
Apr 29, 2018
It is just your opinion.
Be honest with me:

You leave the MC's house, dressed in the police uniform and get on the bus to go to either destination A or B. Then you realize "Woops, forgot to pay rent to the landlord", then you go back, to the area the house is in. This has taken you about 10-15 seconds of your life so far. Now you head all the way to the bottom of the screen, and try to go to the landlord, and the game tells you "oh he doesnt like the police". Now you're tasked with walking all the way back to your house and inside of it, clicking on a single tile somewhere in the middle of the house, that lets you change outfits, and then asks you "are you sure?". Then you finally walk out, pay the guy and then go back and re-police yourself, and head back to the train again.

All of these actions, spend about 40+ seconds of your life, because A: you forgot about a mechanic, and B: The Dev didn't implement an easier way to change outfits.

Do you enjoy this type of gameplay? Where someone places mechanics in the game, extremely spread out and far apart from each other, for no reason at all?

Edit: Saw the reply, and can't tell if that is a yes or a no, but I'm going to assume its a no, I'm not gonna continue this conversation with someone who has less than room temperature IQ.
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Jul 11, 2017
Do you enjoy this type of gameplay?
Every RPGM game is "walking simulator". This comes with the territory. If you do not like this, then play RenPy visual novels.

Or better yet, just make a better game yourself. I will then sit on my hands I will give you lot of crucial advice! :)
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