being able to control what she sees, forcing herself to wear gloves, being ostracized during her childhood for said powers which led her to become pretty much a loner until Orion came to the picture aren't considered flaws now?
Luna contrasted to Nova, you stated that Nova's eyes seems to work like some kind of supernatural power... Something related to magic, ok, assuming that premise, it would be a power with a negative effect in her body. What you are describing is how Luna's reacted after her mother's death and how she related that with the surge of her supernatural power, that kind of thing happened because of the lack of being properly guided in the way how she must live with that power of hers, the power is Luna is what it is, she decided to wear gloves, part of her behavior is her lack of preparation of how to respond to what her power shows her and that tends to make her be alone and others leave her alone. Get it?.
Also, there obviously are flaws to Orion's powers that will be revealed later on...or do you think the implied negative effects to his body and the bleeding effects that are likely going to get worse as we get further along into the story don't count as flaws?
"negative effects on his body" like what? because in the end of v0.6 he seems more healthy than the average ppl (if u know what i mean :sneaky:). Oh yeah, of course... The bleeding effect!, except for that he had some dreams since before enter Eternum that can't remember and that when he could remember something it was explained that many ppl had that for playing a hell lot, so in theory could be more Orion's like ppl with same power up if the correlation is true, moreover if we think in the words of Idriel after Orion's first log in in Eternum, as may have been implied that there could be others like him.
Nan's case isn't magic, it's plot convenience...which is logically normal given what normally happens in the setting we're in (see: the entirety of OIAL).

For Nova though it's hard to consider it the same way given that it is an ability she is born with and suspiciously has the hallmarks of a special ability. Which again, tracks with the setting given that OIAL has already established that people with supernatural abilities and powers exist in said setting (though admittedly there are some like Ex-President Michael Stabb who are just plain gifted without any explanation as to why).
And magic doesn't work as a plot convenience? If it wasn't by Gandalf ability to call the Eagles in some circumstance of the story the team would be fuck in the LoTR, don't you think?. Again, OIAL, alright, even if the Eternum is based on the same world as OIAL and in that game was saw as magic effectively exist, that's a thing, other is what OIAL ending officially correspond to the reality of Eternum, because not all of them support the statement that magic exist...

To put it to you more simple, if Orion's in the future have to decide what to believe in correspondence of the information he was given of the very nature of Eternum to follow that route, you as player may be doing a connection in which Eternum as a game will connect with all the endings where magic truly exist, if not, if the very nature of Eternum is something more related to something technological but so advance that looks to us like magic, then it will connect to the ending in which OIAL MC implied that all he experience was simulated.
-Is an absolute horndog who, given the opportunity to bed courtesans over finding and reuniting with Alex and Nova, was willing to choose the former
Well, Orion's is still thinking it's a game even after seems to be otherwise but, there is a psychological trick for that, or better said condition... Have you heard of the condition in which ppl who live at the instance of an immediate danger stays mostly calm while other who live nearby but not at the very center of it shows worry and some panic?. Because for the first group their brain seems to shutdown the fear of the possibly future tragedy because it is too painful to rationalize over it, too much to process. So, living smooth as possible rather to focus over his team and what's important to discover about all the weirdness that has happened over Eternum is better than accept that truth, even when we saw him talking about the abuse of the NPC, he felt sorry, but still it was so passive as there could be more ppl becoming in that sad state as Wyatt or Benjie, he just did what he could at the moment, but then again, he and the team focus over in the goal to the Gem of Dooms to be insanely rich ever after...
-Has issues with fully manifesting his power when surrounded by the Xenomorphs in Andromeda (likely due to him and Annie doing some naughty stuff prior to shit hitting the fan)
And before he needed to near dying in Eternum, and later he had to be focused in the arena to make used of it... But all that stay in the past, because women and gentlemen i show you the new and better improved Orion v0.6, which have no issue in making use of his power up, moreover he comes with a plus as aftereffect buff on him, that he will not by any means leave a woman dissatisfied in bed, in fact, they will beg him to stop.

That's more or less what i saw in v0.6 :rolleyes:...
-Is not gifted with the wisdom to ask questions that matter or be a little bit mindful with his surroundings, which would've allowed him to advance the plot earlier but instead has to rely on wtf moments before he could even piece shit together
As many ppl does, but between Orion to others, the later doesn't count with a power up that can be use at will
But sure, tell me how much of a perfect character Orion is despite the flaws I've given.
Mary Sue common traits:
  • The character is notably young.
  • The Mary Sue has a generally undefined personality.
  • Characters who are against Mary Sue, regardless of their alignment, are only so defined as antagonists.
  • Mary Sue can several times possess a power (supernatural, magical or other types) extraordinary or clearly superior to that of the rest of the characters. Because of this, or for no reason at all, she will be given preferential or special treatment within the story universe. Like Orion's claiming the Last Weapon of Atlas or his power up that saves him many times.
  • Mary Sue has some kind of striking talent, in Orion's case we can think of his way to explained his plan to his foes or how he seduce and fuck with ease...
  • In the same way, the Mary Sue does not have many defects, physical or character, and if she does, they will not be appreciated as such by the other characters and will make her stand out. As much Orion's is a cheater NTR the girls, they acknowledge, forgive and accept as he is desire by other women like them.
  • Sometimes, but not always, Mary Sue has an unusual eye color.
  • Several times, one or more characters will fall in love with Mary Sue and the author's favorite will end up with her. Likewise, the plot will take forced or unrealistic turns in order to fulfill the romance; An example is that if the character is already romantically linked to another, he himself will prefer the Mary Sue on his own initiative or due to the rejection (almost always poorly justified) of his partner. This is especially common in fanfictions featuring the author's favorite canon character. I think is easy for anyone elaborate giving Orion's harem.
  • Mary Sue has a tragic past, which may be similar to that of one of the protagonists (if she is not one of them) or even worse, and which will earn her the sympathy of others sometimes for free. Orion's case mom's left and his dad is full of shit, his grow in UK was tiny happiest compared in how he's experience now in Kredon.
  • In fanfictions, it will eventually be revealed that this character is related to one of the characters from the original story. (Ups! perhaps this needed to be as spoiler :geek:).
  • Also in fanfiction, characters from the original story will undergo striking changes in personality so that they adapt to a plot that favors the story and Mary Sue's role in it. The shadowy president of USA at the beginning of Eternum.
  • Characters can only change through Mary Sue's intervention. As the daughters of Nancy who eventually passed to never think with someone as him to later can't live without him.
Again, see the explosive finale of the Andromeda date and tell me that wasn't a flaw to Orion's powers.
That's something valid if you don't had other intentions with Annie at the very start...
Play OIAL and see how the idea that the Caribdiverse ought to operate by proper logic and rules gets laughably thrown into the kitchen sink when faced with the power of secret heritages, gag humor, and overpowered LIs and side characters that defy explanation.
And did you get to see this and what implies to OIAL? :unsure:
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Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
What?! i have wrote that a lot!, don't give me shit now :ROFLMAO:

If they are analogs by principle, you must prove that Orion's power up is given to him as Nancy's becoming in the new leader of the WRE was given to her by external force (as Orion's case could be Idriel or The Founder or his mysterious dad meanwhile Nancy's was Maximo) and that Orion have limitation in his power up as for Nancy was very clear that she can't push as the past leader of the WRE all of it's members or she will be overthrow given the chance. Double standards? as you wrote this:

To then...

Seriously? :rolleyes:

Luna contrasted to Nova, you stated that Nova's eyes seems to work like some kind of supernatural power... Something related to magic, ok, assuming that premise, it would be a power with a negative effect in her body. What you are describing is how Luna's reacted after her mother's death and how she related that with the surge of her supernatural power, that kind of thing happened because of the lack of being properly guided in the way how she must live with that power of hers, the power is Luna is what it is, she decided to wear gloves, part of her behavior is her lack of preparation of how to respond to what her power shows her and that tends to make her be alone and others leave her alone. Get it?.

"negative effects on his body" like what? because in the end of v0.6 he seems more healthy than the average ppl (if u know what i mean :sneaky:). Oh yeah, of course... The bleeding effect!, except for that he had some dreams since before enter Eternum that can't remember and that when he could remember something it was explained that many ppl had that for playing a hell lot, so in theory could be more Orion's like ppl with same power up if the correlation is true, moreover if we think in the words of Idriel after Orion's first log in in Eternum, as may have been implied that there could be others like him.

And magic doesn't work as a plot convenience? If it wasn't by Gandalf ability to call the Eagles in some circumstance of the story the team would be fuck in the LoTR, don't you think?. Again, OIAL, alright, even if the Eternum is based on the same world as OIAL and in that game was saw as magic effectively exist, that's a thing, other is what OIAL ending officially correspond to the reality of Eternum, because not all of them support the statement that magic exist...

To put it to you more simple, if Orion's in the future have to decide what to believe in correspondence of the information he was given of the very nature of Eternum to follow that route, you as player may be doing a connection in which Eternum as a game will connect with all the endings where magic truly exist, if not, if the very nature of Eternum is something more related to something technological but so advance that looks to us like magic, then it will connect to the ending in which OIAL MC implied that all he experience was simulated.

Well, Orion's is still thinking it's a game even after seems to be otherwise but, there is a psychological trick for that, or better said condition... Have you heard of the condition in which ppl who live at the instance of an immediate danger stays mostly calm while other who live nearby but not at the very center of it shows worry and some panic?. Because for the first group their brain seems to shutdown the fear of the possibly future tragedy because it is too painful to rationalize over it, too much to process. So, living smooth as possible rather to focus over his team and what's important to discover about all the weirdness that has happened over Eternum is better than accept that truth, even when we saw him talking about the abuse of the NPC, he felt sorry, but still it was so passive as there could be more ppl becoming in that sad state as Wyatt or Benjie, he just did what he could at the moment, but then again, he and the team focus over in the goal to the Gem of Dooms to be insanely rich ever after...

And before he needed to near dying in Eternum, and later he had to be focused in the arena to make used of it... But all that stay in the past, because women and gentlemen i show you the new and better improved Orion v0.6, which have no issue in making use of his power up, moreover he comes with a plus as aftereffect buff on him, that he will not by any means leave a woman dissatisfied in bed, in fact, they will beg him to stop.

That's more or less what i saw in v0.6 :rolleyes:...

As many ppl does, but between Orion to others, the later doesn't count with a power up that can be use at will

Mary Sue common traits:
  • The character is notably young.
  • The Mary Sue has a generally undefined personality.
  • Characters who are against Mary Sue, regardless of their alignment, are only so defined as antagonists.
  • Mary Sue can several times possess a power (supernatural, magical or other types) extraordinary or clearly superior to that of the rest of the characters. Because of this, or for no reason at all, she will be given preferential or special treatment within the story universe. Like Orion's claiming the Last Weapon of Atlas or his power up that saves him many times.
  • Mary Sue has some kind of striking talent, in Orion's case we can think of his way to explained his plan to his foes or how he seduce and fuck with ease...
  • In the same way, the Mary Sue does not have many defects, physical or character, and if she does, they will not be appreciated as such by the other characters and will make her stand out. As much Orion's is a cheater NTR the girls, they acknowledge, forgive and accept as he is desire by other women like them.
  • Sometimes, but not always, Mary Sue has an unusual eye color.
  • Several times, one or more characters will fall in love with Mary Sue and the author's favorite will end up with her. Likewise, the plot will take forced or unrealistic turns in order to fulfill the romance; An example is that if the character is already romantically linked to another, he himself will prefer the Mary Sue on his own initiative or due to the rejection (almost always poorly justified) of his partner. This is especially common in fanfictions featuring the author's favorite canon character. I think is easy for anyone elaborate giving Orion's harem.
  • Mary Sue has a tragic past, which may be similar to that of one of the protagonists (if she is not one of them) or even worse, and which will earn her the sympathy of others sometimes for free. Orion's case mom's left and his dad is full of shit, his grow in UK was tiny happiest compared in how he's experience now in Kredon.
  • In fanfictions, it will eventually be revealed that this character is related to one of the characters from the original story. (Ups! perhaps this needed to be as spoiler :geek:).
  • Also in fanfiction, characters from the original story will undergo striking changes in personality so that they adapt to a plot that favors the story and Mary Sue's role in it. The shadowy president of USA at the beginning of Eternum.
  • Characters can only change through Mary Sue's intervention. As the daughters of Nancy who eventually passed to never think with someone as him to later can't live without him.

That's something valid if you don't had other intentions with Annie at the very start...

And did you get to see this and what implies to OIAL? :unsure:
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Christ you're verbose... I think Dorf's the only one reading your full posts at this point, you two should probably just kiss.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2017
Well your entire reply made it sound like you were completely talking (well, ranting more than talking) about OIAL, so that particular sentence that I've underlined felt like it came out of nowhere.

View attachment 2947186
I actually went and added underlined text so it reads better.

I must have been tired.

Also, can we get a final synopsis on what you two are going on about? At this point, I've lost what the argument was over and it's been 3 days now. I mean, ya'll can continue if ya'll want, but I think everyone's getting more meme anxious than anything else.

Shaggy Jo.png


Active Member
Apr 9, 2022
Maybe we should put "warning" on the thread saying:

Don't have an argument with Dorfnutter he'll sends you 9999 words essay and a bunch of research longer than every thesis you made....

And that's not the scariest part one thing you should know is he "never stops and never sleeps" because he's addicted to :coffee: (caffeine).
And never, NEVER talk to him about quiz :Kappa:
4.80 star(s) 909 Votes