Hi! 3 days left before the end of the deadline. And... I didn't have time to finish the update. Yep, again, I know.

Thankfully, I'm telling you this not on the last day. Yay I know I hoped to bring some more exciting news in the previous post, but this is what we have.
Here is the quick update on the progress of development:
1) All new events are almost written (on 80%).
2) I didn't send anything to translate yet.
3) I didn't finish writing events, thus didn't finish all pictures. I made about 40% of them, render about 5%.
So what's left to do?
-Finish all pictures and render everything.
-Translate and edit everything.
-Code everything.
I didn't slack off this time. It's just miscalculation!New events turned out hu-uge, and they are really awesome. So I'm just enjoying them and stopped hurrying with them at all, trying to bring the best quality!
So I think I'll be able to release the game only by the end of this month and it will be around 27 February.
Yep, that's not very exciting news, I know, but for now you can leave angry comments or give your encouragement. Everything is allowed.