stems from automatic savings. does not close from options. you should do the following
If someone wants to try it out, you should open the plugin.js file from Farmer's Dreams R19 \ www \ js Directory and change the 107th line.
{"name": "PKD_VNSaveSys_build", "status": true, "description": "v1.0 Custom save scene for game", "parameters": {"AutoSave Time": "5",
"Common Event ID": "0", "NO Auto Save Maps": "1, 2, 28, 4, 21"}}
{"name": "PKD_VNSaveSys_build", "status": true, "description": "v1. 0 Game", custom save scene for "parameters": {"AutoSave Time": "720", "
It will change the timer from 5 minutes to 720 minutes (12 hours) for auto save function. Enough time to play the game normally. The timer starts when you load or start a game.
this line is just above the bottom of the document