Might be a problem caused by the translation. That’s the end of the mission and it’s supposed to send you back to the church.I'm having an issue on the church route, running 1.07 and Chip's partial above. I'm doing the second mission for them, where I'm supposed to be rescuing lillith's body(?) or something from some slavers, I beat the boss and head up to the room with some children in only for the game to say she's not there and i game over.
Any ideas?
how can a translation cause a gameover , i look at it in a bitMight be a problem caused by the translation. That’s the end of the mission and it’s supposed to send you back to the church.
i fail understand how you got a gameover i just replayed that route (as of the comment) to see if there was a problem but nothing happens so its not the translation.I'm having an issue on the church route, running 1.07 and Chip's partial above. I'm doing the second mission for them, where I'm supposed to be rescuing lillith's body(?) or something from some slavers, I beat the boss and head up to the room with some children in only for the game to say she's not there and i game over.
Any ideas?
GODDAMN! What the hell are you doing? I admit, I’ve been curious, but haven’t taken the time to check out your translation. You’re just so freaking fast I have to know. Are you doing edited machine translations? What program are you using?UPDATE: The resistance route's has been translated all that left is the the Terrions's enjoy
its the game not the translation here i will give you my save its the exact same spot see if you have any problemsI've attached a save of the issue occuring. It persists on a fresh copy of the game without the partial translation, so it's a game bug.
To retrace my steps I think everything I've done up to this point is fairly normal, outside of priming Puma for the "ceremony" before going on this mission. I don't know if this is necessary to start the mission or not, but if not then perhaps the game isn't expecting me to have done that yet? Idk.
Having played through a good chunk of it, it seems to be MTL with some editing. Text consistently runs off the side of the text box and there are numerous areas where the translation has failed and has placeholder text instead. In addition, there seem to be repetition issues, but as I can't read the original text I can't be sure.GODDAMN! What the hell are you doing? I admit, I’ve been curious, but haven’t taken the time to check out your translation. You’re just so freaking fast I have to know. Are you doing edited machine translations? What program are you using?
Yeah, just going to reiterate this. Chip's translation is clearly edited MTL, and while it's definitely playable it's nowhere near as good as a proper translation. Will definitely be giving it another run through once you've completed your patch Joop.Having played through a good chunk of it, it seems to be MTL with some editing.
I already said to wait for jooops version for a full professional translation, I'm just giving the players the opportunity to play the gameYeah, just going to reiterate this. Chip's translation is clearly edited MTL, and while it's definitely playable it's nowhere near as good as a proper translation. Will definitely be giving it another run through once you've completed your patch Joop.
As above, there's repetition issues, text running off the screen, and whatever the Sans Fallback thing is repeated on every other line.
You must've been really hooked on this particular game, seeing as it seems you really really wanted this a month early (based on Joop's statements right).Update: WITH completion of the Terrions route the game has been successfully translated.
( THIS IS MY FIRST TRANSLATION AND I ONLY INTEND ON MAKING IT ACCESSIBLE TO ENGLISH AUDIENCE'S) YOOOP will release a proper translation some time in the future so be patience and enjoy.
Can i recommend you a game to translate after you are done translating evilize?if i feel like it I might translate nowhere two run
and what would that be ?? since i finished evilizeCan i recommend you a game to translate after you are done translating evilize?