People can spend their money however they like, of course. But I can also be amused by the mass self-delusion of the faithful on his discord who find it creditable that crush is really staring at one sentence for hours on end -- which his stated hours and eventual word count would imply. He's so obviously lying (and perhaps lying to himself in the process) about the amount of work he does. Just the merest contact with the real world and the amount of writing, some of it of very high quality, that writers produce for columns, novels, newsletters and substacks, often on a weekly basis, reveals the simple truth: the work arrives at this pace because he wants it to, he very obviously gets something out of it, which is a decent sum of money per month for work he can interminably stretch out because he is paid either way, whether he releases something or not. His weekly updates read to me like an attempt to massage the gap in the minds of his patreons between the fantasy crush, editing away for grueling 11hr day after day, and the real crush who dawdles and dallies and does whatever he feels like on many days.