If I may ask. Has the story’s translation at least worked?
There were some missing lines of dialogue, but for the most part the Asmodai route itself was translated. Beyond that, it's missing a lot from dungeons and NPCs atm, including story-relevant NPCs like Puma. I didn't complete the Asmodai route (felt weird to not have context for the h-scenes) and I'm back on the "main story" path for now.
I will also say that I haven't had a translated h-scene at all since the first tutorial dungeon that abruptly gives you a bad end after the scene. I know you said you were translating those last, so I'm unsure if they should be there, but I thought it was worth pointing out since so many have popped up and I have 0 context about what is happening to the characters.
I've attached an example that I'm seeing from uptown right now. Note that when this occurs, it seems to affect all NPCs within the loaded area. If you're in a building, it will affect any NPCs on that floor but not necessarily the above or below floor (tested with the resistance base where NPCs on floor 2 had tled dialogue, but NPCs on floor 3 were all untranslated). If you're in a town, it will affect any NPCs in that zone (the zone directly to either side of this one has fully translated dialogue, for instance). Additionally, if one scene in a dungeon is untranslated, it appears that all scenes will be untranslated. I don't know if this means that there are just missing files from the TL patch, if it was an oversight, or if you simply didn't have time to translate these scenes yet.
(Sorry if this comes across poorly via text, I'm just trying to give as much information as possible)
EDIT: Basically all of Uptown, including meeting Tomomi does not have translated dialogue. This includes interiors of buildings, as shown by the second screenshot.
EDIT 2: I was left in Tomomi's house then taken to a dungeon after an h-scene. None of it was translated. I think I might be going to her school? See the third screenshot.
EDIT 3: It was the church. It looks like none of the story for this portion was translated in the patch. I've attached another screenshot.
EDIT 4: Looks like my initial assumption that it was based on loading zones was inaccurate. I had a resistance base where all the NPCs had fully translated dialogue and then when I spoke to the leader, none of it was.