I think it's best to understand that this is essentially a hobby. People have different degrees of commitment to their hobby, but many people drag on the same project for weeks, they simply don't have a deadline set so they just enjoy the process more than anything else.
I haven't see anything to suggest this project is treated as a *job* not a hobby
Okay, be that as it may. I don't expect him to update the game every other week. However, he has been writing for years at this point. Plenty of time to figure out what works for you and what doesn't. You have to have an idea where you want the story to end up or how to actually get the writing done in a timely fashion. To me it sounds like he is still grasping for a method on how to organize or how to lay out scenes beforehand. He has great ideas for different parts of the game, but nothing goes together, so we have these disconnects.
For about a year now every update seems to evolve more around clothing items than actual content. The artist who does it is good. I don't want to discredit her in any way, but do people care about this level of detail? Especially when the clothing has no impact on the scenes. This isn't the Sims and it isn't Girl Life or Life Choices. For those games it works great, because they have an idea what they want the clothing to do. In FA it is just there. Like all the other mechanics are just there, but don't do anything.
I really don't understand where the focus lies and what the big picture is. It took years to get to Bangkok and now that were are finally there, the story gets more and more linear and all is forgotten. No more skills, traits, kinks or backstory. At some point there was talk about other people contributing text and story archs. How did that turn out? I believe this was one of the reasons they changed to another code at some point.
Somebody already suggested scrapping the agent part of the game and maybe that isn't such a bad idea. The college stuff was nice, the kinks and everything did play into different scenes and even a trip to Dubai or Bangkok would be feasable. To me it seems that there is a giant disconnect between the content that is there or used to be there and what the game wants to be. I mean, the agent stuff has been dialed back and you wouldn't even know that you're an agent, had you not played the game from a few years back. At this point you are a western girl in Thailand fucking around with gangsters. No more, no less. Now that you have even installed cameras there isn't even a need for you to be there any more.