yes it added some new gameplay mechanics. this game gets more interestingUpdate sounds good! Hopefully someone uploads it soon.
Open the save file with note pad and edit your stats.does anybody know how to cheat in this game? I'm a little tired of being raped by everything
i have the same problem. there is no dialog option to finish the quest.How do I hand over the clothes to kara to finish the quest?
Wow, I liked the potential of this game so much I was considering being a Patron, but no way now if this is how you take constructive criticism, even if he/she was in the wrong in tone, etc. Wow.The game has bugs but if you are clicking return in your browser like a retard don't come here crying that the game is broken. If you want to go back, just load one of the previous auto-saves, don't fucking click return in your browser.
Sorry if this sounds toxic or mean but I can't be less honest with my opinion.
All I can say is good luck. It doesn't matter how bad someone is talking to you, any mature and intelligent developer understands the optics of this kind of response in general and the 20-30 better ways to handle that kind of response. Good luck."constructive criticism"
Is that a joke? He's simply saying the game is a "broken mess", "completely broken" without telling where he has encountered any single bug. It happens that he's just clicking return on his browser and decides to come here and shit on the "fucking dev", instead of simply stop doing that. Yeah, don't wanna donate then don't, buddy, but I don't feel like eating pointless shit and saying "yes master" to what is definitely not constructive criticism.