Definitely one to watch. For anyone who wanders in purely for the mind control tag and wants to know what is involved, currently its a little bare bones (v0.1 after all).
One of the teachers is possessed by a demon and so you send her into your own pocket dimension. You can enter this dimension at will and start manipulating her mind using a book of dark magic you acquire elsewhere that lets you cast... love spells? I'm honestly not sure as what you ACTUALLY do is click pictures of a heart, a bra and a nude silhouette in order until the possessed teacher likes/loves you enough to show underwear (bra only so far) or strip naked. So maybe let the game bake for another couple of months if you only care about the MC aspects.
Weirdly enough it seems to me like you are actually casting these spells on the demon that is controlling her rather then the teacher herself. Problem is the dialogue is very light in this part and all she does is ignore you, declare she loves you after enough spells or says she will "think about it" if you ask for something she is not quite ready for. But again its a v0.1 game so lots of time for this to improve. Maybe even make it so the "willing to strip" magic, nude magic and love magic do not have to be done in order for some different dialogue. "Wait what, my hands are moving by themselves!" or "sure of course you can see my tits whenever you want, but thats beside the point. *removes bra* When are you gonna set me free you jerk? Do it now and maybe you'll ONLY be expelled" and things like that.