
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
Regarding your plans for facial expressions with the new paperdoll, are you planing on adding any new ones that weren't part of the old system?
Yeah we have some new capabilities here based on our new system of avatar layering. More on this soon but I expect the new avi to be more expressive than the old avi


Mar 25, 2018
So misguided, and if you think it through you'll realise that I *can't* be earning a lot of money while doing nothing because if that were possible you'd do it so your analysis is wrong
Why is it that when you get called out about doing nothing your only comeback is "why don't you do it then"?
You had an intresting idea that you did develop and improved years ago so people caught on to it,but now,when the money is flowing in,you choose to drag it out,make updates that make no sense and try to ignore every critisism with "why don't you do it".The game at the start was interesting and something fresh but it seems like you just don't want to finish any part of it that matters cuz then the money will stop flowing in.
If you disagree then please feel free to tell me the updates that actually ment something in the last 2 years or so,not stuff like "added new origin city" or "added 3 new types of makeup"
Other than 3 repeated scenes and one that is uniqe but short and was added like 2 weeks ago,nothing of note changed


Apr 8, 2018
why does it feel like Sharpx19 is the devs alt account? Fanboying is one thing but this level of sycophancy could be achieved only if the dev was paying someone to defend him. But since we know dev likes his money im guessing he does it himself. The ignore button works for everyone.
He believes in the game and its future, this is his point of view, he is not proving something to you, in fact he is convincing himself, simple psychology.
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Active Member
Jun 30, 2017
interesting how people confuse respecting another human being and their feelings as fanboying. guess treating people kindly is so alien now, especially on the internet.
No, you posting almost exclusively on this thread (only 2 out of 35 post you made are not in this thread) and almost blindly defending developer regardless of how justified criticism is what made people say you're fanboying... or suspect you of being Crushstation's alternate account.

minimally there has to be a delicate balance between criticism and support.
Support should be earned. Not given blindly due to wishful thinking. Yes, this game had a lot of potential but lack of any worthwhile development over last year or so made any support to be nothing but wishful thinking.


Mar 25, 2018
Be honest with me,does it matter if they lose motivation?It's not like there are any updates that are worth while either way


Mar 25, 2018
I don't think you get it. If everyone gets mad that the game had no significant updates in 2 years. And we ALL say "f-you crush you god damned rip off artist con man" and keep putting him down. Then supposing he was not a rip off artists and just wasn't working very smart, he will be very discouraged, very upset, and all the hate/pressure will just shut him down. Most people won't respond to others hating their work very well or assassinating their character very well. They will lose motivation.

This means you SHOULD be thanking me. profusely thanking me, for being one of the people not outright doing this and treating him like a human being so he might want to continue developing the game you are all so entitled to.

*waiting for my thanks*
I don't think you understand that this man ears over 4k every month,and to put that into perspective,your doctor does not earn that much,or anywhere close to it,yet you don't go around texting them daily saying thanks,even if you are fully healthy and they do nothing
You want me to thank him for taking money and doing nothing,that's just not how it works
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Jan 14, 2018
This was extensively addressed in my 11-page turnaround plan available .
Possibly a dumb question, but were you planning on implementing every idea in this, or were they just proposals? I wasn't totally sure as some of these points seem to overlap (e.g. temporary removal of backstory options and permanently removing some options - could call everything switched off a temp. removal with the possibility of it getting cut. Unless you're 100% on removal, I guess). Or others could end up being a mix (e.g. writing long on main story and just writing templates for side events - it sounds like you're kinda doing the latter anyway if you do the former)?


Dec 21, 2019
I don't think you understand that this man ears over 4k every month,and to put that into perspective,your doctor does not earn that much,or anywhere close to it
Everything else aside, I don't know what medical doctors make where you live, but Crush lives in the US so far as I know, and in the US the average doctor's salary is $294k/year (see link below), or $24.5k/month. The $4k/month Crush's Patreon brings in (before taxes, which are higher as he has to pay self-employment payroll tax on it in addition to regular) is $48k/year, which is not exactly a huge pile of money, especially for someone who writes code for a living.

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May 9, 2018
I don't think you understand that this man ears over 4k every month
Almost 5k. He had something like $4900/month at the start of this week and now he's down to $4700. Seems our posts here make some sort of effect x) But yeah, we have to also keep in mind that its not that he claims his hands on that sum in its entirety, there are taxes, he has to share with other members of his development crew. Still a handful sum tho in average and more than enough to consider putting more effort into progression of your game, not backtracking. Which seems he did with that MFAGA thing. Let's just hope its not only mere words to cloud our judgment yet again/buy some more time.

Crouching Koala

New Member
Apr 28, 2017

I am not one of your patrons, but I have been silently following your game (and this thread) for ages.

I just want to say that I've had my own experience of being stuck in obsession with my own weird standard of perfection in my work, and know how toxic and stressful it can be. Communicating with and accepting help from others can be very important in overcoming such self-poisoning tendency, and it's good to see that you are taking such path.

There are many skeptics out there who think that you are purposefully milking, which is completely reasonable doubt at this point, and it is something that you simply have to live with. Only thing that will bring them back on your side would be to deliver on what you promised this time. I personally think that engaging them in this thread right now is a bad idea; it will do nothing but boil up their emotion (and possibly yours) further.

All the negativity can really add up and get to you, and I just wanted to let you know that there are "silent majority" that believe in you. I thank you for your work so far, and hope that you find a way to achieve the level of productivity that you aspire. When that day comes, I will meet you again as one of your patrons. Good luck.

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
It matters if he quits... I would like to play this game. I just don't think attacking his character helps toward that goal... and I'm trying to point out there is a requirement for criticism *and* support... no extremes of either; both are valuable. by support i don't mean blindly following someone. i mean disagreeing without being an ass i guess :LOL: like "hey we should be in bangkok by now, you should have had an outline for the story etc, but i can be nice to you still and even empathize with the difficult challenges you've had." i dunno what else to tell you.

i hope crush releases an outline and intro to bangkok soon so he can back up his claim that he's been listening and will change how development proceeds.
People have been saying "just do Bangkok already!" for the past year. But yeah, sure, this time it will make a difference. :rolleyes:


Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
Possibly a dumb question, but were you planning on implementing every idea in this, or were they just proposals? I wasn't totally sure as some of these points seem to overlap (e.g. temporary removal of backstory options and permanently removing some options - could call everything switched off a temp. removal with the possibility of it getting cut. Unless you're 100% on removal, I guess). Or others could end up being a mix (e.g. writing long on main story and just writing templates for side events - it sounds like you're kinda doing the latter anyway if you do the former)?
Not a dumb question. The plan is to implement all the "Proposed Solutions", i.e.:
  • Streamline the backstory (in progress)
  • Streamline the story (in progress)
  • Create plot outlines (in progress)
  • Clean up the layer architecture (done)
  • Simplify the avatar (done but needs more content)
  • Finalise the game mechanics (in progress)
  • Write long, outsource wide (in progress)
  • Create content templates (in progress)
  • Temporarily reduce nationalities from five to one (done)
  • Crush daily admin (working on it)
  • Crush R&R (working on it)


Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
I'm personally going to take some time out of this thread, so if anybody has any questions for me you can interact on Discord ( Crushstation#8544 ), Patreon, or (soon) via the FAQ function on the . Thanks to everybody who contributed ideas and feedback here, and to everybody who's interested in my little RPG.


Dec 9, 2019
Cool, after all that maybe you'll be able to work on the Dubai scene again for the 5th time, then rework character creation again, and then implement a region correct naming system for our childhood pet that's mentioned once, then start on working on a plan for implementing a workflow to begin the process of investigating the potential start of the Bangkok storyline, after updating the Dubai scene to account for the pet name, which will require rewriting character creation again, which will require redoing the plans for thinking about starting Bangkok..........
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