I'm aware of the gamedata file. But the game usually crashes if I make one mistake.
I'll try to change the percentages and see how it goes this time.
When editing, avoid getting ridiculous, that'll work fine.
For example, if you edit your character in the save file, don't give yourself 99999 of something.
What I do is get xp for leveling up. It's easy because you have a 1/100 next level line. So instead of buffing up your straight level, or give myself some ridiculous amount of xp, I just give 99/100. Basically any encounter will let me level up. Then I just edit 199/200 and so.
When editing "percentages" for enemy stats, pay attention.
They're made so certain things are more common to find than others. Try to keep the original balance, just in case.
For example:
each encounter type has a set of stats assigned.
Look for the gender line, it'll read something like:
male: 0.5, female: 0.3, dgirl: 0.05, herm: 0.05.
This means that males are common, followed by females, and very rare dickgirls and herms (since they have even a fraction).
The "total" is 0.9: 5+3+1 (you get 1 adding 05 and 05 from the dgirls and herms).
If you want more dgirls, and less males, just switch their values. You'll have still a "total" of 0.9.
Or, reassign number specifically, but always try to keep a total of 0.9.
Basically, you can set exactly all your game.
If you don't want something specific, just assign it a very low percentage (0.01) but remember to balance it by having another high (at 0.09).
Note certain encounters have specific settings. Bull men are only male, certain guards have fixed stats, other NPCs are specific. Just stay away of those.
My personal advice is not to touch the Shamans, as they're bugged somehow.
Of course always make a backup of whichever fileyou're editing!