There's no drama, nor broken promises. We all knew that Steam is not reliable in this, and the delays were expected. The rate of updates about the game status is fine and everyone is happy at this point, we're just approaching the end of the hardest part and everything looks promising.
The only crybabies are here. Makes you think.
For some reason it reminded me of "Please disperse! Nothing to see here!" meme.
1) Didn't they promise us next version in May/June? That's a broken promise for me. If you can't deliver steam release, at least post an updated older version with something new in it. Throw a bone to people that throw their money at you.
2) Several (if not all) of their patreon tiers mention monthly polls. Still, I don't remember them posting any for half a year. If you'll manage to find some I'll gladly swallow my own words.
3) "The rate of updates about the game status" has never been so scarce. Most of the news are now hidden behind Discord's walls. If that's what you'd call "fine"...
4) I don't think you are an authority to judge if "everyone" is happy or not, no?
I am not a patreon, so I may not have... what you'd call it... a "right" to complain about the game. I just voice my own opinion and concerns about the project that I am interested in. I wanted to become a patreon back in April but had financial problems and covid related shit, so this game wasn't a priority at the time. Things thankfully have normalised and I wanted to pledge a month ago, but the way the development goes now made me reconsider... I shall wait for the release and people's opinions on it. If the game and devs stay true to their previous quality then I'll gladly pledge, if not... well.