
Jan 21, 2018
I've had various different bosses over years, and they discussed progress with me as bosses should. However, none of my bosses (*since my early 20s) had ever been able to do my job better than I do.

Additional details: They all wanted it done faster. I was almost always on time.

I doubt that many other people's experience is radically different from what I just posted, and I would be absolutely shocked if I was the only one who could say any of that. Also I think the conversation is so silly that it would make the thread better once it's deleted in a few days or so. I can't imagine someone refusing to tell George R.R. Martin that he could finish "The Winds of Winter" sooner to suit their tastes, simply because he's a better writer.

**Also don't think I'm comparing you to Martin, Crush, except for how you are both quite slow in recent years.

***Additionally, this conversation has been had before, and all points have been answered before, but it was deleted.
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Sep 28, 2022
I make a point that if I criticize someone's efforts that I better be damn sure I could do it better.
That's not a healthy way of thinking, stranger. There are things that are pretty self evident, e.g. none of us are playing in the World Cup but are we allowed an opinion on the matches? I think everyone is entitled to an opinion, but obviously a qualified opinion carries more weight. Heck, there's literally a whole industry doing reviews (food, film, art critics etc) who cannot exceed the level of the artist.

Long story short, critics exist but main difference is being able to sift through what's constructive criticism. So far, I'm reading the main issue is timeliness, not quality. What's unfair about that? The logical fix would be better project management, not asking the critic to become a writer eh? It's how you respond that leads to growth, like Messi overcoming hormone and height deficiency. But let's be frank, this isn't ever meant to be Shakespeare.

Quality is subjective but quantity is measurable. Please Crush, if you're reading this, aim for a balance between the 2? It's disappointing to come back here to read yet another delay for a release due Sept (his own plan, unless I'm imagining things). He's already broken the report to task level, only thing missing is setting actual dates to each task. E.g. For release in Sept, scene 1 deadline needs to be 1 Aug latest. SMART goals, go Google them.

My qualification to make this comment is I'm old enough to fap, so have met enough deadlines to understand what is accountability. Hope that's good enough? Of course, the alternative is to get Crush to reveal his qualifications then we get into pissing contest of who has the best literature degree?

Kevin Smarts

Well-Known Member
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Game Developer
Jul 21, 2017
Oh, it is a valid argument. I make a point that if I criticize someone's efforts that I better be damn sure I could do it better.

If I make a point to an electrician/plumber that I didn't like their work it is because I have a problem with their efforts. It shouldn't be surprising to you that people want to put in the minimum effort to get paid.

It is far easier to half-ass finish something but this is clearly not what this developer is doing. So it's easier to just release something on time. But they didn't. So how do you explain that?
I've recieved criticism for my electrical work, my plumbing and my game making form many people who could not do it nearly as well as me. Now sure most of the time they were wrong and I've either explained that to them, ignored them or been rude to them depending on circumstances but you know what? Sometimes they have been correct, its difficult to then admit that despite my brilliance (that's a lot to despite right there) I am not always perfect and some times people can see through the cracks and tell me (yes, me) that I could be doing something better and I could.It is only due to my world leading humility that I am able to admit to these rare and I'm sure surprising flaws. I hope that one day Crush can humble brag as wonderfully as I can but I fear he lacks the talent that oozes from me (sometimes as an inexplicable green slime).

I do understand that you will find a reply to this hard as you only critize those you can out do and I am such a paradigm of human virtue, so as the soul human capable of doing anything better than me I will reply on your behalf...

Kevin you are a dick, stop telling everyone how great you are, you suck. I hate you and your mum is a slut, I hope you die.

As you can see, I captured your tone perfectly. Now if you wish you my bask in my glory but no more than 5 minutes, others are waiting.


New Member
Dec 28, 2018
My opinion is the development is very good but it is very perfectionist literally I have been following it since 2018 approximately, I have been waiting to see what happens after the main character gets on the commercial plane, I understand how development lapses vary although the standard is usually between 3 months to 4 months most have other jobs this is more of a hobby for many, I consider that in this project there are no big problems to create new scenes, although I understand that it uses a different engine to the most used ones like renpy and unity I think that the main challenge is the block that all writers have when creating a work I have seen how the artistic style has changed, it has had interesting variations like the character background along this time but in essence the story has not advanced.

Marlin Brandy

Aug 18, 2018
I've received criticism for my electrical work, my plumbing and my game making from many people who could not do it nearly as well as me. Now sure most of the time they were wrong and I've either explained that to them, ignored them or been rude to them depending on circumstances but you know what? Sometimes they have been correct, it's difficult to then admit that despite my brilliance (that's a lot to despite right there) I am not always perfect and sometimes people can see through the cracks and tell me (yes, me) that I could be doing something better and I could. It is only due to my world leading humility that I am able to admit to these rare and I'm sure surprising flaws. I hope that one day Crush can humble brag as wonderfully as I can but I fear he lacks the talent that oozes from me (sometimes as an inexplicable green slime).

I do understand that you will find a reply to this hard as you only criticize those you can out do and I am such a paradigm of human virtue, so as the sole human capable of doing anything better than me I will reply on your behalf...

Kevin you are a dick, stop telling everyone how great you are, you suck. I hate you and your mum is a slut, I hope you die.

As you can see, I captured your tone perfectly. Now if you wish you my bask in my glory but no more than 5 minutes, others are waiting.
Kevin you are a dick, stop telling everyone how great you are, you suck. I hate you and your mum is a slut, I hope you die. I have corrected your terrible spelling, thus proving to the forum that I am indeed outdoing you and, in fact, capable of doing this better than you. So I shall once again propose the challenge to you: If you want to criticize me, why don't you try to do better? Neener neener!
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Jan 21, 2018
Good points raised while I slept. To elaborate on one of them: Who exactly is the judge of who can and can't do better work than someone else? You? Me? The author? A tribunal? Again most of us are just names on a screen to others.

It's rather obvious that most people lack objectivity concerning their own work, and other people can see flaws in my work much more easily than I see in my own. Most people realize this sometime during their teenage years, and this is why someone else generally takes a look at work before we release it.

But this wasn't what it was about at all, really. Instead, the whole driving force behind, "you have to do it better before you can criticize it" is the same old condescension towards anonymous posters, and plain old acrimonious knee-jerk response to criticism, that has been slithering through the thread for a few years now (repeatedly deleted of course). Put in other words, someone wants to keep saying, "and Crush has more talent in one butt-hair than they have in their whole bodies," many times, and they want to keep saying it long past when it was first implied, so many years ago. It was questionable as posting content the first time, less interesting the thousandth time.

Yes, much of what is said around here is unfair, some of it quite obviously so, but two wrongs don't make a right, and it just feeds into it to raise such invalid arguments in response and then to belabor them long past the one or two statements needed to reject them. Instead, there is a tendency to lump all critique here into being just an extension of the least valid thing said, and then some equally invalid point is raised to attack all critique here. This has happened repeatedly and through essentially identical methods and language for years now in this thread, and it lacks too much to appear so often.

There is a classy way to respond to criticism, and there are some completely classless ways as well. We've seen both around here, but it's just Internet "business as usual" to argue endlessly in support of an invalid point that was rejected long ago and which was at best tangential to start with. Again that word "tangential," appearing so often in the deleted posts in this thread. And of course the mocking responses that appear in the posts that belabor this invalid point, it makes the motivation clear. But no, I get it, only Shakespeare can come back from the dead to criticize Crush. All other critiques will be first mocked invalidly, and then deleted. But let us not continue to torment this already tortured soul, and yes there is only one soul that can be seen as tortured in this world. No others need apply.
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Jan 21, 2018
Still, let me not be guilty of a couple of sins.

First, false equivalency. Many of the critiques attacked in this thread are superior to the responses that they have received.

Second, falling for the bait-and-switch. I have seen the work of perfectionists before. It tends to be complete within the scope of their vision, and they tend to take a long time to get there, getting caught up in details, deleting repeatedly and re-starting. We've largely accepted the statement that perfectionism is the sole cause of lateness here, but I am not entirely convinced of that. It may contribute, but I suspect I could find greater factors contributing to lateness if I knew the details.


May 15, 2018
It is far easier to half-ass finish something but this is clearly not what this developer is doing. So it's easier to just release something on time. But they didn't. So how do you explain that?
I mean, I could try explaining that it is a lot more effort to do good enough to a deadline instead of doing good enough months after a deadline. Or that I know writers that actually can do that, put in the effort to deliver good enough to a deadline.

But let me instead go with: only an absolute piece of total shit would insinuate people who do keep deadlines must have half-assed it. And that insinuation is core to your pretense of an argument that Crush not keeping a deadline must be a good thing.


Jan 21, 2018
I also haven't entirely got this out of my system yet. I can guarantee that nobody lives by the "you have to do better before you can complain" rule, but if someone does, then I want to sell stuff to you, including ocean-front property in Arizona.

Let's explain this: we can say that you're not a car mechanic for purposes of discussion. If you take your car to the mechanic, they can put your car out back, rip parts off and sell them, then charge you for "fixing" your car when it is missing most of the parts. If you complain, they can say "You're no mechanic, go ahead and try to fix it yourself and see if you can do better. By the way, here's my bill LOL!"

Let's say you don't like a movie. You are stuck with it and have to stufu unless you get a millions-dollar budget and make a better movie. If you can't do that, you have to shrug in silence instead of saying what you think.

Let's say you don't like a television show, again you have to stufu, either that or get in with a broadcasting or streaming company, hire a creative team, and go at it. We all know that you don't do that. It's not a position. It's not an argument. It's just a piece of poo thrown at the wall and called an opinion.
Apr 3, 2019
I genuinely don't understand why some "supporters" are trying to fight against the notion that "Things are going slow" when that is not just something that can easily be measured and compared to similar projects, but even the developer himself says things are going slow

Do you really want to try to use that nonsensical argument of "You need to do the same to prove that it could be better"? Well then why is the word of the one person that is doing that exact same thing not valid?

You can discuss whether or not it's being intentionally milked or not all you want, but seriously, don't be so daft to ignore even the words of your oh so beloved crab.


Jan 21, 2018
Yeah Crush has a progress tracker now, which I think was suggested here. Not sure if he has a legit coach or not but he needs one if he's really unhappy with his progress.


May 23, 2018
Its kind of wild to look back 100 pages and its all the same complaints. The amount of pointless systems and overhauls and content removals are out of this world. I didn't realize how bad it was til looking through earlier posts. At least we are in Bangkok now, but there is a severe lack of choice in every aspect...The rolls seem to achieve nothing of note fail or pass. The night raid goes off without a hitch no matter how badly you try to fuck it up.


Aug 30, 2017
Its kind of wild to look back 100 pages and its all the same complaints. The amount of pointless systems and overhauls and content removals are out of this world. I didn't realize how bad it was til looking through earlier posts. At least we are in Bangkok now, but there is a severe lack of choice in every aspect...The rolls seem to achieve nothing of note fail or pass. The night raid goes off without a hitch no matter how badly you try to fuck it up.
At this point, I see this more as a quasi-interactive erotic novel than game. Making the story line truly multi-linear is going to be near impossible. The best I can think of would be making it a sand-box-ish game.


Sep 29, 2019
One thing has to be mentioned, though. Slow development or not, Crush was the one giving a date for the new release. Several to be precise. He missed them. All of them. Not just by a few days, or a week or two, but by months. To give him the benefit of the doubt, he got COVID and took a few weeks off, but that doesn't excuse the abhorrent time management.

For months nothing got done. The deadline(s) passed and the closer we get to Christmas the faster the development gets. All of a sudden he only needs like one more scene to write in order to release the next version of the game before or during Christmas.

What a shocker. If only people could have predicted that. I like the game or more the idea of the game, but at this point it has become a joke. The writing is and always has been good, but he should consider writing a novel and releasing it in 20 years time, rather than making a game. Then again, no publisher would pay him for that period of time. Makes you wonder.

But hey, it seems like we're getting animated faces of some sorts. Not saying that's a bad thing, but the graphics have never been the issue. If he doesn't want to include other writers, fine. Then again, at some point they changed the engine to do exactly that. However, he should at least consider bringing in one or two more people to help him sort out the basic framework, a storyboard if you will and how to connect different parts of the game like the college stuff and the current events. At least he could concentrate on writing that way. Or bring someone in who does the coding and all you do is provide the text. I mean, he hired a graphic person to do that stuff, so the possibility exists.
Apr 3, 2019
This is being overly cynical of me, but I wonder if he actually has a plan for those other episodes (WHite Russian, Big Mac, Booth Babe).

Again: I'm being overly cynical but it sounds to me like he just set those names because, for lack of a better term, they sound cool, but he doesn't have any actual plan about them. Kind of like a movie director that says "hell yeah I want an intro with an attack helicopter sweeping over some field" but that's all they have.
Apr 23, 2017
This is being overly cynical of me, but I wonder if he actually has a plan for those other episodes (WHite Russian, Big Mac, Booth Babe).

Again: I'm being overly cynical but it sounds to me like he just set those names because, for lack of a better term, they sound cool, but he doesn't have any actual plan about them. Kind of like a movie director that says "hell yeah I want an intro with an attack helicopter sweeping over some field" but that's all they have.
Besides that, what is the actual meaning behind having 'side quests' in a linear part of the game?

If y'all remember we still far from entering open world. I'm implying that by having 'side quests' inside of linear part of the story, some players may refuse to take them for whatever reason, effectively nullifying all the meaning behind them. I didn't understand this decision the moment He announced it, and to this day I still can't wrap my mind around this decision.

Perhaps he means something else, time will tell.
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