Ren'Py Abandoned Family Way [v0.3.3] [Sural Argonus]

2.50 star(s) 2 Votes

Gary Bertrand

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
@Sural Argonus is the dev, and we all miss him and hope he is doing well with the VA doctor issues and can get his life in order first so he can continue his project. I wish him all the best.
Same here i live in canada and am allso a Vet spent 15 years in the military and in canada the gouv closed so many vet hospitals it isent funy i have to drive 8 hrs if i have to set a vet doc so i hope he is doing better his health is the most importent now


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

The younger sister is also in the game without the patch when I hear that they are trying to cut the game down some the thing that comes to mind is that they are thinking about cutting the younger sister and her friends completely from the game as that's the only thing I can see that they would want to cut from the game.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017

The younger sister is also in the game without the patch when I hear that they are trying to cut the game down some the thing that comes to mind is that they are thinking about cutting the younger sister and her friends complexly from the game as that's the only thing I can see that they would want to cut from the game.
Yeah, or maybe all the monkey business.
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Jan 21, 2018
Yeah, or maybe all the monkey business.
this was what he put on his patreon page.

Fighting migraines, the VA and stomach issues...but still here. Looking over Family Way and thinking, what the hell did I do here? I think I made a huge mistake with some parts of the story. I think I went too big.

I am not scrapping the game or anything. Don't worry about that. That ain't happening. I think what I am going to do is just go back and streamline. I think what happened is that I was trying to do too much at once. Trying to make a huge story and I just couldn't find ways to have it make sense. I still can't really. Things are just too confusing as I look back on certain aspects of it.

What I am going to do is separate out parts of it and earmark them for their own stories. I am going to concentrate on making a better, less convoluted storyline for Family Way. It will still primarily be about Jack and Sue. Cait will be a major part, but most of the rest of the stuff involving Martin and Kelly, and a good portion of the rest of the stuff I had planned involving characters related to them will be sidelined for later projects. (Family Way: Martin's Story and Family Way: Kelly's Story, names not set in stone)

With being sick, I really bit off more than I could chew. I can't handle this big of a I am going to have to admit I have to do something smaller. I am going to take Family Way and essentially break it up into multiple long term projects. I am going to take a look at what I have already, and since I honestly haven't really gotten that far in the story, I am going to start mostly over using what I already have and remove what isn't absolutely needed. The content will still be reused for the other projects so it won't disappear forever.

I apologize for the lack of contact as well.

Also I have had some other ideas for projects which have been flying around in my head. I am trying to get the outlines down so I can flesh them out for later.

Chimpanor Productions WILL SURVIVE...somehow...I swear.
Fighting migraines, the VA and stomach issues...but still here. Looking over Family Way and thinking, what the hell did I do here? I think I made a huge mistake with some parts of the story. I think I went too big.

I am not scrapping the game or anything. Don't worry about that. That ain't happening. I think what I am going to do is just go back and streamline. I think what happened is that I was trying to do too much at once. Trying to make a huge story and I just couldn't find ways to have it make sense. I still can't really. Things are just too confusing as I look back on certain aspects of it.

What I am going to do is separate out parts of it and earmark them for their own stories. I am going to concentrate on making a better, less convoluted storyline for Family Way. It will still primarily be about Jack and Sue. Cait will be a major part, but most of the rest of the stuff involving Martin and Kelly, and a good portion of the rest of the stuff I had planned involving characters related to them will be sidelined for later projects. (Family Way: Martin's Story and Family Way: Kelly's Story, names not set in stone)

With being sick, I really bit off more than I could chew. I can't handle this big of a I am going to have to admit I have to do something smaller. I am going to take Family Way and essentially break it up into multiple long term projects. I am going to take a look at what I have already, and since I honestly haven't really gotten that far in the story, I am going to start mostly over using what I already have and remove what isn't absolutely needed. The content will still be reused for the other projects so it won't disappear forever.

I apologize for the lack of contact as well.

Also I have had some other ideas for projects which have been flying around in my head. I am trying to get the outlines down so I can flesh them out for later.

Chimpanor Productions WILL SURVIVE...somehow...I swear.
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Sural Argonus

Chimpanor Productions
Game Developer
May 12, 2017
I am still alive, I promise.

I am currently reworking the entire project when I am healthy enough to actually concentrate on it.

Right now I have a plan.

That plan is to strip out Kelly and Martin content...but it won't be gone forever. Eventually I will have followup projects centering around them. I don't want to give too many details on that, however I have the basic story in mind. I will flesh those out when I get closer to finishing Family Way.

It also seems that at some point, Mega shut me down. Apparently they had been sending me emails, which I honestly very rarely check. I lost all the files stored. I am in the process of getting a new Mega setup and ready. When I do, I will update the Mega links here.

Here is the basic plan.

I want to add choices, and consequences. This is going to take some time, as I need to figure out how it will all tie together. Also I want to make an overlay with certain stats, or at least access to certain stats. Just not sure how to make that happen just yet.

For example, on the choices, you will have the option to take phone numbers from certain characters. However if you do, that starts a relationship with that character. During the progression of that relationship, you will have to watch what you do and where you go. Sue has friends besides Jack and Cait. They may not know the nature of Jack and Sue's relationship, but things are said between friends...Like "I saw your brother with some girl...Did he get a girlfriend?"

Also after the Party scene, all scenes with Cait (and later her friends) will be back to being centered around Jack. At some point, way later down the road, I will be adding content between Jack and Cait's friends.

I am considering a "Bad End" of sorts if Sue ends up figuring out things on her own, but I am not sure how I want to implement that.

For the record, with The Observer...The choices you will make, will determine if you get the "Vanilla End" where Jack and Sue end up together, or if you do EVERYTHING right, you might be able to get a sort of Harem end.

In a few weeks (game time), not sure when...Jack will have a conversation with Sue regarding the future and how you want to handle things. I know how that scene will play out, I just have to figure out when to put it in.

My biggest concern right now is streamlining the game, cutting things that really don't need to be there and replacing them with new Jack centralized scenes.

I promise I have not given up. I know I haven't been able to continue this like I wanted...but I swear, by the Monkey as my witness...I *WILL* get this game back on track.

(Also this is posted on my Patreon Page)
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Sural Argonus

Chimpanor Productions
Game Developer
May 12, 2017
Uploading last version of Family Way to my new Mega. As soon as it's done, I will update the link. If the Mods here would just allow me to post the Loli'd be easier. :/

Oh well. You guys know what to do if you want it.
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017
@Sural Argonus

Use lewdpatcher found at the top of the page for the patch as that is what others have done.

I can't even remember who Kelly and Martin are in the game. Were they the mom and dad?

Sural Argonus

Chimpanor Productions
Game Developer
May 12, 2017
@Sural Argonus

Use lewdpatcher found at the top of the page for the patch as that is what others have done.

I can't even remember who Kelly and Martin are in the game. Were they the mom and dad?
Yes. The parents.

Also...Can't use Lewdpatcher just yet. However if someone else is a "Pre-approved Modder" I am ok with them uploading the patch.

Submit Patch
During our alpha release stage, we are only accepting patch submissions from preapproved modders. Click here to request access!

Sural Argonus

Chimpanor Productions
Game Developer
May 12, 2017
With the changes I am making, I am considering making a stats menu overlay thing that will give the player access to see certain stats and stuff. I am not sure how to code it yet, but I want to make it so I can reuse it on other games.

I will have it show the week and day, not that it matters, but just to give a visual representation of the progress. Also it will have headshots of Sue and Cait (only if the patch is applied) and another section for other girls. I also want to have a phone for messaging and calling/receiving calls from heroines Jack has phone numbers for.

Eventually a side feature I want is also a gallery. Possibly a few other features. I just need to figure out how to code it all.

Part of the reason this is taking so long...other than my I am trying to figure out how to do all this on my own. I don't have a team to rely on when I am not feeling up to things.


I am *NOT* abandoning this...and until I get a publish put together...I am still not charging is set to the method where I can charge for a until I have patron will be billed during this phase. If it does...I will chew out Patreon.

Also posted as a public post on my Patreon.

Sural Argonus

Chimpanor Productions
Game Developer
May 12, 2017
Getting back to Week 4
Week 4 will probably be the last update I make before trying to incorporate the new ideas going forward. Once I get W4 done, I will go back and take care of the editing and retooling.

At that point, I seriously doubt any saves will work, because I am changing things up with new variables and choices. It will be retroactive. I will start on Week 1 with some new content to replace the old stuff I am removing.

I am absolutely making the focus on Jack. It will still not be a Point of View from him, but the Observer will get to make some critical choices at that point.

I am nearly done coding W4 and the patch that shall not be named, then I have to do the renders. I don't want to give an ETA, because I don't want to get people's hopes up just in case something happens to me.

My in-laws are out of the country, so I have to help out at the restaurant until 11MAY2019. Starting the week after I will be able to devote a lot more time to the game, hopefully. I am not going to overdo it, but I will make sure to work on this as much as I can until Week 4 is ready for release. After that, I am going to start digging into the changes.

As I promised...I am still here.

*also posted on my Patreon*
2.50 star(s) 2 Votes