any idea if we can give item thanks to a program ? Tried numerous time to make Cheat engine work , didn't make it.
It's because every green beetle i got , i thought they were useless and sold them :/ ( 7 or 8 )
If someone know which program should i use to make thing work it would be great
No, there isn't. This game uses encryption to prevent cheating so you're going to have a lot of problems trying to edit something like items. There's a SpoilerAL table for the Japanese version but it won't be compatible with the English version. I assume you're talking about the drone beetles that raise all of your supplementary stats by +1 permanently? All of the permanent stat boosting items are consumables. The only items that are junk are the treasure items that specifically have a *note at the bottom of their descriptions that says to just sell the item.
Anyways that kind of sucks right now but it's not that big of a deal. In chapter 7 you can unlock a merchant who sells those and all of the other stat boosting items, but they're really expensive(I think the drone beetles may be the most expensive item in the game). When that time comes just use cheat engine to give yourself more cash and buy back the beetles you mistakenly sold. Editing things like gold, HP, BP, and XP should be easy with cheat engine just use 4 byte searches.
I have an error at Ch.4 Ending.
Instruction: [A_ERASE]
Failed to delete object
Function call stack:
If it's not fixable i would like to request chapter 5 save file.
Sorry I don't know how to fix that but would you mind answering a couple questions?
1. This one shouldn't matter but out of curiosity are you playing in Japanese Locale or are you using something like AppLocale?
2. If you have anti-aliasing turned on do you have the anti-aliasing patch applied?
3. Are you running on Windows or are you using a Virtual Machine to play the game?
4. Did you ever use Cheat Engine or another hex editor?
I played through the Japanese version a couple years ago and didn't have a single error and there's people who have already played through the English version without any errors, but despite that there's quite a few people in this thread who have been encountering errors so there's some common underlying issue here. Since we don't know what the issue is try keeping multiple save slots in the future since replaying from different saves seems to let people bypass those errors.
I haven't gotten to Chapter 5 yet in the English version but when I do(probably sometime tonight) I'll make sure to keep a save from the beginning of CH 5 or the end of CH 4.