So you can name 2 games out of 1000 on this site? You recognize this is not disagreeing with anything I said?
That is because don't I play that many games... but of the limited number of developers whose games I play (which is less then 10), three of them are providing updates regularly.
a) I said there are a few who do faster than 3 month updates
- But usually: the game is real porn.
- But usually: the game is browser based/RPGM with limited or bad graphics.
- Sometimes the developer is just good (Star Knightess Aura etc).
None of the games are mentioned use real porn. One is RPGM with limited graphic (but then again, FA is browser based game with extremely limited graphic) and others use fully rendered 3D art.
b) I said it's possible for crush to update in 1 month, but this has a potential to lead to burnout.
You basically said the exact same thing: "releasing monthly updates for their games and have been doing that for 4+ years before they slowed it down to bi-monthly updates." Sure, different people will begin to slow it down at different times but eventually everyone slows down and everyone will have different tolerances for how much they can work before burning out.
Yeah, they slowed down but both of those games are in their 60's (one is closing on 70 update) for number of updates and that slow down didn't happen until version number hit mid 50's... not to mention that one of those developers also released FIVE other complete games during those 5+ years! And none of those games are short games either! And the reason for going from monthly to bi-monthly wasn't burnout... it was the fact that games because too complex with way too many moving parts so it was getting harder to do all the work needed.
And that doesn't account for that last developer that is closing ending on it's third game (he also started working on his fourth game) and is still releasing fully rendered 3D animations on bi-weekly schedule.
Within the realm of what is reasonable as opposed to what is strictly possible on paper: 1 month updates are reasonable, but so are 2 months, and 3 months I would say is at the very limit of what is reasonable? But this would include the 1 month of editing that Crush wants to do. It's not 3 months to compose the update, and then 1+2 months of editing which is what Crush is currently doing.
We're talking about browser based text game with paperdoll avatar. Two months development for at most 20-30 minutes gameplay is borderline acceptable for that. Everything longer than that is absolutely unacceptable.
So let's say I agree with you that 1 month is reasonable. First crush would have to have the whole game story and all branching paths pre-written and planned. This can take maybe 3 months of writing? Just halt his patreon and compose everything before beginning individual updates again. The issue is crushtation will never do this and currently there is no evidence of pre-planning, when pre-planning would be a huge boon to production speed of updates. Which already puts a huge strain on the 1 month update cycle when you have to plan and write everything on the fly.
So in other words, Crush sucks at his job.
Also, even if 1 month were reasonable, the games update schedule is usually not dictated by the writing, it's almost always dictated by the art because that's what can take a longer time. If the artist needs 2 months to do all the art for the game, then guess what? The game is now on a 2 month update schedule. If one update becomes really art heavy with minimal reuse of previous art assets or lots of clothing choices, then the artist likely need 2 months. So why not just stick to a 2 month update schedule and stop pushing the 1 month schedule? You even said there was a good developer who did monthly updates and then switched to 2 month updates; clearly even the best developers have issues with sticking to an update every month.
How much are you willing to bet art takes that long due to artist not being able to start working on the art because Crush didn't provide any input into what he'll need for the update? And that once Crush provides that input it takes his artist only a week or two to complete the work? Because we're not talking fully rendered 3D animations or art... we're talking a 2D paperdoll!
IMO it's extreme to expect a monthly update schedule. While a good writer can probably write new content every month without pre-planning, I don't think Crush is a particularly strong writer capable of doing this, especially if he's indecisive as a character trait — you need to be very certain of yourself to write without planning. The only way 1 month updates would fly is if he had everything pre-planned. This is why I could never claim Crush can do 1 month updates, even though it's possible on paper with the right developer.
Well, now I wonder what is his strong side. It's not writing, it's not planing, it's not decisiveness...
I think I could compromise with you and agree 2 months is reasonable. But I'd still be happy with 3 months. This 4-5 month BS isn't justifiable at all though.
Two months with occasional three would be fine IF the updates take an hour or two to go through... but with updates taking at most 30 minutes, two months is stretching it.
I think the issue is that developers are usually not very moral people, but it's not a trait of developers, as much as it's a trait of regular normal society and people. Nobody studies morality or anything. So imperfect people will do things imperfectly... it's not to say crush is immoral, or that most people are immoral, but morality requires practice and awareness, and so to some degree you also need to study some concepts to be aware of them really.
If I were a developer, I would just be totally transparent with people giving me money. In other words, I'd release all my notes, pre-planned stuff, if people want spoilers they can go spoil themselves. I would be honest and say, "No way in hell am I working 8 hour weeks, even if my patreon is making 8k a month." But I would tell people this. I'd say I am working 5 hours a day. The rest of my day I spend on myself and relaxing. I take weekends off, and 2 months in the summer, and I have 2 weeks at christmas off. And still I would probably push out 2 month updates. But my point is I'd be honest about it. People don't like I make 8k a month and have a nice life? well.. I'm lazy by nature, these are the conditions I enjoy working in, and this way the updates are more quality based.
It's not just developers... it's patreons who keep throwing their money on people like Crush and so many others.