Previously there was a 2 month update schedule for a simultaneous release. However Fantasy Dating's scenes have increased in length and scope to the degree that I can't maintain that pace. In the Developers only sections of these forums I said this:
I'll flat out admit 0.3 production went off track and I say as much in the updated after credits sequence. I was in a rut so I announced a date to push myself hard, but development isn't a predictable process. Steam's Early Access page for developers says pretty much the same thing. Basically it comes down to "Don't make promises you have no idea if you can actually keep."
I learned a lot from this mistake. I (finally) removed deadlines per a survey I held for the patrons more than a month ago. They want high quality and are willing to wait. To their credit, not a single one of them left after I dropped a big post yesterday explaining what went wrong and where FD is going.
The story portion for 0.3 (now called Day 3) is complete. I know some players aren't interested in Oxar so I dropped a test version for patrons that stops at the
screenshot shown in my post. Saving there will allow you pick back up where you left off when Day 4 comes out or play through Oxar's extended scene (which includes his canine genital option and the animation frames) when the newly announced Day 3 Sexpansion comes out.
And that previous menu I showed in the thread is getting changed and I'm taking out the "Ehrlynn directs MC" option. I'll quote myself from one of Patreon only posts:
So yes, Fantasy Dating Day 3 is almost here. No, I won't guess a time frame, but you can see for yourself in the progress tracker on my Patreon. One rushed render I could deal with, but I'm coding in the relevant parts that determine the locking out of certain fetishes. FD has a ton of variables tracking player's preferences and after all this work I don't want to break everyone's saves. An applicable saying would be "Do it right or do it twice."
For anyone interested in upcoming content. Patrons are going to be able to vote on some major pieces of Zimmy's clothes (a preview patrons can see now) after I start on production for Day 4. Only $1 gives you access to a ton of patron only posts and includes Discord benefits, Content Related Voting, and Bi-monthly Behind The Scenes posts.