
New Member
Nov 20, 2020
hey guys any idea were i find nova i have all the galley exept hers and i have not even seen her in the game.


Devoted Member
Oct 11, 2018
If I remember you meet her first time looking around in the city and then where Stella works at night


New Member
Mar 5, 2018
I just fucked Stella and I have all scenes in gallery expect last one. How to get that scene after fucking Stella?


New Member
Jul 6, 2017
I'm 100% sure it works that way. Coded it myself and logic doesn't lie. There is indeed not the same indication on page 5 but there is one if you pay close enough attention. And there is also an indication when you've picked a wrong one. I think people confuse the "good" indication with the "wrong" one.
This happened to me. I assumed "If there's a transition animation, then the word is correct". I didn't realize that a series of consecutive correct words has no flora reaction, it sticks with the happy reaction. The transition is from good word to bad word or vice-versa.
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May 22, 2017
Damn! Now i cant Play the game!

Sun Apr 18 10:12:22 2021

Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.19s
Early init took 0.00s
Loader init took 0.03s
Loading error handling took 0.08s
Loading script took 0.87s
Loading save slot metadata. took 0.10s
Loading persistent took 0.00s
Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',)
Set script version to: (7, 4, 4)
Running init code took 0.29s
Loading analysis data took 0.15s
Analyze and compile ATL took 0.17s
Index archives took 0.00s
Dump and make backups. took 0.00s
Cleaning cache took 0.00s
Making clean stores took 0.00s
Initial gc. took 0.17s
DPI scale factor: 1.000000
nvdrs: Loaded, about to disable thread optimizations.
nvdrs: "Couldn't load nvlib." (can be ignored)
Creating interface object took 0.00s
Cleaning stores took 0.00s
Init translation took 0.19s
Build styles took 0.01s
Load screen analysis took 0.08s
Analyze screens took 0.00s
Save screen analysis took 0.00s
Prepare screens took 0.24s
Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s
Save bytecode. took 0.00s
Running _start took 0.00s
Performance test:
Interface start took 0.24s

Initializing gl renderer:
primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1440, 900)
swap interval: -2 frames
Windowed mode.
UGUU couldn't find glBeginTransformFeedback: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glBindBufferBase: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glBindBufferRange: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glBindFramebuffer: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glBindRenderbuffer: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glBindVertexArray: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glBlitFramebuffer: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferfi: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferfv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferuiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glDeleteVertexArrays: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glEndTransformFeedback: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glFlushMappedBufferRange: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glFramebufferTextureLayer: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGenVertexArrays: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetFragDataLocation: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetIntegeri_v: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetStringi: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetTransformFeedbackVarying: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetUniformuiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetVertexAttribIiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetVertexAttribIuiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glIsVertexArray: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glMapBufferRange: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glRenderbufferStorageMultisample: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glTransformFeedbackVaryings: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform1ui: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform1uiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform2ui: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform2uiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform3ui: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform3uiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform4ui: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform4uiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix2x3fv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix2x4fv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix3x2fv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix3x4fv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix4x2fv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix4x3fv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4i: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4iv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4ui: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4uiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribIPointer: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

The following gl functions are missing:
- glBindFramebuffer

Initializing angle renderer:
primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1440, 900)
swap interval: -2 frames
Windowed mode.
Could not get pygame screen: error('Could not initialize EGL',)

Initializing gles renderer:
primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1440, 900)
swap interval: -2 frames
Windowed mode.
Could not get pygame screen: error('Could not initialize EGL',)

Initializing gl2 renderer:
primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1440, 900)
swap interval: -2 frames
Windowed mode.
UGUU couldn't find glBeginTransformFeedback: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glBindBufferBase: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glBindBufferRange: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glBindFramebuffer: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glBindRenderbuffer: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glBindVertexArray: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glBlitFramebuffer: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferfi: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferfv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glClearBufferuiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glDeleteVertexArrays: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glEndTransformFeedback: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glFlushMappedBufferRange: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glFramebufferTextureLayer: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGenVertexArrays: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetFragDataLocation: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetIntegeri_v: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetStringi: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetTransformFeedbackVarying: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetUniformuiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetVertexAttribIiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glGetVertexAttribIuiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glIsVertexArray: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glMapBufferRange: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glRenderbufferStorageMultisample: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glTransformFeedbackVaryings: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform1ui: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform1uiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform2ui: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform2uiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform3ui: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform3uiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform4ui: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniform4uiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix2x3fv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix2x4fv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix3x2fv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix3x4fv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix4x2fv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glUniformMatrix4x3fv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4i: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4iv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4ui: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribI4uiv: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

UGUU couldn't find glVertexAttribIPointer: wglSwapIntervalEXT(): A operação foi concluída com êxito.

The following gl functions are missing:
- glBindFramebuffer
- glBindRenderbuffer

Initializing angle2 renderer:
primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1440, 900)
swap interval: -2 frames
Windowed mode.
Could not get pygame screen: error('Could not initialize EGL',)

Initializing gles2 renderer:
primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1440, 900)
swap interval: -2 frames
Windowed mode.
Could not get pygame screen: error('Could not initialize EGL',)

Initializing sw renderer:
Total time until interface ready: 3.18318200111s


Jan 31, 2019
Sadly, the new version doesn't work with previous versions. You need to make a new game and start over.

Egor Kazennov

New Member
Apr 18, 2021
Я уже выполнил все задания из них. Так что же теперь? Я уже застрял. Бещщщшшгш.png
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Active Member
Jul 22, 2018
Question i'm finally playing and so now i'm stuck on flora poem challenge, she kept saying almost and went she finally ask if it was a terrible minin game i say yes to her then she say (she do anything if i get a perfect poem) so can someone write down words i can use to unlock her sex sense already.


Active Member
Jul 22, 2018
i'm starting to hate flora poem challenge her poem words are so damn random, as a reward she dosn't strip or give a titjob but only just sit at the fountain.
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Reactions: Kainit103


Developer of Fairy Fixer
Game Developer
May 7, 2020
And by the way the combat buttons don't work on the Android version...
Interesting, many testers confirmed it works, but now there are like 2(?) who say it doesn't work. Most of the time it depends on the device itself because the fighting minigame is quite demanding. Can't reproduce this problem though..

Question i'm finally playing and so now i'm stuck on flora poem challenge, she kept saying almost and went she finally ask if it was a terrible minin game i say yes to her then she say (she do anything if i get a perfect poem) so can someone write down words i can use to unlock her sex sense already.
I think I'm going to make the hints a lot more clear in the next version. We notice that people keep thinking it's random while it's not. We thought the game was already too easy because there are 3 correct words per page, and you can just memorize the words or just link them to Flora somehow.

We're going to try and make it really obvious when the word is correct or incorrect, which is now just a moving Flora with her emotions changing a bit.


Active Member
Jul 22, 2018
Interesting, many testers confirmed it works, but now there are like 2(?) who say it doesn't work. Most of the time it depends on the device itself because the fighting minigame is quite demanding. Can't reproduce this problem though..

I think I'm going to make the hints a lot more clear in the next version. We notice that people keep thinking it's random while it's not. We thought the game was already too easy because there are 3 correct words per page, and you can just memorize the words or just link them to Flora somehow.

We're going to try and make it really obvious when the word is correct or incorrect, which is now just a moving Flora with her emotions changing a bit.
wow you only input only 3 correct word wonder why it was still diffcult but aleast let us back roll what we pick without starting over it would be helpful.


Developer of Fairy Fixer
Game Developer
May 7, 2020
wow you only input only 3 correct word wonder why it was still diffcult but aleast let us back roll what we pick without starting over it would be helpful.
We put in 27 correct words, 3 per page. So 3 x 5 = 15 correct words in total per session. Those 27 words are shuffled though so only a subset of it will be used. If you just guess them, you have a 30% chance per page it will be right. You can complete this minigame in less than 10 seconds, so I don't think changing that is really helpfull? May save a second?
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Active Member
Jun 9, 2020
I wonder iin what kind of direction this game's gonna go.

Like, will the MC be a good guy or a villain?
Or someone in between?

The art is awesome, btw.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2020
I wonder iin what kind of direction this game's gonna go.

Like, will the MC be a good guy or a villain?
Or someone in between?

The art is awesome, btw.
given theres a love/lust system in place im guessing it wont be so much about 'good and evil' as a gentleman or degenerate, or something like that


Active Member
Jul 22, 2018
We put in 27 correct words, 3 per page. So 3 x 5 = 15 correct words in total per session. Those 27 words are shuffled though so only a subset of it will be used. If you just guess them, you have a 30% chance per page it will be right. You can complete this minigame in less than 10 seconds, so I don't think changing that is really helpfull? May save a second?
any chance can know what those word's are.
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  • Haha
Reactions: ReaCreations


Dec 26, 2019
I think people are stuck on Flora's poem because they're thinking it's like Doki-Doki literature club when you choose a word and the character img pops. The good words aren't the ones that makes her image jump a little. You need to make a poem that in the end, she will be smilling with her mouth fully opened
4.70 star(s) 13 Votes