Rather than continue with my Sunday updates in the
Dev Thread, I'll start posting them here until I get a Patreon page.
Speaking of Patreon. All content for any VN I release will be not be parceled out. No patreon codes, no exclusive content, no special editions. None of that bullshit. There will only be 1 edition which will contain everything. The only exception may be beta releases that require testing (aka "Not for the general public because it may fuck your game save"). The primary benefit contributors will have is the ability to vote in polls that may determine certain changes like fetishes, aesthetics, names, etc. Higher tiers (which I won't make available initially) may have perks like deciding what goes into a poll. However, all votes are equal regardless of tier. And don't worry, I don't care how much patrons beg, I will not be swayed into adding something like NTR into a VN, like Fantasy Dating, where it doesn't belong (because I already have plans for a future VN that is
way darker than FD

I'm ecstatic at how well the first release was received. Rest assured, at this moment day 2 is now complete and I will try to leave off at a better spot in the future.
One of the first changes I've made is adding an additional chance to unlock uncensored mode. I did this because of the instructions disappearing from the OP. I'll update the instructions with the next release at the end of the month. Basically, before the scene where Ehrlynn is holding MC's phone, another prompt comes up if you do not have uncensored mode on. So rather than have to replay from the start again, just rewind or reload before that point.
My current plan is for another release on Sunday November 29th. That release will have most of day 3 and introduce one new character. Unless I something goes awry, the stopping point should be before the first date. I must add a caveat that future sex scenes will likely be in the range of 50 to 100 images (~25 for something simple like a bj). That gigantic 200+ image scene with Ehrlynn, while awesome, took too much time and put me way behind schedule (worth it though). Plus, since the first date has an alternate genitalia option, I will have my work cut out for me with additional images for that option.
As for the content I'm working on right now. Player preference for freeuse with Ehrlynn is first up. I had to do a major rethink of this scene from my outline. Without spoiling the night of day 2, let's just say the topic of consent is clearly important to MC as you all saw from the intermission after the first oral scene. And her trying to freely use Ehrlynn doesn't fit this early into their relationship. I've set it aside for later, so the player only determines what level of availability MC is towards Ehrlynn for now.
Unfortunately, shortening this scene means the next release will be skewed heavily towards story instead of lewd content. Which isn't ideal, but allowing enough time for me to work on the first date is the better choice. While I very much want to release more updates at a faster rate,
I will not release anything until it is ready. Hopefully, if the patreon page really takes off, I can drop my part time job and focus solely on creating content.
Wall of text over. Goodnight and don't forget to open the spoiler tag and say goodnight to Ehrlynn too.